Vaccine "science"
See: Medical study ploys
[2011 Dec] Pro-Vaccine Immunologist Admits a Shocking Truth About Vaccines Make sure you tell them they have to do that year shot because the first three [the 2, 4 and 6 month shots] don’t work.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I know.’ [laughter].
Using antibodies to measure vaccine effectiveness:
"Human trials generally correlate "antibody" responses with protection - that is if the body produces antibodies (proteins) which bind to vaccine components, then it must be working and safe. Yet Dr March says antibody response is generally a poor measure of protection and no indicator at all of safety. "Particularly for viral diseases, the 'cellular' immune response is all important, and antibody levels and protection are totally unconnected."--Private Eye 24/1/2002
"In the UK the government Health Authority quotes figures of the measles vaccine as being 90% effective (which means that) 90% of the recipients of the vaccine, produce a certain level of antibodies to the viral agents in the vaccine, 10% have produced no or undetectable levels of antibody. This information has NOT been derived from population studies and as we have already acknowledged, this does NOT indicate what percentage of those people are actually immune, (or, for that matter, how long that apparent immunity lasts). So, to state that the vaccine is 90% effective is somewhat misleading and at any rate inaccurate with regard to a statement of immunity in a real disease situation."--Trevor Gunn BSc
The theory that the creation of antibodies in the blood indicates that protection against disease has been established is not supported by experience. The Medical Research Council's Report on Diphtheria Outbreaks in Gateshead and Dundee, published in 1950. showed that many of the persons actually in hospital with diphtheria had far more anti-toxin in their blood than was said to be required for complete protection against diphtheria, whilst nurses and others in close contact with diphtheria infection and without sufficient anti-toxin remained immune. [1957] THE BRAINS OF THE INOCULATED Speech by LILY LOAT
Comparing vaccinated children against other vaccinated children:
"P.Aaby et al, Pediat Infec DisJ 8:197-200,1989---By comparing groups of
children with apparently different vaccination status, this study suggests that measles
vaccination reduces mortality by 30%. However, their comparisons in this study would
lead one to have serious misgivings about their conclusions. The group used as a "non-vaccinated"
group were in fact vaccinated between certain dates. They were found to have
undetectable levels of antibody and therefore it was assumed that the vaccine did not
work, hence this was used as a ‘control’ non-vaccinated group. Most
of a second group of 123 individuals, vaccinated at another time were found to have
responded and were therefore used as the vaccinated group. However 15 of this vaccinated
group did not seroconvert and they were excluded from the results! Three of these
children died!"---Trevor Gunn BSc
"The Prevnar pre-licensure clinical trials, which Wyeth Lederle paid Kaiser Permanente to conduct, compared two experimental vaccines against each other. To compound this basic methodological flaw, Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle, allowed most of the children in the trial to be given the more reactive DPT vaccine rather than use the safer, less reactive DTaP vaccine. This placed the children in that five-year experiment in greater danger and allowed the drug company to write off the seizures that occurred as being caused by DPT and not Prevnar, when in fact, they didn't know. Even so, the groups of children who got Prevnar suffered more seizures, higher fevers, more irritability and other reactions than did the children who got the other experimental vaccine. It was a no-brainer as far as I was concerned: Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle had proved nothing about Prevnar vaccine safety."--Barbara Loe Fisher
"The best way to determine the risk-benefit profile of any vaccination is well known and in theory is quite simple: Take a group of vaccinated children and compare them with a matched group of unvaccinated children. If the groups are well-matched and large enough and the length of time the children are observed following vaccination long enough, then such a study is deemed the "gold standard" of vaccine research because its data is as accurate a reflection as medical research is capable of achieving of how vaccinations are actually affecting our nation’s children. Incredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in America for any vaccination. This means that mass vaccination is essentially a large-scale experiment on our nation’s children."------Incao's Hepatitis B Vaccination Testimony
"It is a pretty bad habit of vaccine researchers to give several vaccines simultaneously where the effect of only one of them has to be studied and evaluated. Obviously this leads to confounding results..........for evaluation of side-effects in most studies was restricted to 48 to 72 hours. Needless to say that many serious adverse effects show up long after that time span; by definition they could never be mentioned in those studies. Nevertheless most of these studies pretend to prove the safety of the vaccine."--Kris Gaublomme MD
" One of the flaws in studies of vaccines is that there are no true placebo groups. The vaccine is tested in one group of immunized children and is compared to another group of immunized children."--Peter Baratosy
Using serological tests to eliminate diseases:
"Finland 'eradicated' mumps measles and rubella by mass vaccination from
1982 with two doses of live virus vaccines. "the 99% decrease in these diseases was
accompanied by an increasing rate of 'false positive clinical diagnoses'" - "In
655 vaccinated patients with clinically diagnosed disease, serologic studies confirmed
presence of measles in only 0.8%, mumps in 2.0%, rubella in 1.2%." ...The question I
would now ask is, Finland replaced measles, mumps and rubella with "approximately 655
cases" of WHAT?"---John P Heptonstall
Testing vaccines on third world people:
"16,000 in Largest HIV-Vaccine Trial" Nation
"At a conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, Dr. William Jordon, director of Infectious Diseases, stated, that virtually all field trials of new vaccines in the United States are done amongst indigenous tribes in Alaska and various other parts of the country."---Harry V. Martin
"Dr. Michael Goldberg, a California
pediatrician and researcher, explained how it was impossible to have an epidemic based
solely on genetics. That's the standard excuse the CDC and the NIH have been using to
explain how autism has grown from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 300 in just 22 years."--Tim O'Shea, DC [See:
Autism and