- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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The "vivisection industry". What is this?
Those sufficiently interested or concerned about animal experimentation, animal research or animal trials (all euphemisms for vivisection), should be mindful of the gigantic financial enterprises operating under its name, on the premise that it is bona-fide. These businesses depend for their very survival on continued public acceptance of the belief that vivisection is authentic and for this reason it is being defended by its protagonists as never before in history.
A glimpse at some of the fortunes and careers which would topple should the validity of vivisection be successfully challenged and its worthlessness exposed may tempt the diligent student to expand and improve the following example. That the limited space available in this work has been used to focus on the murky waters underlying this grotesque industry reflects its supreme importance to anyone investigating the subject of vivisection.
The reader is asked to contemplate for a moment the single laboratory mouse. One of the hundreds of thousands produced off the assembly line for vivisection. First, its origin, which is the tip of the iceberg of one of the world's biggest businesses. Charles Rivers, animal breeders in the U.S.A., with branches and subsidiaries all over the world, churns out billions of mice (and other species) and in-so-doing makes approximately twelve million dollars profit every year. Customers are invited to write for free colour brochures of animals of every imaginable species and condition. Seventeen surgical procedures ensure that mutilations are precisely to requirements. Old animals are sold from these animal supermarkets as "specials". Carworth Europe, which is associated with the Huntingdon Toxicological Research Centre advertises laboratory animals thus:
"The laboratory animal is the fundamental tool of the biomedical research worker upon which all his results and conclusions are based. The accuracy of their results of any type of research project can be reduced by the use of low or variable quality animals. If you want quality, reliability and service, contact Carworth Europe."
The Laboratory Animal Breeders Association of Great Britain advertise:
"Whatever species of laboratory animals you require you can, with confidence, deal with breeders with this symbol, which is a guarantee of service and reliability."
Other firms specialise in parts and organs of animals. The American Buyers' Guide, the Central Animals Distributors Ltd of Nottingham, U.K. and Shamrock Farms, U.K., and many other firms, in impressive colour brochures, guarantee to supply the vivisectors with animal parts or organs, of any species, in any condition.
Another international industry is that of the production of pathogen, or germ-free animals which are made by removing the mother's uterus under a hysterectomy hood, placing the newborn in an isolate and shifting it from there to a sterile cubicle. This necessitates the use of much expensive apparatus supplied by commercial firms which therefore have vested interests in vivisection. The germ-free animal involves massive profits in the production of hysterectomy hoods, transfer isolaters, rearing isolaters, special weighing apparatus, thermostat-controlled heaters, ventilation systems to guard against electricity cuts and many other items. It also involves cruelty of unprecedented proportions.
Other "specialist " animals breeders turn out animal models into which are induced simulated conditions supposed to mimic conditions in humans. For example the animal model of human rheumatism involves injecting irritant substances into the joints of animals thus creating a condition which is erroneously said to resemble human rheumatism. Other animals have artificially-damaged limbs to create simulated arthritis. These models are used to study health and disease regardless of the inaccuracies due to the differences between species, it being of no consequence to the vivisectors that a disease artificially created in the laboratory never has been and never will be, comparable with conditions arising in human beings from a battery of totally different reasons and origins.
New Scientist, January 12 1991 revealed that scientists at Harvard University in the U.S.A. recently created a mouse susceptible to cancer by "modifying" its genes. Though Clause 53B of the European Patent Convention prohibits patents on "varieties" of plants and animals it allows the patenting of "microbiological inventions"... and the modified mouse became an "invention". Consequently, on April 13 1988, patent number 4736866, the first patent ever allowed for a living mammal was granted to the University and Du Pont Chemical Company now has a licence to sell the "Oncomouse" to anyone interested in "cancer research". And so genetically-altered animals have become patentable as inanimate objects by men in white coats who have taken over from God, in a horrifying industry with spine-chilling potential which is far removed from making people better when they are sick.
But now a brief look at some of the necessities and essentials pertaining to the span of our little mouse's short and wretched existence:
And, at some of the fortunes made from it:
OVENS FOR LABORATORY ANIMALS... (Vivisection - A Profitable Industry.) The Frankfurt chemical giant, HOESCHT AG, recently submitted plans to the authorities for a burner installation for the disposal of 240 TONS OF DEAD LABORATORY ANIMALS. Questioned by the National Association of Animal Liberators as to the numbers and species involved, Hoescht AG refused to give the information, saying it was a "company secret". (Dennis B. Stuart, Rundbrief, ARK newsletter, U.K., March 1990.) |
All the items incidental to the birth and death of this victim of man's vicious calculations are highly competitively priced, patented, advertised, employing vast armies of people in many trades and professions. This includes the caps and gowns of the vivisectors who must be "trained" to the vivisection school of thought by way of the interconnected educational system. The resulting scholarships, exchange visits laboratory to laboratory around the world, the project grants, the international meetings, the prestige as one's work, no matter how trivial or worthless, is published. Regulatory agencies promote vivisection since they are made up of recipients of research grants and controlled by the top executives of the businesses they are paid to monitor.
