Meningitis quotes
Quotes Meningitis
See: Hib quotes Meningococcal quotes Pneumococcal quotes Virology banners
[2000] BAKER Michael et al. Household crowding a major risk factor for epidemic meningococcal disease in Auckland children. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2000 Oct;19(10):983-90"Meningitis is not a transmissible disease, we do not "catch" it from one another. My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the "epidemics" of meningitis amongst military recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" meningitis. The mess sergeant didn't, the drill sergeant didn't, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom the recruits played kissy face "caught" meningitis - only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" it.......In over thirty years of clinical practice I have never seen an infectious hepatitis "caught" by another member of a household and believe me when I say I really looked high and low for one of those. If I found one I would look for a source of the poisoning, not for a germ or a virus"---Daniel H Duffy Sr. DC
Death rate worse after vaccine introduced
Cases of meningitis and septicaemia have fallen from about 4,000 a year in
the late 1990s to 2,446 last year following the introduction of a vaccine
against meningitis C in November 1999. But in a bizarre twist the number of
deaths rose last year by 17 per cent from 317 to 370 and is not far below the
level before the vaccine was introduced.
[Media September
20, 2004] Meningitis vaccinations 'blamed' for rise in
1. Causes and co-factors in meningitis:
a. Antibiotics [See: Antibiotics.]
"In the towns with meningitis clusters, there were almost 50% more prescriptions for antibiotics and nine times more case of the killer disease than in the low-incidence" towns. One antibiotic drug, erythromycin, which is marketed under a variety of brand name and is used as a routine treatment for sore throats appeard with mysterious frequency or the prescriptions. It was being used up to four times more often in the towns with the serious meningitis problem than in the other towns."--Media 1996
Other drugs:
"A young woman had contracted a seemingly life-threatening meningitis
three times within a year. She had no other signs of infection, and each time a series of
tests was unable to determine the cause. It turned out to be a violent allergic reaction
to the pain-killer ibuprofen (brand names: Apsifen Brufen Cuprofen Fenbid Inoven Motrin
Nurofen Proflex.-------The list of medications associated with DIAM (Drug Induced
Aseptic Meningitis) includes antibiotics (Cotrimoxazole, Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole),
human immune globulins, chemotherapeutic agents such as Cytarabin and also miscellaneous
drugs such as Carbamazepine, radiographic agents, some vaccines or
Muromonab-CD3."----Ibuprofen Induced Meningitis
Raptiva, a medication
prescribed to treat Psoriasis, can cause viral infections. This is
admitted by Raptiva's manufacturer, Genentech, and has been confirmed by the
FDA. Indeed, the link between Raptiva and viral infections is so clear that
Genentech recently agreed to withdraw all of the Raptiva on the U.S. market,
based on the viral infections diagnosed in Raptiva patients in America and
around the world. Prescribed to treat psoriasis,
Raptiva (efalizumab) is an injectable medication that is known to increase the
risk of developing severe, life-threatening infections, including: bacterial
sepsis (a blood infection), invasive fungal disease, progressive multifocal
leukoencephalopathy/ PML (a type of
Raptiva brain infection in which the white matter of the brain swells),
viral meningitis (an infection that causes inflammation of the brain and/or
spinal cord).
While Raptiva brain infections (specifically Raptiva PML infections
and meningitis) are the most deadly side effects, any of the above
conditions will be fatal without emergency medical care.
Pfizer threatened to sue IAS as a result of statements made pointing out the association of the use of paracetamol with serious meningitis (I attach that study as well). It is interesting that following this letter to Pfizer, and two more follow ups, Pfizer chose to silently drop it’s legal threats, rather than play out their “power games” in the public arena. [Sept 2008 NZ Letter by Hilary Butler] Media paracetamol article.
