- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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"Pertussis vaccine is not accidentally or occasionally toxic.  It is intrinsically toxic."
(Prof. Gordon Stewart, Pertussis Vaccine: The United Kingdom's Experience, International Symposium on Pertussis, U.S. Dept H.E.W., November 1-3 1978.)

DPT: A Shot in the Dark is essential reading exposing the deceit and cover-ups taking place in the behind-the-scenes vivisection/vaccination fraud.  No parent should vaccinate their child before reading: DPT: A Shot in the Dark by Barbara Loe Fisher and Harris Coulter.

(This expose of the DPT vaccine scandal which resulted from legitimate and lengthy media investigations of the families of damaged and dead babies and children was presented to the N.Z. Government at the Hearing of NZAVS Petition to Abolish Vivisection on March 20 1991, and is included in NZAVS Submission in Support of Petition to Abolish Vivisection.  The Government did not acknowledge the information.)

The informative NZAVS Submission is available from:

New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (Inc.)
PO Box 9387

(Price in New Zealand dollars, includes GST (within New Zealand) and postage and packaging.)

New Zealand$3.00
South Pacific$4.00
U.S.A., Canada, East Asia$5.00
Rest of the World$6.50

(Refer also to the section on whooping cough vaccine.)

As this work is completed more vaccine tragedies are being revealed:

  1. N.Z. Listener, October 28 1991 runs a story about Sophie O'Brien who is blind and cannot even sit.  Her brain damage is the result of triple vaccine.  (TVNZ, Tuesday Documentary, October 29 1991.)
  2. The Civil Abolitionist (U.S.A.), Spring/Summer 1991 tells of Thomas James Motta (Seattle/Canada) who died 33 hours after receiving DPT vaccine.  He was 20 months old.  The death certificate read "atypical sudden infant death syndrome".  Refusing to accept this his parents demanded a review of the autopsy which concluded that the pertussis element of the vaccine had "sensitized" the child's vital organs and they had ceased to function.  In a letter to the Seattle Times Thomas's mother revealed that the articles in scientific reviews claiming there is no link between DPT immunisations and deaths or injuries, failed to mention that the studies they referred to were funded by the manufacturer of the vaccine... Lederle Pharmaceuticals.
  3. The same batch of vaccine brain-damaged a child in Alaska.
  4. Taiwanese health officials have halted the use of DPT vaccine because three infants who received the inoculation "died soon after receiving the vaccine".
    (Extract from the article titled "Taiwan Stops Vaccines", Evening Post, March 13 1992.)

Damages from DPT vaccine are so numerous that the U.S. Government and the three pharmaceutical companies concerned established a compensation fund for the victims.

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