- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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DPT: Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Tetanus.  (Three in one vaccine.)

SIDS: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  (Cot death.)

In 1986 Jennifer Hyman, reporter on the Rochester, U.S.A. Democrat and Chronicle (who had previously carried out medical investigations in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand's psychiatric hospitals), headed a team of researchers into hundreds of authoritative scientific studies of the many anguished parents whose children had died or were permanently injured after receiving DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccinations.  $US12.7 million had been paid out in claims against vaccine companies.  For five months Hyman and her team of investigators interviewed leading doctors and experts in the field, both in the U.S.A. and other countries.

The result was a five-part series of stories which were presented in five sixteen page full-size newspapers entitled "Children at Risk: the DPT Dilemma" published by the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, April 1987.  It is chilling and terrifying reading.

"Parents need to be educated so that they don't just accept these vaccines as innocuous substances."

said Barbara Loe Fisher, mother of a vaccine-damaged child, founder of the support group DISSASTISFIED PARENTS TOGETHER and co-author of DPT: A Shot in the Dark.

"Children at Risk: DPT Dilemma.  Vaccine - The Protection That Can Be Poisonous."

The above headlines the front page of Democrat and Chronicle dated April 1987.  And on page 3:

"Because serious vaccine reactions are grossly under-reported the true incidence is probably considerably higher than public health officials and the medical community are generally willing to acknowledge."... "Before the sun goes down in New York State, a baby will be rushed to the emergency room in convulsions and will end up with a needle in its spinal cord because of this goddamn vaccine."

Says Dr Kevin Geraghty, pediatric immunologist who criticises the method of testing the vaccine which is thus:

Each batch of pertussis vaccine is tested on mice which are injected with the vaccine then 'challenged' with pertussis bacteria directly into the brain.  The vaccine's potency is judged on the basis of how many mice die and how many survive.  To determine the safety of the vaccine for children, it is injected into the abdomens of young mice, which are observed to see if they continue to gain weight.  If they gain a specific amount of weight the vaccine is said to be safe!  In DPT: A Shot in the Dark the mouse toxicity test is dismissed outright:

"The sad fact is that after more than 40 years of subjecting pertussis vaccine to the mouse toxicity test, children are still dying and being brain-damaged after the vaccine has passed this test."

"Drug manufacturers and the FDA have known since at least the early 1960s that the mouse toxicity test bears little relation to adverse reactions in children.  Knowing that the vaccine was not being properly evaluated for toxicity, they continued to inject it into more than sixty million children during the following twenty years..." say the authors of DPT: A Shot in the Dark.

"Every week 67,000 children in the USA receive a shot of DPT vaccine.  It's about as routine as getting a dental checkup.  Most states, except New York, require it.  Parents don't question it.  Few of them are aware of the potentially toxic side-effects of pertussis vaccine.  Doctors don't tell them that in addition to pain, swelling and high fever, it can cause shock, convulsions, brain-damage and death.  Some doctors regard the vaccine as so dangerous they will not give it to their own children.  Public health officials warn of whooping cough epidemics if parents fail to vaccinate their children.  But the disease is not the virulent killer it once was.  Nor does the vaccine guarantee a child won't get it."
(Dr Kevin Geraghty, Democrat and Chronicle, April 1987.)

"If your baby dies it will be your fault"... a Blenheim doctor told an NZAVS member who said "No" to vaccination.  The excessive pressure brought to bear on parents by the pharmaceutical giants to have their babies vaccinated places many of them in a dilemma, tearing families apart, mothers and fathers often disagreeing on the issue.  Before succumbing to the cleverly orchestrated, profit motivated propaganda to have their babies 'jabbed' New Zealand parents are advised to read the October 1989, Vol. 2, Issue No. 1, of The Immunisation Awareness Society in which Hilary Butler presents an article about pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination entitled "Facing The Facts" which gives a staggering amount of information.

Reporting results of investigation on the dangers involved in the pertussis part of the three-in-one vaccine the above article is impressive for the weight of research involved, terrifying for those who still have faith in vivisection-based medicine, and unlike ARSL its claims are meticulously sourced.  "Facing The Facts" explodes the myth of the validity of animal-based and tested vaccines, lists the horror of the numerous catastrophes which include thousands of deaths, reveals the lawsuits, the graft and the shifty dealings of advisers and consultants on the payrolls of the producers of the vaccine who promote the product in full knowledge of the dangers involved.

"Facing The Facts" can be obtained from:

The Immunisation Awareness Society
PO Box 56-048


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