"Could the increase in all forms of
meningitis and other infectious disease complications and deaths be because for
the last 40+ years, the first thing parents do at the slightest sign of
temperature is push paracetamol? I believe so."--Hilary Butler (VRAN
Newsletter Jan-March 2003)
[See: Fever
Acetaminophen (Panadol, Paracetamol, Calpol, Salzone, Tylenol)
Ibuprofen (Apsifen Brufen Cuprofen Fenbid Inoven Motrin
Nurofen Proflex)]
[See: Drug Induced Meningitis (DIAM)
Steroid tuberculosis
Chickenpox deaths]
c. Low levels of vitamin C:
Dr Cathcart
"This disease is made more deadly because of the "acute induced scurvy"
involved. This means that intravenous sodium ascorbate and
later bowel
tolerance doses of ascorbic acid should be administered along with the
appropriate antibiotic. Not only does the ascorbate broaden the spectrum of activity
of the antibiotics against bacteria and works synergistically with the antibiotic, but it avoids allergic
reactions to the antibiotic. The susceptibility of sick people to
allergic reactions is because of the up-regulation of the immune system while you are
sick. This up-regulation is caused by free radicals. If the free radicals are
neutralized by massive doses of ascorbate, the immune system, as far as allergic reactions
are concerned, is down-regulated so that allergic reactions to the antibiotics do not
occur. However, unlike steroids that universally down-regulate the immune system,
ascorbate up-regulates the ability of white cells to kill viruses and bacteria......The
incidence of meningitis "surges" after the flu because the acute induced scurvy induced by the
flu decreases the ability of the body to fight off the meningitis bacteria."
The immunologist (Catharina Svanborg) had logged hundreds of lab hours documenting ways in which human milk helps babies fight infections........... They applied breast milk to the cancerous lung cells, and all the cells died. [pdf] Milk Therapy
LA. Human milk and host defence: immediate and long-term effects. Acta Paediatr Suppl.
1999 Aug;88(430):42-6. Review. PMID: 10569222 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Convincing studies demonstrate significant protection during breastfeeding against
diarrhoea, respiratory tract infections, otitis media, bacteraemia, bacterial
meningitis, botulism, urinary tract infections and necrotizing enterocolitis.
There is also good evidence for enhanced protection for years after the termination of
breastfeeding against Haemophilus influenzae type b infections, otitis
media, diarrhoea, respiratory tract infections and wheezing bronchitis. In some reports
breastfeeding has also improved vaccine responses. Several studies show that milk may
actively stimulate the immune system of the offspring via transfer of anti-idiotypic
antibodies and lymphocytes. This may explain why breastfeeding diminishes the risk of
developing coeliac disease. Some investigations suggest that there may also be a similar
effect on allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases, as well as inflammatory bowel
diseases and certain tumours. This needs to be confirmed.
Formula manufacturers "donate $1 million annually to the American Academy of Pediatrics in the form of a renewable grant that has already netted the AAP $8 million. The formula industry also contributed at least $3 million toward the building costs of the AAP headquarters." (Mothering magazine, July-August, p.60; refers to a book Milk, Money and Madness by Naomi Baumslag and Dia L. Michels (Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey, 1995, p. 172))
[See: Breastfeeding & Bottle-feeding Fever]
"In 1907, [during] an epidemic of poliomyelitis... no infant who was fed exclusively on the breast developed poliomyelitis." Ralph R. Scobey, M.D., "The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis" Archives of Pediatrics, Vol 69, p172 (April, 1952)
[See: Causes & co-factors of polio.]
e. Vaccines
[Vaccine induced meningitis]
In an exclusive to, Jonathan Eisen reveals that the now-famous
"Norwegian parent vaccine" from which the New Zealand meningococcal
vaccine was "derived" and which has been used to
justify claims of "safety" and "efficacy"... was not
even released in Norway, after scientists rejected it
on the ground that it was only marginally effective, and that the
meningitis epidemic in Norway had tapered off without the vaccine.
"When I was in high school, my parents had me vaccinated for meningitis. Following my meningitis vaccination, I ended up in the hospital with a major infection that attacked every area of my system. My parents told me that for the first two days that I was hospitalized I did not even recognize them. The doctors performed a lumbar puncture on me. This procedure involved freezing my mid-section so the doctors could insert a large needle into the pit of my spinal cord to withdraw fluid for testing. Their diagnosis was meningitis. I remained hospitalized for three weeks. They did not want to even consider that my meningitis vaccination could have caused my nearly fatal disease." Vaccine Safety Manual by Neil Z. Miller. (p.337)
"My first lesson in vaccine propaganda is when I learned, back in the forties, that the "epidemics" of meningitis amongst miltitary recruits were not epidemics but clusters, and the second thing I learned was that only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" meningitis. The mess sargeant didn't, the drill sargeant didn't, only the recruits did. Not even the girls who worked at the base exchanges and service clubs, with whom the recruits played kissy face "caught" meningitis - only the freshly vaccinated recruits "caught" it."---Daniel H Duffy Sr. DC also
"When notifications of meningitis (from MMR vaccine) from physicians were included; when the vaccine records of hospital cases of meningitis were included; when cross linkage of vaccine records from laboratory reports (4 laboratories) was performed and included the figure was increased to 1 in 11,000. It should be noted that in the case of one particular laboratory, this was 1 in 4,000. "----- Paul Shattock and Dawn Savery, Autism Research Unit, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK.
