The following was published in Wellington newspaper City Voice, 10 March 1994:
"As Brian Jones relates (23 Dec), the NZ Anti-Vivisection Society's 100,640 signature strong petition to abolish vivisection sparked off a government booklet Animal Research Saves Lives, aimed to stop the anti-vivisection movement in its tracks. Ann Ballin of ANZCCART (17 Feb) defends the booklet in an attempt to balance 'an emotional and poorly informed debate,' its issue being allegedly well received by the public. While it may have been gratefully received by the vivisection community, it has been widely criticised as an exercise in emotional blackmail, unsubstantiated claims, and blatant lies.
The booklet's inevitable rebuttal, ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer (Bette Overell, NZAVS, 1993) has been acclaimed by health professionals, scientists and organisations worldwide for its meticulous research and scientific data, providing a compelling case for abolition of vivisection.
Three months following publication of this book saw the formation of ANZCCART, which in its first two newsletters expressed concern that 'animal based science no longer holds an unchallenged place in our culture'; and its intention to keep societal attitudes to vivisection on the straight and narrow. To this end, it has invited the NZ Science Teachers Association to join its ranks, while promotional material for animal use in teaching and research is being prepared by the Royal Society here, as in Australia.
Little wonder then, that Ann Ballin sees public enlightenment regarding the function of vivisection as 'unfortunate'. Unfortunate indeed for ANZCCART and its affiliates which continue to reap substantial profits from animal experimentation. Ballin states that information contained in Animal Research Takes Lives is not found in established medical publications. Since the medical establishment is an integral part of the vivisection industry, it is hardly likely to publish information to its disadvantage. For the same reason, the medical establishment keeps the basic connection between animal research and this century's ever-growing number and variety of pharmaceutical drug and vaccine health disasters under permanent wraps.
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ANIMAL RESEARCH T A K E S LIVES - Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer