- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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Lead article in The Farm Report, magazine of the FARM ANIMAL REFORM MOVEMENT (FARM), Summer 1990 gave details of a massive study of the diet and disease patterns of 6,500 Chinese, conducted by a biomedical team headed by Dr T. Colin Campbell at the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.  Investigators revealed the merits of a diet free of all animal ingredients in preventing heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even calcium and iron deficiency!  Results of the study were published in The New York Times on May 8 1990.

In addition to confirming the results of earlier studies of the link between consumption of animal fat and meat and the incidence of the chronic "killer" diseases, this study exploded the meat and dairy industries' claim about the "superiority" of protein, calcium and iron from animal sources.  Whilst it is not possible to give details in the limited space available it is significant that Dr Campbell concluded his investigation with the following comments:

"The unprecedented number of subjects involved in the study validated the team's conclusion that we are basically a vegetarian species."

The following extracts are taken from Brave New Farm by Jim Mason.

The reader is able to effect change by demanding meatless meals and non-factory-farm products from - restaurants, hotels, airlines, caterers, school lunch services... and ALL OTHER PUBLIC FOOD OUTLETS.

"The cannibal goes out and hunts, pursues and kills another man and proceeds to cook and eat him precisely as he would any other game.  There is not a single argument or a single fact that can be offered in favour of flesh eating that cannot be offered, with equal strength, in favour of cannibalism."
(John Wynne-Tyson, "Superior Nutrition", The Extended Circle.)

The following facts are taken from the Pulitzer Prize nominated Diet for a New America by John Robbins.

How many acres of tropical rainforests are destroyed every minute for livestock farming?150 acres
How many trees spared per year by each individual who switches to a pure vegetarian diet?1 acre
What is the cause of demise of many great civilisations?topsoil depletion
How frequently a child dies of starvation?every two seconds
How many children starve to death every day?40,000
How many people will starve to death this year?60,000,000
How many people could be adequately fed by the grain saved if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 20%?60,000,000
How many pounds of beef can be produced on one acre of land?165
How many pounds of potatoes can be grown on one acre of land?20,000
How much water needed to produce one pound of wheat?25 Gallons
How much water needed to produce one pound of meat?2,500 Gallons
How long will the world's petroleum reserves last if all human beings eat meat?13 years
How long will the world's petroleum reserves last if all humans adapt to vegetarian diet?260 years

For the complete documentation and whole exciting story of how your food choices affect your health, happiness and the future of life on Earth order:

DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA, by John Robbins.

Distributed by M. Fox, PO Box 623, Spit Junction, NSW 2088, AUSTRALIA.  $A24.95 plus $4 Postage and Handling. (Multiple copies available at discount - write for details.)

How many people travelling behind a crowded cattle or sheep-truck have been sickened by the degrading spectacle of the victims of this hideous industry being carted to their deaths, which, in addition to being unnecessary and a handicap to human progress, causes so much misery and suffering to the animals and has the potential to damage the health of the consumer?

Those who oppose vivisection and strive for its abolition are not against scientific research, but against "animal" research.  We consider, rightly, that research and technology should focus on phasing out the farming of animals and replacing it with more efficient, more civilised and more acceptable production of alternative and superior foods more fitting to our transition to the 21st Century.

Fortunately vegetarianism is on the increase worldwide.  Great Britain expects a vegetarian population of 10% by the year 2000.  As populations acknowledge the merits of the health, economic and ethical change to vegetarianism, producers, food companies, restaurants, hospitals, the rest of the food establishment and particularly the farming and scientific community should now be catering for this fast-growing section of the community.

"He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils."
(Francis Bacon.)

Refer also to Chapters 9 AIDS and 16 Antibiotics.

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