Following publication of ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer, the vivisection community launched its own backlash, including the setting up of a vivisection lobby and propaganda group, the Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching (ANZCCART). . The following links are to documents produced by this backlash and their rebuttals. The documents produced by the vivisection industry contain many statements that are false and designed to mislead the public. They are on this website for information and reference purposes only and MUST be read in conjunction with their respective rebuttals.
Backlash | Rebuttal |
Letter to Editor of City Voice by Ann Ballin | |
2nd Letter to Editor of City Voice by Ann Ballin | |
Letter to Editor of Evening Post by Ann Ballin | |
ANZCCART Position Paper on ARTL | NZAVS Rebuttal |
Animal Research Saves Lives 2nd Edition | The book ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer still rebuts all statements made in that document. |