Moon luminary
The Reign of Evil  Flat Earth NASA  Moon landing hoax

[Moon is 30 mile wide disc shaped luminary 2-3 thousand miles from Earth (as measured by sextants and plane trigonometry), similar to the Sun (Flat Earth).  The Moon is largely transparent (stars have been observed through it's surface) and completely self-luminescent, shining it's own unique light. 1  How can a ball reflect the Sun's light on it's whole surface?
    It is almost identical size to the sun, seen from earth, which is a truly remarkable coincidence in the heliocentric model, considering how far apart, and how much smaller the moon is compared to the sun (Sun is meant to be 865,374 miles in diameter and 92,955,807 miles from the Earth, the Moon 2,159 miles in diameter and 238,900 miles from Earth).
     To make the Moon fit the Heliocentric model they reversed it's observed direction from East to West, to West to East, and changed its speed from about 64,000 miles per hour to about 2,200 miles an hour.]

See: Sun (Flat Earth)  Flat Earth

Moon landing hoax

[vid] The Moon Is An Illusion & No One Goes Above Low Earth Orbit

[vid] Flat Earth not fazed by the moon

[vid] AMAZING!! - Moonlight Experiment - Repeatable    Published on 2 Jul 2015.  Does the moon reflect sunlight like science says? Is it its own light like biblical writings state? If the sun is a yellow-white warm light, and you reflect that light, can you change the properties of that light? Can you reflect light which does not exist from the source - Absolutely not! It is hard to find information on-line regarding the properties of sunlight VS moonlight. Why? The scientific method includes being able to repeat an experiment and if the results are the same, a hypothesis is PROVEN. This experiment using an infra-red laser, can be repeated by you a home. Here is the recorded results of my video. The hypothesis was that of the moonlight was NOT reflected by the sun, different properties would show from moon light. We know the sun WARMS objects in its light. It is also a yellow-white color. The moon on the other hand is more of a "silver" type of light. Does it retain the "warming" qualities of sunlight? If it reflects the sun's light, it should also warm (but slightly) an object in its light VS the shade. Or, at worst, have no effect on the temperature of the object. If we see a different result, than the scientific statement that the moon is a reflector of sunlight is a then NOT a reflector - since there are no other know light sources to "reflect" light onto the moon, we must conclude that the moon is a light itself - creating its own unique light.

The Flat Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay

Heliocentric model

“According to the globular theory, a lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, earth, and moon are in a direct line; but it is on record that since about the fifteenth century over fifty eclipses have occurred while both sun and moon have been visible above the horizon.” -F.H. Cook, “The Terrestrial Plane”

“It is alleged by the learned that at a lunar eclipse the earth casts a shadow on the moon, by intercepting the light of the sun. The shadow, it is alleged, is circular, and as only a globe can cast a circular shadow, and as that shadow is cast by the earth, of course the earth is a globe. In fact, what better proof could any reasonable person require? ‘Powerful reasoning,’ says the dupe. Let us see. I have already cited a case where sun and moon have been seen with the moon eclipsed, and as the earth was not between, or they both could not have been seen, the shadow said to be on the moon could not possibly have been cast by the earth. But as refraction is charged with raising the moon above the horizon, when it is said to be really beneath, and the amount of refraction made to tally with what would be required to square the matter, let us see how refraction would act in regard to a shadow. Refraction can only exist where the object and the observer are in different densities. If a shilling be put in the bottom of a glass and observed there is no refraction. Refraction casts the image of the shilling UPWARDS, but a shadow always downwards. If a basin be taken and put near a light, so that the shadow will shorten inwards and DOWNWARDS; but if the rod is allowed to rest in the basin and water poured in, the rod will appear to be bent UPWARDS. This places the matter beyond dispute and proves that it is out of the range of possibility that the shadow said to be on the moon could be that of the earth.” -Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (78)

“They want you to believe that the Moon's rotation is perfectly synchronized with its orbit so that's why we only ever see one side of the Moon, rather than conclude the obvious - that the Moon is simply NOT rotating. Moreover, they had to slow down the Moon's speed by 58,870 mph AND reverse its direction to West-East to successfully sell their phony heliocentricity system to a gullible public. I don't think there is one person in many, many thousands - regardless of education - who knows that the Copernican Model had to turn the Moon's observable direction around and give it a new speed to accommodate the phases and eclipses.” -Marshall Hall

“Astronomers tell us that the Moon goes round the Earth in about 28 days. Well, we may see her making her journey round every day, if we make use of our eyes and these are about the best things we have to use. The Moon falls behind in her daily motion as compared with that of the Sun to the extent of one revolution in the time specified; but that is not making a revolution. Failing to go as fast as other bodies go in one direction does not constitute a going round in the opposite one - as the astronomers would have us believe! And, since all this absurdity has been rendered necessary for no other purpose than to help other absurdities along, it is clear that the astronomers are on the wrong track.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe” (82)

Far from being a proof of heliocentricity, many facets of the Moon prove geocentricity and the flat-Earth. For example, though it appears to move East to West just like the Sun and everything else in the heavens, NASA says the Moon actually spins West to East at 10.3 mph while orbiting Earth at 2,288 mph, which combined with the Earth’s supposed 1,038mph spin and 67,108 mph orbit around the Sun "coincidentally" results in all motions perfectly cancelling out making the Moon seem to move across the heavens with similar path and similar speed as the Sun while always only showing us one side of its surface, and perpetually hiding its “dark side.”

“The Moon presented a special math problem for the construction of the heliocentricity model. The only way to make the Moon fit in with the other assumptions was to reverse its direction from that of what everyone who has ever lived has seen it go. The math model couldn’t just stop the Moon like it did the Sun, that wouldn’t work. And it couldn’t let it continue to go East to West as we see it go, either at the same speed or at a different speed. The only option was to reverse its observed East to West direction and change its speed from about 64,000 miles an hour to about 2,200 miles an hour. This reversal, along with the change in speed, were unavoidable assumptions that needed to be adopted if the model was to have any chance of mimicking reality.” -Bernard Brauer

“Astronomers have indulged in imagination to such a degree that the moon is now considered to be a solid, opaque spherical world, having mountains, valleys, lakes, or seas, volcanic craters, and other conditions analogous to the surface of the earth. So far has this fancy been carried that the whole visible disc has been mapped out, and special names given to its various peculiarities, as though they had been carefully observed, and actually measured by a party of terrestrial ordinance surveyors. All this has been done in direct opposition to the fact that whoever, for the first time, and without previous bias of mind, looks at the moon's surface through a powerful telescope, is puzzled to say what it is really like, or how to compare it with anything known to him. The comparison which may be made will depend upon the state of mind of the observer. It is well known that persons looking at the rough bark of a tree, or at the irregular lines or veins in certain kinds of marble and stone, or gazing at the red embers in a dull fire will, according to the degree of activity of the imagination, be able to see many different forms, even the outlines of animals and of human faces. It is in this way that persons may fancy that the moon's surface is broken up into hills and valleys, and other conditions such as are found on earth. But that anything really similar to the surface of our own world is anywhere visible upon the moon is altogether fallacious.” -Dr. Samuel Rowbotham, “Zetetic Astronomy, Earth Not a Globe!” (335)

"At the entrance to the Smithsonian's Moon exhibit is a large copy of one of the earliest (1651) selenographs. This map taken from a Jesuit book Almagestum novum was composed by the Jesuit astronomers Riccioli and Grimaldi and across the top is written: "Neither do men inhabit the moon nor do souls migrate there". It is the best known of all selenographs and has been used by most scholars for lunar nomenclature for three centuries."