Hib quotes
Hib/Hemophilus  Meningitis quotes

See: Pneumococcal quotes Meningococcal quotes Meningitis quotes

Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.,

"Several factors indicate that mass immunisation with pertussis and other non-Hib vaccines may have been responsible for the unprecedented epidemics of invasive bacterial infections such as Hib, during the 1970's and 1980's." Vaccine Safety Manual  by Neil Z. Miller. (p.315)

I find an anomaly which to me is very interesting.  In every country that has used the Hib vaccine, including USA, Finland, Belgium, UK, and also New Zealand, though no-one here has publicised the fact, the use of the Hib vaccine was followed in all cases, with either medical articles , or newspaper articles (or both) which stated very plainly, that medical    " authorities were puzzled at the sudden increase in Pneumococcus infections." The first in your country was The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Newsletter, June 1992.--Hilary Butler

"The use of Hib vaccines has displaced haemophillus as a cause of disease and death, but other organisms like the far more serious, and more untreatable pneumococcus or other bacterial meningitis types have risen to take the place of Hib as causes of meningitis."---Hilary Butler

The epidemic with autism really started during the late 1980s and early 1990s, and it seemed to coincide with the time that the vaccines for Hib (Hemophilus influenzae type b) and hepatitis B were added to the vaccine schedule--Hib around 1988, hepatitis B in 1991. The children had already had the DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine through the 1980s, and the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) was subsequently added; but we did not realize much of an upswing until the hepatitis B vaccine was added at birth. Balancing Biochemistry: An Interview with Stephanie Cave

"Could the increase in all forms of meningitis and other infectious disease complications and deaths be because for the last 40+ years, the first thing parents do at the slightest sign of temperature is push paracetamol?  I believe so."--Hilary Butler (VRAN Newsletter Jan-March 2003)

"In Minnesota, a state epidemiologist concluded that the Hib vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed that vaccinated children were *five times* more likely to contract meningitis than unvaccinated children." http://www.mercola.com/2001/aug/18/vaccine_myths2.htm

"Classen's data and other published data indicates the following vaccines are associated with an increased risk of diabetes (increased risk): hepatitis B (50%), hemophilus (25%), tetanus (20%), diphtheria (9%), pertussis (25%), mumps- rubella (23%).  These findings are supported by a case control study performed in Europe.   The cumulative effect of all these vaccines on diabetes is tremendous."--PRNewswire

"hib is not a disease but a type of bacteria---defined by lab test....so hard to see if there is any disease decline.......Primary motive was to combat "invasive bacterial infections", but no evidence this has been achieved. 3 major types of "ibi"--hib, pneumococcal, and meningococcal.  ..decline in hib infections appears to have been accompanied by an increase in the other two.... there appears to be no evidence of a decrease in invasive bacterial disease overall.... in aus notifications of meningococcal disease in 1995 was highest since 1979...this rise occurred in parallel with the fall in hib disease, so what savings in illness have there been?....so, there seems to be no demonstration savings in illness in children, on top of this there seems to be an association between dpt vacc and invasive hib disease."--Greg Beattie

"I have published many articles linking vaccines and diabetes. In one study, a clinical trial on the hemophilus vaccine, I showed that the risk of the vaccine exceeds the benefit. This is published by the British medical Journal."--Bart Classen