The writer merely touches on the power, the profits and the people associated with and benefitting from, vivisection. And the final test, if you believe, as they would have you believe, that drugs tested on animals and found safe on them will also be safe for you, then you will (in the words of Prof. Croce) unhesitatingly consume prussic acid which is safe for porcupines, arsenic which is safe for sheep, cyanide which is safe for owls and deadly poisonous mushrooms which are safe for rabbits. And if you believe that drugs tested on animals and found dangerous on them will also be dangerous for you, then you would never take aspirin which kills cats or penicillin which kills guinea pigs.
But truth will out and our little mouse has the final word as an article comes to hand in Time Magazine, September 17 1990. This announces that after 35 years of injecting four hundred thousand chemicals into leukemic mice in search of a cancer cure, vivisectors are "giving up on the mice". Without laughing, David Korn, Chairman of the National Cancer Institute Advisory Board made the following statement:
Vivisection exists solely for financial and academic profit and the alert reader will have already precipitated the discrepancy dividing those who promote it and those who would have it abolished. For the former stand, were vivisection abolished, to lose salaries, comfortable jobs, lifestyles, academic acclaim and prestige whilst the latter, using their meagre personal resources make no financial gain, betterment or status, and never achieve literary fame since their papers are seldom if ever published. On the contrary they have everything to lose as they are jeopardised for opposing the accepted school of thought, based on greed and bigotry, to which they are expected, even forced, to adhere.
Significantly, whilst the former claim to "love" the animals they mutilate and poison to death between their bacon and egg breakfasts, meat pie lunches and chicken dinners, the latter seldom if ever claim, or profess to be "animal lovers". They do however lay strong and legitimate claim to recognition that vivisection constitutes the greatest social and scientific crime of all time, and that its perpetrators, either lawfully or unlawfully must be overthrown.
Were the producers of Animal Research Saves Lives as solicitous and "loving" of animals as they would have us believe they would immediately do the following:
The common denominator which prevents the above from happening is the "love" of profits which the above industries represent.
Photo: Courtesy Animal Liberation, Australia
A lucrative business. Like inanimate objects cartons of live animals await transportation to experimental labs.
Photo: Brian Gunn.
Intl. Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals.
Photo: Brian Gunn.
Intl. Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals.
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1. | Plaque (fatty deposits) are deposited in the liver. | Plaque (fatty deposits) are deposited in the blood vessels (leading to stroke and heart disease). |
2. | 3-year life span requires massive doses for drug/product testing - more than humans will ever use. | 72+ life span and consume drugs and chemicals in minute doses over a lifetime. |
3. | Imuran (Immunosuppressive) causes birth defects in mice. | Imuran does not cause birth defects in humans. |
4. | Manufacture Vitamin C in their bodies. | Can only obtain Vitamin C through the diet. |
5. | Lysodren (cancer chemotherapy) does not cause kidney damage in rodents. | Lysodren causes kidney damage in humans. |
6. | Continual pregnancy healthier for rodents. | Continual pregnancy in humans leads to nutritional depletion and disease |
7. | Hypersensitive to chlorine in minute doses. | Can stand chlorine in much larger doses. |
8. | Manufacture Vitamin B in the appendix. | Manufactures Vitamin B in the liver. |
9. | Myambutol (TB antibiotic) causes birth defects in mice. | Myambutol does not cause birth defects in humans. |
10. | Eliminate drugs from the body in 3 hours (faster elimination reduces drug danger). | Eliminate drugs in 72 hours. Increases danger of drugs in the aged. |
11. | Thymidine shrinks tumours in mice. | Thymidine does not shrink tumours in humans |
12. | Catapress (anti-hypertensive) causes retinal degeneration in rats. | Catapress does not cause retinal degeneration in humans. |
13. | Can't tolerate more than 15 minutes of direct sunlight | Can tolerate direct sunlight for much longer periods. |
14. | Chloroform toxic to mice in minute doses. | Humans can stand Chloroform in much larger doses. |
15. | Obtain Vitamin D by licking their own fur. | Obtain Vitamin D through the diet. |
16. | Moban (tranquillizer) causes breast tumours in mice. | Moban does not cause breast tumours in humans. |
17. | Specially bred for laboratory studies. Live in a controlled, sterile environment. Majority of diseases induced through genetic breeding (tumours and genetic defects), or from parasitic infections. | Humans come from a wide variety of genetic, environmental and lifestyle backgrounds, all unpredictable. Environment, diet and lifestyles responsible for most human diseases. |
18. | Rats have no gall bladder - digest fats differently | Humans have a gall bladder. Digest fats differently. |
19. | Require 3 and a half times more protein than humans. | Excess protein responsible for kidney damage in humans. |
20. | Thalidomide (tranquillizer) does not cause birth defects in rats. | Thalidomide causes birth defects in humans. |
21. | Meclazine (for travel sickness) causes birth defects in rats. | Meclazine does not cause birth defects in humans. |
22. | Coumarin (blood thinner) causes liver damage in rodents. | Coumarin does not cause liver damage in humans. |
(Ack: Roy Kupsinel M.D., Vivisection: Science or Sham.)