- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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ARSL 2nd Edition Pages 0, 21


"Where they have done the most immunising they are getting the most diphtheria."
(The Medical Officer for Health for Wath-on-Dearne - in a letter published in the South Yorkshire Times, March 2 1938.)

In Blood Poison (Vaccination Explained) investigator Patrick Rattigan states that diphtheria vaccinations became centered on the practice of re-diagnosis which, he says, became essential as diphtheria cases occurred in an alarming number of vaccinated people.

Prior to the introduction of antitoxin in 1895, diagnosis, says Rattigan, was based on clinical symptoms only, i.e. only those who actually had diphtheria were classed as diphtheria cases.  After 1895 the diagnosis was based on throat swabs.  Since many diphtheria patients do not exhibit the relevant bacteria, they were adjudged to have died of something else, and so the vaccine was fraudulently claimed effective.  Conversely the many otherwise healthy people who often had diphtheria in their throats were said to have survived diphtheria.

As a result of re-diagnosis where cases of mild sore throats were classed as diphtheria the total of recorded cases of diphtheria increased whilst the recorded mortality rate automatically fell.  Thus falsification of the facts resulted in the vaccine being incorrectly heralded as effective.

In contrast to ARSL's claims (page 19 ARSL) the following graph shows how the incidence of diphtheria in Britain showed a dramatic decline prior to the mass immunisation programmes of the 1930s.

"In the late 1940s it was noticed in Britain and Australia that diphtheria vaccination was leading to paralytic polio.  A Government inquiry found that over one third of cases of paralytic polio in children under the age of two occurred within three months of diphtheria vaccination."
(NAVS, UK, Campaigner, March 1988.)

"During a 1969 outbreak of diphtheria in Chicago, four of the sixteen victims had been fully immunized against the disease."
(Dr Robert S. Mendelsohn, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, page 232.)

ARSL's unsubstantiated and emotional assertions in referring to diphtheria, that "thousands of British children died unnecessarily in the agony which is part of this horrific disease" reveals that the publishers of the booklet are deliberately suppressing the evidence.  For instance in One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection Hans Ruesch writes:

"Reports on the crushing failures which one has in fact had most recently with diphtheria serum and vaccination have been provided by, among others, Prof. W. Stoelzner, Director of the University Hospital in Koenigsberg (DMW, 1929) and Prof. Dr Friedberger, Head of the Institute of Public Health and Immunity Studies in Dahlem.  Friedberger stressed to the Pediatrics Association the total uncertainty about the scientific justification for diphtheria inoculation, the unreliability of the figures produced in support of inoculation, and quoted in evidence of the failure of inoculation and the fact that out of 100 inoculated children who nevertheless contracted the disease, precisely as many died as did from 100 children who contracted the disease without being inoculated.  An accusation made by Prof. Czerny at the Association for Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Berlin also casts a revealing light on the question of diphtheria inoculation: 'All doctors have been dragged into diphtheria inoculation, because a pressure was applied which was almost a compulsion'."
(One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection, page 189.)

Dr George Wilson, President of the British Medical Society is quoted in the British Medical Journal as saying the following at the Annual General Meeting of that Society in 1899 proving yet again how vivisection is carried out for the advancement of commercial interests - despite its potential hazard to human health.

"The much-praised serum treatment for diphtheria does not even enjoy the general approval of the doctors in the hospital in our Capital city.  The whole of bacteriological theory and practice is closely tied up with commercial interests. Behring has had his diphtheria serum patented on the Continent, Kock has made a princely income from his Tuberkulin..."
(Hans Ruesch, One Thousand Doctors (and many more) Against Vivisection, page 234.)


"I consider that vivisection is unscientific... May the day hasten when vivisection will be looked upon as a great tragedy enacted principally by an unillumined medical profession upon whose shoulders such great responsibilities and sacred privileges rest."
(Gordon Latto, M.B., Ch. B.)


Graph of diphtheria death rate in children in Britain over time (15k)


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