The Reign of Evil
Religion Racket
''A particularly brutal criminal enterprise, masquerading
as a religion.'' ~ David
"...The satanic
secrets and deeds done in the gloom of night shall be laid bare and manifest
before the peoples of the world."----Baha'u'llah (1817-1893)
is the main Church. Satanism is
the on-planet covert-Reptilian 'religion', and is
the (usually well hidden) controlling force in its Reign of Evil
based around Human
The connecting thread between all the bad guys going back millenia---they are
all Satanists.
Most of the Elite politicians, top Music and
people are Satanists as they aren't shy in declaring (see:
Satanic Hand signals
The main controlling groups such as
are Satanic at the top.
The One Eye &
All Seeing Eye symbols are just a symbol for the
Reptilians 'all seeing' power (but no
Spiritual power ). The whole
point of Satanism is to control the population to Reptilian ends, using their on
planet Reptilian proxies.
Satanic beliefs and practices just follow the Reptilian wish list in robbing
energy or feeding off emotions, hence
Pedophilia for
energy (Sodomy for
Mind Control); Human
Sacrifice for energy and fear
emotions. Gods such as Horus,
BAAL, Moloch
are just disguised Reptilians.]
"Whenever we were working against Satanic targets,
the thread would always go back to one or more Reptilians. It seems that
Reptilians actually created Satanism."---
"The primary religion of Jesuits, high ranking Evangelical Christians,
members of powerful organizations (we all know the list), congress and
the Pentagon is Satanism."----Gordon
[2012 Feb] Humanity is Satanically Possessed by Henry Makow Ph.D.
May] War, Press TV and Death By Political Correctness by Gordon Duff
Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives
🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Fans of Hip-Hop have been addressing the conspiracy of ‘Satanic sex blackmail’ on the internet recently. On May 26, 2021, New York Rapper “Smart” exposed how some artists in the music industry are drugged and raped before they sign their contract and ‘Satanic worship.’ This is no different than the rumors of sex magic being conducted during ‘Hollywood’s back door orgy mansion parties.’ This same type of scenario was mentioned in the recent Sean Diddy Combs lawsuit that alleged Puffy kept secret tapes of influential people for blackmail. The same can be said about Jeffrey Epstein. On February 9, 2017, Rapper Ali Vegas exposed the music industry for ‘engaging in rituals’ that he claims to have witnessed firsthand On August 5, 2011, former Master P No Limit Records A&R, T Miles claimed that rappers were reportedly getting ‘fucked in the ass’ through ‘Homosexual blackmail’ for their contacts. I was offered a contract in 2017 through my label IVOS form Universal Music Group and experienced something very similar, I didn’t sign and left
Job for a Cowboy
This 1993 journal equated bowling, Satanism & murder and featured an article by
Anton LaVey