Politics (quotes)
Political Mafia
“The present system is one of conscious cruelty....It bears down on those least able to bear it. The bureaucratic inefficiency is vindictive and hunger is being used as a weapon. People are being forced to look for work that doesn’t exist.” ~ Ken Loach
In his book, "The Bureau", William C. Sullivan quotes Charlie Winstead as saying, (P.27), "When I investigate a man and prove he's a criminal, if he doesn't already work for the government, they'll hire him. If he already has a government job, once they hear he's a crook they'll promote him. The criminals in Congress only feel comfortable with other criminals." A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins
"The religion of 'authority' is based upon the illusion and Falsehood that some are Masters, who may set arbitrary dictates which ar not based in Morality and enforced by violence, while others are Slaves who have a 'moral obligation' to obey the arbitrary dictates set by the Masters. That is what the BELIEF in 'authority' IS. This is not my OPINION of what it is, THAT IS WHAT IT IS, and this is a Falsehood. It does not exists in Reality, it is an Illusion, it is a mental construct of an imbalanced Mind and an imbalanced Psyche. And the biggest Manifestation of this universal Religion called the BELIEF in 'authority' is Government." ~ Mark Passio
“The state is a gang of thieves writ large — the most immoral, grasping and unscrupulous individuals in any society.” - Murray Rothbard
'After 40 years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion--all conspiracies are Satanic!........The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to your ultimate enemy--Satan.'--Eustace Mullins (Curse of Canaan, Preface)
The modern concept of "democracy" is perhaps the most effective form of human oppression ever devised. It has single-handedly convinced billions of people around the world that if only they cast their vote at each election, struggle behind their favorite politicians and pet political causes, they can change the world. And as each side of any given political paradigms struggles against each other, a singular agenda continues to march forth, one above and beyond "democracy" and the strategies of tension we've all been mired in. ----Tony Cartalucci
It is true that the American colonials have "free elections," in which they have the absolute right to vote for one of two opposing candidates, both of whom have been handpicked and financed by the Rockefeller syndicate. This touching evidence of "democracy" serves to convince most Americana that we are indeed a free people. We even have a cracked Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to prove it. Chapter 10: The Rockefeller Syndicate by Eustace Mullins
The primary religion of Jesuits, high ranking Evangelical Christians,
members of powerful organizations (we all know the list), congress and the
Pentagon is Satanism. The number of high level confirmations I have on this are
frightening. The more “Christian” or “religious” people appear, the more
Satanist they are. Satanists are bad. Bad means they are immoral, they commit
hideous acts using their power as cover and have total control of our courts and
law enforcement mechanism and the leadership of both political parties. ----Gordon Duff
'The technique of infamy is to invent two lies and to get people to argue heatedly over which one of them is true.'--Ezra Pound
“The left and right wings of the party establishment--two great pinions of an ancient bird of prey.” (Liberty under Siege, p.100)---Walter Karp
'The politician offers to defend you against your enemies, so that he can deliver you to your ultimate enemy--Satan.'--Eustace Mullins
"Politics is a means of preventing people from taking part in what properly concerns them." Paul Valery (1871-1945)
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (Fear Inc) -- and hence clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."-- H.L. Mencken (eg Infectious scares Terrorism)
Only in America......do we use the word 'politics' to
describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning 'many' and 'tics' meaning
"habitual uncontrollable purposeless gestures."
'a conduit for passing public money to corporations'.
People ask, 'why do politicians get into power and then ignore the wishes of the electorate' ? its quite simple the financial backers choose carefully people with character flaws that can be bribed or blackmailed. Tony Blair as 'Miranda ' HE WHO PAYS THE PIPER by T. Stokes
"Governments do not
govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves
controlled by the hidden hand."
