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In The Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs And Cats Richard H. Pitcairn, DVM, PhD and Susan Hubble Pitcairn, agree with Juliette de Bairacli Levy that feline penleukopenia (or feline enteritis) is so similar to the canine parvovirus that veterinarians are commonly using the same treatment.  In the Complete Herbal Handbook For The Dog And Cat Levy blames the ailments of modern cats and kittens on the result of man's mismanagement.  Canned and packaged food, curtailed exercise, and air and water pollution, she says, causes feline distemper, hepatitis, feline infectious peritonitis, salmonella, feline leukemia.  Outlining her herbal treatments she says they can be applied to cats using smaller dosages than those used for dogs.

The refusal of Levy, to vaccinate or administer unnatural chemicals is shared by Dr Pierluigi Castelli, Director of an animal clinic in Italy, who says:

"Infectious enteritis in cats is also now a serious disease in dogs (known as parvovirus).  It is suspected that this is a mutation of enteritis in cats and that the virus escaped from laboratories producing vaccines and became pathogenic for dogs.  This demonstrates how experimental research deviates from the proper practice of medicine."

Refer also to Chapter 16 Antibiotics.



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