"When I heard about the 14 year old boy who died of group C meningitis I remember wondering how soon beforehand he had had his BCG vaccination (another vaccine with a live organism)."---DrJayne L M Donegan
"Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant, carried off in the first weeks of life by viral meningitis, you have the right to suspect that BCG is at work, even if the autopsy confirms a viral diagnosis. My wife lived through this tragedy in a major Swiss hospital where she worked. The autopsy of the child revealed the tubercular nature of the viral meningitis following a BCG inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses had received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible consequences. As with all secret societies, the law of silence is absolute among doctors!"--Dr Jean Elmiger (Rediscovering Real Medicine ISBN 1862041997)
[See: Vaccine induced meningitis ]
[See: Provocation polio.]
f. Ignored role of nutrition:
"Intensive research during the past twelve years on the relationship between
diet and susceptibility to infection, not only in polio but also in common respiratory
infections and tuberculosis, has convinced me that the human organism can protect itself
against infection virtually completely by proper nutrition."--Dr
Sandler 1952
"The bottom line is that sugar upsets the body chemistry and suppresses the immune system. Once the immune system becomes suppressed, the door is opened to infectious and degenerative diseases. The stronger the immune system the easier it is for the body to fight infectious and degenerative diseases."---Nancy Appleton, Ph.D
"The average person loses more than 90% of their immune function within 15 minutes of indulging in this poisonous substance (sugar). This deficiency lasts for about 2 hours after the stress occurs."--Dr Stoll
DIET PREVENTS POLIO by Dr Benjamin P Sandler MD]
[See: Infection
& nutrition quotes.]
Junk food]
"In June of 1959...all non-paralytic cases of poliomyelitis were to be henceforth recorded as 'meningitis, viral or aseptic,' a disease which itself only became reportable in 1952 (Canada)."--Catherine Diodati MA (Immunization History, Ethics, Law and Health p116)
Infections & poisons]
[See: Hiding polio]
Causes of polio]
Aspartame & MSG]
2. Vaccines haven't reduced overall meningitis disease:
"The use of Hib vaccines has displaced haemophillus as a cause of disease and death, but other organisms like the far more serious, and more untreatable pneumococcus or other bacterial meningitis types have risen to take the place of Hib as causes of meningitis."---Hilary Butler
"In Minnesota, a state epidemiologist concluded that the Hib vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed that vaccinated children were *five times* more likely to contract meningitis than unvaccinated children."
"hib is not a disease but a type of bacteria---defined by lab hard to see if there is any disease decline.......Primary motive was to combat "invasive bacterial infections", but no evidence this has been achieved. 3 major types of "ibi"--hib, pneumococcal, and meningococcal. ..decline in hib infections appears to have been accompanied by an increase in the other two.... there appears to be no evidence of a decrease in invasive bacterial disease overall.... in aus notifications of meningococcal disease in 1995 was highest since 1979...this rise occurred in parallel with the fall in hib disease, so what savings in illness have there been?, there seems to be no demonstration savings in illness in children, on top of this there seems to be an association between dpt vacc and invasive hib disease."--Greg Beattie
3. And now there is meningitis vaccine death & disease
"The Government was last night accused of a cover-up over the safety of its mass meningitis immunisation programme after The Observer obtained confidential documents that show at least 11 people have died after injections to prevent the disease."--Media Aug 2000
"Classen's data and other published data indicates the following vaccines are associated with an increased risk of diabetes (increased risk): hepatitis B (50%), hemophilus (25%), tetanus (20%), diphtheria (9%), pertussis (25%), mumps- rubella (23%). These findings are supported by a case control study performed in Europe. The cumulative effect of all these vaccines on diabetes is tremendous."--PRNewswire
"I have published many articles linking vaccines and diabetes. In one study, a clinical trial on the hemophilus vaccine, I showed that the risk of the vaccine exceeds the benefit. This is published by the British medical Journal."--Bart Classen
[See: Meningitis C vaccine damage. MeNZB vaccine (meningococcal B)]
4. Conflict of interest re vaccines:
"Four of the medical experts advising the Government on whether the new meningitis C vaccine is safe have links to one or more of the drug companies that produce it......Professor Janet Darbyshire, a member of the Government's Committee on Safety of Medicines, had received support for academic research from US firms Wyeth and Chiron, who produce the two main meningitis products being used on children in Britain....three members of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation had declared interests in vaccine manufacturers...Dr David Goldblatt of the Institute of Child Health, has served on an expert advisory panel for Wyeth and received research grants from Wyeth and North American Vaccines, which produces a third meningitis C drug to be introduced this year. Another, Professor Keith Cartwright of the University of Bristol, received funding from the drug industry to 'evaluate candidate meningicoccal vaccines'. "--Martin Bright and Tracy McVeigh, Sunday Observer, UK September 3, 2000
[See: Conflict of interest.]