— Benjamin Disraeli, Britain's first Jewish Prime Minister (1868, 1874-1880)
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." --Franklin D. Roosevelt
Most Americans, who have not been the victims of such overt hate campaigns as
have been waged against me for more than thirty years, refuse to believe that we
are governed by criminals. I refer you to the opinion of one of the most famous
FBI agents, Charlie Winstead, the man who gunned down John Dillinger. In his
book, "The Bureau", William C. Sullivan quotes Charlie Winstead as saying,
"When I investigate a man and prove
he's a criminal, if he doesn't already work for the government, they'll hire
him. If he already has a government job, once they hear he's a crook they'll
promote him. The criminals in Congress only feel comfortable with other
We could not ask for a more
qualified source, nor for a more apropos phrase than "the criminals in
Congress." The criminals enact into law program after program to reward their
fellow-criminals, and to rob and enslave the workers of America. Anyone who gets
in their way is disposed of by the "majesty of the law." I would have been
condemned to spend the rest of my life in an insane asylum by due process of
law. All the legal niceties would have been observed.
A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins
The new world order is a basic worldwide dictatorship based on the Luciferian religion. A dictatorship with the appearance of an international democracy [1994] Serge Monast Talk Explaining NASA's Project Blue Beam
What if you could turn almost anyone into a pedophile? The NSA has psychics that can do just that in a remarkably short period of time. And of course you'll need trained children (both male and female) ready to satisfy the newly created pedophile's every desire (another NSA specialty). Can you imagine the possibilities for blackmail? This is precisely how many politicians and high ranking corporate officers are controlled. National Security Agency (NSA) - Part 1. Citadel of evil by Steven J. Smith
The thing about Pedophilia is it holds the most shame therefore it has the most control over judges and lawyers, and Queen's councils and politicians and ministers. If you take Gerald Ford, he was actually Lynch King who was a porn king, so he was under a completely false name, false history and identity, through porn he managed to become the President of the United States. Greg Hallett Begins 11/12: Interview with Dr. James Fetzer, PhD - NATO drug runs from Afghanistan
'Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination and
legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as
possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their homes, they
will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the
government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers.
These truths are well known among our principal men, who are
now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the
voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their
energies in fighting for questions of no importance. It is thus, by discrete
action, we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so
successfully accomplished.'
- Montagu Norman, Governor of The Bank Of England, addressing the United States
Bankers' Association, New York, 1924.
Most Americans, who have not been the victims of such overt hate campaigns as
have been waged against me for more than thirty years, refuse to believe that we
are governed by criminals. I refer you to the opinion of one of the most famous
FBI agents, Charlie Winstead, the man who gunned down John Dillinger. In his
book, "The Bureau", William C. Sullivan quotes Charlie Winstead as saying,
"When I investigate a man and prove
he's a criminal, if he doesn't already work for the government, they'll hire
him. If he already has a government job, once they hear he's a crook they'll
promote him. The criminals in Congress only feel comfortable with other
We could not ask for a more
qualified source, nor for a more apropos phrase than "the criminals in
Congress." The criminals enact into law program after program to reward their
fellow-criminals, and to rob and enslave the workers of America. Anyone who gets
in their way is disposed of by the "majesty of the law." I would have been
condemned to spend the rest of my life in an insane asylum by due process of
law. All the legal niceties would have been observed.
A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins
'Left wing' and 'right wing' are elements of one organism, which is the vulture that we could call 'the world order.' That's why Rush Limbaugh and Dennis Miller, whom listeners are programmed to assume are in opposition, both advocate the same thing: increasing the power of centralized national government. See how it works? ---Don Croft
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public
office. ---Aesop
“Every election is a sort of advance auction
sale of stolen goods.”----H.L. Mencken
“The purpose of government is to reign in the rights of the people”----Bill Clinton during an interview on MTV in 1993
"Our rulers make the news, but they do not appear in the news, not as they really are-not as a political class, a governing establishment, a body of leaders with great and pervasive powers, with deep, often dark, ambitions. In the American republic the fact of oligarchy is the most dreaded knowledge of all, and our news keeps that knowledge from us. By their subjugation of the press, the political powers in America have conferred on themselves the greatest of political blessings-Gyges' ring of invisibility. And they have left the American people more deeply baffled by their own country's politics than any people on earth. Our public realm lies steeped in twilight, and we call that twilight news." ------Walter Karp
Our political life is a grotesque carnival
designed to convince the rubes they live in a democracy. This is so they will
pay taxes and lay down their lives for their betters.
