Dr Jean Elmiger MD
Germany vax
Rediscovering Real Medicine by Dr Jean Elmiger ISBN 1862041997 Case
Review http://www.heilkunst.com/journal/elmiger.htm
"BCG is a goldmine for ear, nose and throat specialists."--Dr Jean Elmiger MD
"Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant, carried off in the first weeks of life by viral meningitis, you have the right to suspect that BCG is at work, even if the autopsy confirms a viral diagnosis. My wife lived through this tragedy in a major Swiss hospital where she worked. The autopsy of the child revealed the tubercular nature of the viral meningitis following a BCG inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses had received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible consequences. As with all secret societies, the law of silence is absolute among doctors!"--Dr Jean Elmigar (Rediscovering Real Medicine) ISBN 1862041997)
"The launching of the BCG vaccine was a model of economic gangsterism, a gigantic dishonest commercial operation. Nothing is missing from the scenario: an eccentric inventor, falsified laboratory experiments, a pseudo-scientific varnish, garbled statistics, shameless publicity, the purchased support of powerful magnates, and, the final masterly touch, a 'free' product financed by the taxpayer! For the French public, unfortunately used to scandals, none of this is very uncommon. But what really sets the BCG story apart is the heights of machiavellism that it reaches. For Chavanon reveals that the 20 or so families that hold hostage the nation's health -i.e. its teaching, its laboratories, its temples... and its commerce- succeeded in 1949 in having the French government hurriedly vote to make the BCG vaccination compulsory. Since that black year not one French person has escaped this fatal toxin.."---Dr Jean Elmigar (Rediscovering Real Medicine)