5. Ignored non-drug treatments
These give some idea about what really comes first with the medical industry. Vitamin C for infections is over 50 years old, as is Dr Sandler's discovery.
"Personally, I have my own home where I use ozone oxygen. I use ultraviolet blood irradiation. I can show you how ultraviolet blood irradiation incapacitates Lupus. It destroys Hepatitis. It destroys Meningitis. It destroys HIV. This is a very simple procedure; I do it every day. It can easily be done by any medical doctor, and they won't do it. Because, when you kill off the virus, you don't have the diseases. You are thwarting what they wanted to do with their vaccinations and immunizations. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
Frederick R. Klenner, M.D. of North Carolina has seen cures of diphtheria, staph and strep infections, herpes, mumps, spinal meningitis, mononucleosis, shock, viral hepatitis, arthritis and polio using high doses of vitamin C (Journal of Preventive Medicine, Spring, 1974).
"The matron was convinced that the diagnosis was meningitis so she prepared a lumbar puncture. I had however, seen this problem before. Lumbar punctures performed by me had been negative and the infants died....the trauma of inserting a needle..might result in a haemorrage that might cause spinal cord paralysis. So I decided to give an injection of vitamin C..I probably gave as many as 6 injections, each 100mg. After half an hour Mary was normal. It was hard to believe, but I had performed a miracle!...I found that any viral infection, including measles and hepatitis, could be dramatically 'cured' by administering Vitamin C intravenously in big doses--provided that treatment was commenced early."---Dr Kalokerinos MD (Medical Pioneer of the 20th century p175)
[See Vitamin C for meningitis Levy, MD Kalokerinos M.D. Suppress alternatives Zapper quotes Oxygen Therapy]
Meningitis C vaccine
"Every time you hear of the tragic death of an infant, carried off in the
first weeks of life by viral meningitis, you have the right to suspect that
BCG is at work, even if the autopsy confirms a viral diagnosis. My wife lived through this
tragedy in a major Swiss hospital where she worked. The autopsy of the child revealed the
tubercular nature of the viral meningitis following a BCG inoculation, but all
the assistants and nurses had received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk
terrible consequences. As with all secret societies, the law of silence is absolute among
doctors!"--Dr Jean Elmiger (Rediscovering Real Medicine
ISBN 1862041997)
"When I heard about the 14 year old boy who died of group C meningitis I remember wondering how soon beforehand he had had his BCG vaccination (another vaccine with a live organism)."---DrJayne L M Donegan
The Government was last night accused of a cover-up over the safety of its mass meningitis immunisation programme after The Observer obtained confidential documents that show at least 11 people have died after injections to prevent the disease......Documents from the MCA obtained by The Observer show that since the immunisation programme began last year there have been more than 16,000 adverse reactions reported by GPs under the so-called Yellow Card system. [Media UK, Aug 2000 Meningitis C--deaths ] Eleven die after new vaccine jab
[See: Meningitis C vaccine damage]
Prevnar (pneumococcal)
Dawn Richardson founder of PROVE (Parents For Open Vaccine Education), shared
these thoughts, "One study that has not been done that I'm sure we all have a
good hypothesis as to what the results are - who are the majority of children
who are getting severe invasive infections with the pnuemococcal bacteria? Our
experience is showing that it is the kids who are massively vaccinated and
medicated with antibiotics. It is the poor children whose immune systems are
being systematically destroyed by the medical profession but they do have a nice
marketing gimmick going to create a constant widespread demand for their
products and services."