Our rulers have determined
that we shall have no real say in our collective future. Like livestock, we will
chew our collective cud on sex, drugs, toys and trivia, which they will supply
in abundance.
This explains why the mass
media (incl. movies) and education long ago ceased to deal in reality, or teach
civics or history. Instead they are purveyors of deception and conformity.
The US election is really a job competition where a shortlist of
candidates vie for the privilege of deceiving the public and implementing the
banker agenda. [Aug 2008]
I'm NOT on the Putin Bandwagon
by Henry Makow
They are longing for a war with Iran. Iran is no more a harm to us than was Iraq or Afghanistan. They invented an enemy, they tell lies, lies, lies. The New York Times goes along with their lies, lies, lies. And they don't stop. When the public that's lied to 30 times a day it's apt to believe the lies, is not it?---Gore Vidal
"The enormous gap between
what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing
is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political
Michael Parenti (1933-), political scientist, author
"Crime does not pay … as well as politics. " --Alfred E. Newman
"Nothing ever happens in politics by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way" - FDR
"Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under." -H. L. Mencken
Please note: InformationLiberation is neither liberal or conservative. When one takes the time to research the "liberal elite," whom the conservatives oppose, and the "conservative elite," whom the liberals oppose, one finds both "elite" are one and the same. "Liberal" or "Conservative" is not a substantive choice, it is only the carefully crafted illusion of a choice, for both parties come together when they are instructed to.
War is merely the act of destroying the creditor, and the politicians are the publicly hired hit men that justify the act to keep the responsibility and blood off the public conscience. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
"The planet is being controlled, to an alarming extent, by elites, or, as I call them, cartels. There are many cartels, but 7 are the most powerful. They evolve, they learn from one another, they both compete and cooperate. Unfortunately, the trend is more towards cooperation. These 7 cartels represent the following areas: GOVERNMENT, MILITARY, INTELLIGENCE, ENERGY, MONEY, MEDIA, AND MEDICAL.....I came to this map of cartels through my own research on the medical monopoly. That's where it started, in 1986. .. Once you understand these cartel elites, you can begin to separate out information into loose layers of importance, as in, which layer of the control game are we talking about? Because it's all about layers. And at most layers, the players are forwarding agendas which they do not realize fit into higher and more destructive agendas."--Jon Rappoport
"The constitution has broken down. We have no enemies except the ones we select and direct towards the nearest nuclear bombs. They need an enemy to provoke, a diversion. This is the mentality of tenth-rate people who are in politics because corporate America likes them. They are malleable. They give them contracts to build missile shields that will never work. It's deeply corrupt."--Gore Vidal (Observer magazine 12 Aug 2001)
"It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea."--Robert Anton Wilson
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate. " ---Noam Chomsky
"He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career."--George Bernard Shaw.
"Democracy allows mediocrity to rise to the top."
"Politicians are the same all over: they promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."-- Nikita Khrushchev (1960)
There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power
to crack down on criminals. When there aren't enough criminals, one makes them.
One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to
live without breaking laws.
- Ayn Rand
Only in America......do we use the word 'politics' to
describe the process so well: 'Poli' in Latin meaning
'many' and 'tics' meaning "habitual uncontrollable
purposeless gestures."
“In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country
badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.”
“The more corrupt the state, the more
numerous the laws.”
“The more laws that are written, the more
criminals are produced.”
-Lao-Tse, Tao Te Ching
“In general the art of government consists in
taking as much money as possible from one class
of citizens to give to the other.”
“Being elected to Congress is regarded as being sent on a looting raid for one's
-George F. Will, Newsweek
“Fear is the foundation of most governments.”
-John Adams