- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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Canine distemper, say world experts on the rearing of dogs, results from incorrect diet, and unnatural orthodox treatment of the animals by drugs and vaccines.  In Switzerland many leading veterinary surgeons oppose distemper vaccination on the grounds that it gives no protection and undermines health.  In Israel popular veterinary opinion is that it is useless and often gives the disease to animals who may otherwise never have contracted it.

Distemper, hard-pad, parvovirus, mange and many other diseases destroy hundreds of pets every year because the vet called in by the trusting 'owner' frequently says that nothing can be done, for he will not try herbal remedies that have stood the test of countless centuries in many countries.  Juliette de Bairacli Levy, world renowned specialist, consultant and author of herbal and natural care, rearing and cure of animals, has demonstrated that though many breeders have had their entire kennels wiped out through canine distemper, and many 'owners' lost their pets repeatedly from the disease, there is a proven herbal treatment which can be easily administered.  With this herbal formula top kennels in the U.S.A., Switzerland, Germany and Holland, and kennels belonging to the British aristocracy, have reported curing distemper speedily and completely.  Similarly, top breeders whose names and addresses can be supplied are agreed that animals can be snatched from the brink of death from this hitherto fatal disease by applying the same natural and herbal treatment, the fundamental concept of which is practised by many veterinarians who espouse its guiding principles.

Juliette de Bairacli Levy has proven that veterinary herbal treatments are applicable to all animals without exception.  She says it is ironical, that basing their findings on unnatural, unscientific and illogical laboratory tests on rats during which massive amounts of herbs are forced upon them, the ruling veterinary body of the United Kingdom is attempting to ban the use of many long-proven herbs, such as comfrey, sage and poppy.



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