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Strong and substantial evidence is available criticising the premise upon which vaccination is said to prevent feline leukemia.  Dr Wendel Belfield, U.S. Orthomolecular Veterinary Physician wrote a widely acclaimed paper stating the necessity of nutrition and ascorbate in combating the growth of micro-organisms.1  His investigations and findings are borne out by many other veterinarians.  Dr Fukumi Morischige published a paper in Tokyo, Japan, in 1975 agreeing with Dr Belfield that the anti-body production occurs only when the immune system is depleted as a result of lack of ascorbate.  Similarly it follows that feline enteritis is now rarely seen in veterinary clinics as claimed in ARSL because:

  1. the kittens are of healthier stock, and
  2. that they are falling on better times in nutrition, housing, hygiene etc than the kittens of former days.
Vaccination, with its inherent dangers, cannot serve as a substitute for health.  But given the easy pickings and profits available for the asking in the vaccination industry by using scare-tactics displayed in ARSL, the pharma-chemi-vivi brigade falsely attribute the health that results from natural prevention, to the lucrative vaccination.  There is money in vaccination, but none in natural prevention.
(W. Belfield, Feline Leukemia - A Preventable Disease.)


1. Similarly Dr Frederick Klenner successfully prevented polio in human beings by using ascorbate (vitamin C).  Refer Chapter 5 Vaccination, Polio.  Refer also to Chapter 5 Vaccination, Measles.



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