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Belgium: the end of compulsory vaccination against polio is
making waves
by Marie Allier
Since the acquittal of a young couple in court LESSINOISE of Tournai, the
vaccine against polio is no longer compulsory in Belgium. Emoi of health policy
makers. How is France going to react?
The decision, Wednesday, March 16, 2011, by the court of Tournai (Belgium)
implies that the vaccine against polio is compulsory in this country when he was
the only vaccine required. The court criticized a couple of LESSINOISE failing
to vaccinate their children against polio. The couple was acquitted with the
direct consequence of the cancellation of the Royal Decree of 1966 which
mandates the vaccine against polio between 3 ° and 17 ° month of a child's life.
Now, the law on patient rights, 22 August 2002 shall prevail. This entitles
patients to be vaccinated or not, any medical assuming "the free, prior and
informed patient."
But precisely, the mother has said she was not against the principle of
vaccination. But having heard about the risks that the act of vaccination may
include in particular because of additives in the products she wanted to get in
vain assurances from his doctor.
Seriously evaluate the risks in the medical
"The law says Ines Wouters, a lawyer at the Brussels Bar, the Royal Decree No.
78 of the healing arts and professional ethics, the physician under its legal
obligations and professional obligation to tell parents who consult their (s)
child (ren) if the current state of knowledge there may be a problem to a
vaccination. Not seriously evaluate the risks could involve a medical
professional liability. It is obviously not an obligation of result, but an
obligation of means and to do the doctor's duty to inform themselves fully and
have access to much data on this subject, there including those that are
controversial. So is his own responsibility. If the doctor believes that there
is no danger, he will explain to parents why such scientists who report certain
risks and / or ineffectiveness of vaccines are wrong. "
"Therefore, without free, prior and informed parents in Belgium can be
considered quite rightly not be legally able to give consent for their child for
vaccination against polio. They can not be validly pursued by the prosecution in
the courts, as regards the application of a royal decree in contradiction with
this law. "
Changing the law to impose an obligation?
In response to a question from an MP, Fadila Laanan, Minister of Culture,
Broadcasting, Health and Equal Opportunities of the French Community, said fear
"that the information relayed by the media following this trial do not affect
the efforts of the French Community to educate parents about the value of
vaccination. The disorder that this information may unfortunately have led to
decrease the rate of immunization coverage.
For his part, Laurette Onkelinx, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Public Health, responded to the query from a member of the polio vaccine. She
tells him to have "asked its staff to examine the question of the contradiction
between the Royal Decree of 26 October 1966 mandating polio vaccine, and the law
on patients in 2002, especially Article 8. If we had come to the conclusion that
there is indeed a contradiction, it will be necessary to amend the legislation
to maintain the mandatory nature of this vaccination. "
An event that boosted the association Citizen Initiative, which claims a desire
to "dismantle the law on patient rights in 2002 in favor of a mandatory
immunization with lots of wicked neighbors have always passed."
The Crown appealed March 22, 2011 that will challenge the decision that France
is now the only country in Europe where the vaccine is mandatory ....