Medical Mafia  Viral Fear Racket Vaccination Racket

"Polio is NOT even contagious or infectious (never proven to be). There is NO proof Polio is caused by a virus. There is NO evidence that
anyone caught polio from another person in the family. There is NO evidence that any nurse or doctor caught polio from a patient." Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

[A non-infectious (1) man-made disease from medical injections and pesticides such as DDT that got into the milk supply--polio incidence in the US mirrored DDT usage (1).  Made worse by the vaccinators fad for tonsillectomy.  The virus hunters were used to create a smokescreen, and bring in another profitable drug, the appointment of Dr Kumm to head up the March of Dimes polio charity was a big red flag for that, and another was another Rockefeller man, and Military (Rear Admiral, no less) Thomas M. Rivers.  Also the real agenda of the Medical Cartel can be seen in their suppression of the non-drug treatments for polio 1, such as Dr Sandler's nutritional one,  Dr Klenner Vitamin C cure, their lies to make the vaccine appear effective (they had to disappear the 1955 to 1970 United States Polio Surveillance Unit's bulletins 1), and they were caught out recently trying to kill African children with the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), as Kihura Nkuba discovered.  Polio (mostly vaccine induced Provocation polio) is now hidden under names such as Acute flaccid paralysis. Also, more recently, have a look at their HIV racket outlined by Jon Rappoport in Depopulation and HIV]

See: The Virus hunters  Pesticides

Articles (Vitamin C)
Media stories (vaccines)
Provocation polio
Iron lungs
Images of polio
March of Dimes

Treatments, doctors
Cathcart, M.D.
Klenner MD
Jungeblut CW
Treatment & prevention
Polio poster girl cured
Chiropractic & polio case
Sandler, M.D., Benjamin P.
Vitamin C cure
Kenny Method
Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E.
Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C.

Eddy, Dr. Bernice E.

Vaccine genocide
enocide via OPV  vaccination
Kihura Nkuba
Hooper, Ed

  DDT spraying

  DDT delousing (typhus) 
  "DDT is good for me-e-e!"
Dr Kumm's conflict of interest
Provocation polio (drugs)

Quote banners
Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis)

Nutrition & infection

Poison DDT researchers
Jim West
Ralph R. Scobey, M.D.
Morton S. Biskind, M.D.

Dr. Herbert Ratner, MD
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D.

Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts
Virus Mania
DIET PREVENTS POLIO Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D.

The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine by Eleanor McBean

Sabin OPV vaccines
Salk IPV vaccines
Citations (adverse reactions)

Media stories (vaccines)
Monkey kidney cells
Provocation polio

Vaccine contamination
    SV40 quotes
    Eddy, Dr. Bernice E.
  CJD, BSE risk
The Cutter  incident, 1955
Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)
Vaccine contamination (AIDS, cancer)

Vax quacks
Rivers, Thomas M
Weaver, Dr. Harry M.
Alexander Langmuir, MD
Riper, Hart Van

Rockefeller men [Rockefeller]
Francis, Thomas
Rivers, Thomas M
Weaver, Dr. Harry M.

Acute flaccid paralysis (Hiding Polio)
AIDS and Polio vaccines
Articles (Vitamin C)
Biskind, M.D, .Morton S.
Causes (quotes)
Cathcart, M.D.
Chiropractic & polio case
Chiropractic cure
Citations (adverse reactions)

CJD, BSE risk (vaccine contaminants)
Contagious (not)
Contamination (vaccine)
Cutter  incident, 1955
Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)
DDT spraying pics

DDT delousing (typhus) 
"DDT is good for me-e-e!"
Fear of the Invisible (Book)
, Dr. Bernice E.
Genocide via OPV  vaccination
Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis) quotes
Hooper, Ed
Images of polio
Iron lungs
Klenner MD

Kumm, Dr (DDT man)
March of Dimes
Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C.
Media stories (vaccines)
Monkey kidney cells
Nkuba, Kihura
Nutrition & infection (quotes)
Provocation polio
Quotes (Polio)
Quote banners
Quotes (Vaccination)
Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert
Riper, Hart Van
Rivers, Thomas M
Roosevelt (FDR)
Sabin OPV vaccines
Salk IPV vaccines
Sandler, M.D.
Scobey, M.D, Ralph R.
SV40 (vaccine contaminant)
SV40 quotes
Treatment & prevention
Virus Mania (Book)
Vitamin C cure
West, Jim

‘’Morris Bealle, who for years edited his informative publication, Capsule News Digest, from Capitol Hill, offered a standing reward during the years from 1954 to 1960 of $30,000, which he would pay to anyone who could prove that the polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. There were no takers’’. – Eustace Mullins (1923–2010), Murder by Injection

“Kids would ride bikes, skate, and run behind The Mosquito Man, The Skeeter Man, Smokey Joe, Fogger Trucks – so many names. The DDT truck came to our beaches where mosquito populations were high. There was a poster I remember that hung on the wall of our school showing the government spraying school lunch room food to show there was no danger to the children (although I always wondered why the guys who were spraying wore hazmat suits).”

From “Running Behind the DDT Truck”, by Mimi Foster, 2011


Suzanne Humphries, MD, Internist and Nephrologist speaking on Polio at the Association of Natural Health Conference, November 2012.

[vid] The Exploding Autoimmune Epidemic - Dr. Tent - It's Not Autoimmune, you have Viruses

[2012 June] CDC and Friends Sprinting Towards the Polio “Finish Line,” by Suzanne Humphries, MD

[2011 April] Belgium: the end of compulsory vaccination against polio is making waves


National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Vaccine Injury Table

[2011 April] Belgium: the end of compulsory vaccination against polio is making waves

[2009 March] Meningococcal disease: Situation in the African meningitis belt
[2006] Big Boost for Malaria Fight World Bank Approves $180 Million for Nigeria  About 40 percent of the $180 million will go toward purchasing commodities such as anti-malarial combination treatments that use a new drug, artemisinin, as well as prevention methods such as long-lasting insecticide treated bednets and indoor residual spraying.
[2006] African nations lift DDT ban to fight malaria

[pdf] The Use of DDT in Malaria Vector Control WHO/HTM/GMP/2007

Graph showing correlation between polio incidence and DDT production in US 1945-1953

This poster appeared during the time when they thought a still undiscovered virus was causing the polio epidemics - a virus that must be spread by flies. Such adverts led to a greatly increased use of insecticides - which tragically were found by leading scientists working for US government agencies to cause precisely the same kind of paralytic damage to the spinal column nerves that were found in cases of polio. Their research simply was ignored.

This poster appeared during the time when they thought a still undiscovered virus was causing the polio epidemics - a virus that must be spread by flies. Such adverts led to a greatly increased use of insecticides - which tragically were found by leading scientists working for US government agencies to cause precisely the same kind of paralytic damage to the spinal column nerves that were found in cases of polio. Their research simply was ignored......Many middle class parents went further to protect their children. They feared the invisible virus as if it were hunting their children. They turned their homes into sterile zones by constantly spraying insecticides and washing down the walls with disinfectants.--- Janine Roberts