damage, POTS and vaccination
[back] Vaccine disease
Heart disease
See: Heart disease and other drugs Myocarditis Pericarditis
[22 Jan 25] “mRNA VACCINES NANOPARTICLES KILL THE HEART CELLS” NATURE Study We demonstrate that intramuscularly injected LNPs carrying SARS-CoV-2 spike mRNA reach heart tissue, leading to proteome changes, suggesting immune activation and blood vessel damage (as myocarditis and pericarditis).
[2014] What Gardasil did to me: POTS and a Pacemaker
[2015 Dec. Norway] Gardasil: Hanging on to Hope Maria (18) has been seriously ill for five years after receiving the HPV vaccine. When she was 12 years old the Norwegian girl, Maria Lysaker Wennersberg, received the HPV vaccine at school. In April 2015 she was diagnosed with POTS which is suspected to be a serious side effect from the vaccine. Most of the time the 18-year-old from Mysen, Norway is bedridden. Sometimes she faints daily. She has lost five important years of her adolescent life and has not been able to attend school for the past four and a half years. Maria, who was formerly active in sports and played baseball, soccer and practiced skiing in winter, now has to be pushed in a wheelchair from her bed into the living room. On the table is a delicious spread of sandwiches her mom, Rita Lysaker, has made. Maria eats nothing. Most types of food, including sweet and fatty food make her nauseous. She struggles enormously with her concentration. ‘But the worst are the fainting spells. I can’t get up from sitting to a standing position without fainting. My pulse accelerates from 50 to 150 in a snap. I can often feel it coming in advance. It begins with blurred vision and then suddenly everything goes black.’ says the 18-year-old.
[2015 Sept] Did HPV cervical cancer vaccine cause life-changing illnesses in Kent teenagers?
[2012 June] Parents Insist Vaccines Killed Their Sick and Fragile Toddler By Christina England The toddler, the second to die in Belgium in less than six months, suffered a cardiac arrest after receiving the MMR vaccination given to him by a G.P. despite warnings from his father that he was still unwell.
What I've found REALLY ODD about the anthrax vaccine and the Gulf War enlisted/vets is that a nurse friend of mine was actually taking care of someone in the ICU who had an adverse reaction--cardiac damage. He was 19 years old and they unsure of whether he would live, even with a heart transplant. When I asked her if this was any kind of a scandal in the hospital, she said no, it was just another person she had to take care of. I don't understand why so much of what the current admin does is supposedly to "support the troops" and yet this egregious thing is being done to them ON PURPOSE and not by terrorist, and yet, NO ONE particularly cares, even if it's in front of their faces--i.e., no one was trying to cover up the etiology of this young man's problem in our local hospital. My nurse friend was fully informed it was an adverse reaction to anthrax vaccine... Secret adjuvant in new avian flu vaccine
"In 1976 I was working in the Gulf Country around Cape York, in an aboriginal community of about 300 people. The Health Department sent around a team and vaccinated about 100 of them against flu. Six were dead within 24 hours or so and they weren't all old people, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where autopsies were done. It appeared they had died from heart attacks. I ended up appearing on Catty Cosby’s television program, and I said it would be mass murder and I specifically described how people who had heart problems could drop dead. There was a man watching the programme in New York who did not like a particular gentleman by the name of Gambino. Gambino was 69 years old and a mafia boss. He thought this is a great idea. So he got someone to persuade Gambino to have his flu shot and Gambino promptly dropped dead.".---Archie Kalokerinos M.D. Dr Kalokerinos interview-------International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995
Meryl Nass, MD: Please note that CDC found a much
higher rate of myocarditis in smallpox vaccine recipients than did DOD: 1 in
1,725, according to Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report put out by CDC. In a
vaccine trial of smallpox vaccines conducted by Acambis the rate of myocarditis
was 1 in 973. A 1978 study in Finnish military recruits found a much higher
rate using looser criteria (1 in 29).
If DOD had cases occurring at the
same rate, they should have had 580 cases in 1 million vaccine recipients, not
120. However, DOD likely had even more cases of myocarditis than 580, since it
is believed that people who have never before received the vaccine are at
higher risk of complications than those previously vaccinated. Nearly all
those who were vaccinated through CDC had been vaccinated in childhood.
Relatively few military servicemembers have been previously vaccinated.