Dr. Erdem Cantekin, a medical researcher, is one of the nation's leading experts on earaches. "It [Prevnar] is an ineffective and toxic vaccine," he said ----[2001] News 8 Investigates: Prevnar
"The alleged benefits for this new vaccine are greatly exaggerated and the risks are significant," said Cantekin. ---"Pneumococcal Vaccine and Otitis Media" by Dr. Erdem Cantekin
What we do know is that U.S., where the vaccination is already in use, parent doctors have reported 117 deaths relatively soon after vaccination. There is no proof that vaccination was the cause, but the deaths remain obstinately unexplained.[Media Jan 2005 Prevnar vaccine] A JAB TOO FAR---Dr Richard Halvorsen
Sodium cyanide is used in the Prevnar manufacturing process, but trace amounts remain in the vaccine itself, according to Livingston. There are in fact, he says, many toxic substances in vaccines. "Mercury, lead, aluminum, cyanide, it's not a pretty picture," Livingston warns, "for a child's immune system, for unsuspecting parents and caregivers, who are never told about the presence of these chemicals, and for employees who have to keep their mouths shut or face losing employment," he adds."[May 2006] Whistleblower Mark Livingston Battles Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
"The award was also given this year to Mark Livingston, a pharmaceutical quality control specialist who was involved in the launching of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals' Prevnar pediatric vaccine. In the fall of 2003, Livingston filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that Wyeth Pharmaceuticals compromised the manufacturing process of bulk vaccine to meet demand. " Whistleblower speaks out - MerckVioxx & also bit on Wyeth Prevnar
"Prevnar ranks as one of the biggest selling hype snow jobs in modern medicine. And I havent even touched on the safety issues, including the fact that this company, like other vaccine manufacturers, cant seem to get around to conducting adequate safety studies."--Nicholas Regush
"The evaluation of safety and efficacy and federal approval of Prevnar is laden with ethical questions. Many of the doctors directly involved in the testing and approval process appear to have significant conflicts of interest. The efficacy of the vaccine is questionable and safety testing has been terribly inadequate. There are no long-term studies (i.e. more than 5 years) of the chronic, debilitating and life threatening diseases that this vaccine may cause. The fact that the vaccine is bio-engineered by combining various types and portions of bacteria should require it to undergo considerable scrutiny. Assuming the vaccine has any efficacy at all, the need for universal vaccination needs to be reexamined in light of the small number of children who might be at risk from serious complications from pneumococcal disease. "---Michael Horwin, MA
"The Prevnar pre-licensure clinical trials, which Wyeth Lederle paid Kaiser Permanente to conduct, compared two experimental vaccines against each other. To compound this basic methodological flaw, Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle, allowed most of the children in the trial to be given the more reactive DPT vaccine rather than use the safer, less reactive DTaP vaccine. This placed the children in that five-year experiment in greater danger and allowed the drug company to write off the seizures that occurred as being caused by DPT and not Prevnar, when in fact, they didn't know. Even so, the groups of children who got Prevnar suffered more seizures, higher fevers, more irritability and other reactions than did the children who got the other experimental vaccine. It was a no-brainer as far as I was concerned: Kaiser and Wyeth Lederle had proved nothing about Prevnar vaccine safety."--Barbara Loe Fisher
[See: Prevnar]
Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HIB)
"The use of Hib vaccines has displaced haemophillus as a cause of disease and death, but other organisms like the far more serious, and more untreatable pneumococcus or other bacterial meningitis types have risen to take the place of Hib as causes of meningitis."---Hilary Butler
"Could the increase in all forms of meningitis and other infectious disease complications and deaths be because for the last 40+ years, the first thing parents do at the slightest sign of temperature is push paracetamol? I believe so."--Hilary Butler (VRAN Newsletter Jan-March 2003)
"In Minnesota, a state epidemiologist concluded that the Hib vaccine increases the risk of illness when a study revealed that vaccinated children were *five times* more likely to contract meningitis than unvaccinated children."
"Classen's data and other published data indicates the following vaccines are associated with an increased risk of diabetes (increased risk): hepatitis B (50%), hemophilus (25%), tetanus (20%), diphtheria (9%), pertussis (25%), mumps- rubella (23%). These findings are supported by a case control study performed in Europe. The cumulative effect of all these vaccines on diabetes is tremendous."--PRNewswire
"hib is not a disease but a type of bacteria---defined by lab hard to see if there is any disease decline.......Primary motive was to combat "invasive bacterial infections", but no evidence this has been achieved. 3 major types of "ibi"--hib, pneumococcal, and meningococcal. ..decline in hib infections appears to have been accompanied by an increase in the other two.... there appears to be no evidence of a decrease in invasive bacterial disease overall.... in aus notifications of meningococcal disease in 1995 was highest since 1979...this rise occurred in parallel with the fall in hib disease, so what savings in illness have there been?, there seems to be no demonstration savings in illness in children, on top of this there seems to be an association between dpt vacc and invasive hib disease."--Greg Beattie
"I have published many articles linking vaccines and diabetes. In one study, a clinical trial on the hemophilus vaccine, I showed that the risk of the vaccine exceeds the benefit. This is published by the British medical Journal."--Bart Classen
[See: Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (HIB)]