The following was published in Wellington newspaper City Voice, 21 April 1994

"NZ Anti-Vivisection Society

I refer to Ann Ballin's letter of 7 April.  From my observation none of the recent letters published in City Voice have addressed the issue of 'animal rights'.  It is incongruous that the spokesperson of ANZCCART writes about 'fostering informed and responsible discussion and debate' when she (wittingly or unwittingly) fails to distinguish between the animal rights argument and the medical and scientific argument that vivisection must be abolished because it constitutes danger to animals and humans alike.  The book ANIMAL RESEARCH  T A K E S  LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer exposes and clarifies this important distinction.

Phil Clayton
Mt Victoria"

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ANIMAL RESEARCH  T A K E S  LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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