- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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Juliette de Bairacli Levy considers parvovirus, a gastro-intestinal virus which affects dogs, "the worst canine ailment of all time". She is not alone in advising against the use of vaccination which she says is:
"A totally unnatural treatment since it can well be a root cause of cancer and diabetes, formerly unknown in the canine world but now commonplace."
Many breeders and a growing number of veterinarians agree that if vaccination money were instead spent on the provision of natural foods, from whole-grain cereal products to fresh raw meat, the health decline seen among modern dogs would be halted. In her long experience she says she has never known a death from parvo from those thousands world-wide who follow strict natural rearing for their dogs.
It would be inappropriate in a work of this nature, and neither is there room, to give in details symptoms of parvo, or the natural care which Levy claims is successful if given quickly to the stricken animal. However as parvovirus is presented on page 8 of Animal Research Saves Lives as an excuse for vivisection the following extract from Breeders and Kennel Owners, of a report of dramatic recovery from the disease through application of Levy's herbal treatment speaks for itself:
(Name and Address Supplied.)
"Parvo virus was rife in this area (Newcastle). Hundreds of dogs died. Pups under three months were the worst hit. The vets were almost begging dog-owners to have the inoculation against parvo though many reports flooded in saying that it did not work. When dogs in our kennels showed symptoms we fasted them and used the herbal compound tablets and cayenne pepper, and castor-oil and then gruel (tree bark, roots, etc) and liquid diet. We took the most drastic action as quickly as possible. My friend, who breeds German shepherds, had dogs worse than mine, with profuse bleeding in stools and dehydration, and the glazed and blood-shot eyes peculiarity."
Going on to describe their many animals and methods, (both kennels practised strict natural rearing, refusing to consider inoculation) she continues:
"All our dogs recovered within four days of the cure, with improved health and vitality. The bitches now have beautiful litters, are all strong and healthy and a credit to our kennels and to natural rearing."
Says Levy of parvo vaccine:
"I am of the opinion that Pasteur-inspired vaccine therapy makes misleading promises. Promises are given that if vaccines are used against this and that disease there will be total immunity. The countless vaccine failures have proved that this is not a reliable contract."
A renowned breeder of Afghan hounds Levy says she concentrates on natural foods, medicines and hygienic rearing. P.R. Moxon writing in Shooting Times said:
"Countless kennels and dog-owners worldwide have proved her right in her methods, treatment and theory."
Juliette de Bairacli Levy has the following to say about vivisection:
"One of my greatest inspirations has always been my detestation of vivisection. I am tired of the arguments in favour of this unnatural branch of unnatural chemical medicine, arguments sponsored by the vast sera manufacturing firms. There was need to demonstrate conclusively that medicinal herbs are far superior in results to vaccines and chemo-therapy based on experiments on animals."
Dr Elliott Katz, Veterinarian (U.S.) in CIVIS Foundation Report, Nr. 2, Summer 1998:
"You and I are being lied to by the animal research establishment when they tell us all this cruelty is "necessary" for scientific research. We are being fed this lie by people who make a living of their practices behind closed doors at universities and scientific institutes: by people who are deeply interested in keeping things in this six-billion-a-year business just the way they are."