Claiming that no previous smallpox
recipients died with myocarditis is also blatantly untrue. Twenty-two year old
Rachel Lacy died in early 2003, one month after receiving five vaccines in one
day (including smallpox and anthrax) and her autopsy demonstrated myocarditis.
Two panels asked to evaluate her death for DOD agreed her death was probably
vaccine-related. I wrote something about earlier
inaccurate DOD statements about smallpox vaccine-related myocarditis and death
in 2003:[June 22, 2006]
Myocarditis death in soldier may have been caused by vaccines--DOD press
Now, intense monitoring has discovered that some of those used in the test suffered a major heart condition. The drug has not been given to anybody outside the trials.....The problems now appearing in the Phase III trials were anticipated because heart conditions had been noticed in previous Dryvax vaccination programmes. --[Media April 2004] Acambis smallpox vaccine blow
[Media USA, March 2003] Nurse Vaccinated Against Smallpox Dies After Heart Attack
Gavrilesco S, Streian C, Constantinesco L.[Associated ventricular tachycardia and auricular fibrillation after anticholera vaccination].Acta Cardiol. 1973;28(1):89-94. French. No abstract available.PMID: 4144495; UI: 73153727
auricular fibrillation --A disorder of heart rate and rhythm in which the upper heart chambers (atria) are stimulated to contract in a very rapid and/or disorganized manner; this usually also affects contraction of the ventricles http://insidecentralflorida.adam.com/ency/article/000184.htm
[Letter BMj Flu vaccine reaction, 2005]
Vaccines can trigger heart attack--E. McBean (Swine flu expose)
Leung A. Congenital heart disease and DPT vaccination.Can Med Assoc J. 1984 Sep 15;131(6):541. No abstract available.PMID: 6332664 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
S, Cloete Y, Hassan K, Buss P. Adverse events following
vaccination in premature infants. Acta Paediatr 2001 Aug;90(8):916-920 Department of
Paediatrics and Neonatology, Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport, UK.
The aims of this study were to study the frequency, severity and types of adverse
reactions following DPT/Hib (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis/Haemophilus
influenzae type B conjugate) immunization in very preterm infants and to identify possible
risk factors. Case notes of 45 preterm babies vaccinated in the neonatal intensive care
unit between January 1993 and December 1998 were studied retrospectively. Birthweight,
gestational age, duration of ventilation, oxygen dependency, timing of vaccination,
weight, corrected gestation at vaccination and apparent adverse effects were noted.
Apparent adverse events were noted in 17 of 45 (37.8%) babies: 9 (20%) had major events,
i.e. apnoea, bradycardia or desaturations, and 8 (17.8%) had minor events, i.e. increased
oxygen requirements, temperature instability, poor handling and feed intolerance. Babies
with major events were significantly younger (p < 0.05), had a lower postmenstrual age
(p < 0.05) and weighed less (p < 0.05) at the time of vaccination compared with
babies without major events. No differences in the mean birthweight, gestational age,
duration of ventilation or oxygen dependency were found between the two groups. Age at
vaccination of 70 days or less was significantly associated with increased risk (p <
0.01). Of 27 babies vaccinated at 70 days or less, 9 (33.3%) developed major events
compared with none when vaccinated over 70 d. CONCLUSION: Vaccine-related
cardiorespiratory events are relatively common in preterm babies. Problems were much more
common if vaccine is administered at or before 70 d. These babies should therefore be
monitored postvaccination. Further prospective studies are needed to clarify whether
delaying vaccination offers protection against these adverse events. PMID: 11529542
[PubMed - in process]
The risk of the flu shot cannot be overstated...the risk is
death. This is Kaylynne Matten from Barton, VT. She was a
delightful and healthy 7 year old girl who got a flu shot on
December 2, 2011. She immediately fell ill with viral symptoms.
She died on December 6, 2011 from myocarditis...it is a horrible
way to die. Myocardits and pneumonia are typical flu shot
deaths. When you talk to a mom and she tells you how her child
suffered and died in her arms, it is an account that never
leaves you. Kaylynne is not the only one
When this child was three months old she received the DTaP and
Pneumococcal vaccines. A few hours later her heart stopped. Had
her mom, Nikie DesRoches, not checked on her and started CPR to
revive her, the pediatrician said she would have been another
SIDS baby (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Pediatricians know
that vaccines are dangerous, and YOU should too. Start here: