Naturopathy, Natural Hygiene & smallpox
[Natural healing exposes the fallacy of the Allopathic disease theory that
relied purely on vaccination. See:
Trall MD]
To test the effectiveness of natural immunity versus vaccination, the non vaccinated Kingston Clinic staff challenged six vaccinated doctors to join them, in 1936, in a smallpox isolation unit. The doctors had the very good sense not to accept the offer.
"Both Press and Radio continue to preach that smallpox is a terribly infectious and deadly scourge. They never tell us that "provided no mischief be done either by physician or nurse, it is the most safe and slight of all diseases". (Dr. Thomas Sydenham, 1688).--Lionel Dole
During the last ten years, I have treated and cured all kinds of serious acute diseases without resorting to allopathic drugs. In a very extensive practice, I have not in all these years lost a single case of appendicitis (and not one of them was operated upon), of typhoid fever, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, etc., and only one case of cerebro-spinal meningitis and of lobar pneumonia. These facts may be verified from the records of the Health Department of the City of Chicago.-----Chapter 16: The Diphtheria Antitoxin (Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure by Henry Lindlahr, M.D.)
"Mr. Pickering, who treated cases at Gloucester by the "water cure" method, declared that his fatality rate was as low as 2 per cent."---- Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization
"Smallpox is considered one of the most virulent of contagious diseases, and it is generally believed that persons exposed are almost invariably attacked, unless protected by vaccination. This is one of the most stupendous exaggerations to be found in medical literature. My experience has been that very few people take it when exposed to it."--John Tilden MD
"Dr Rodermund, a physician in the state of Wisconscin, created a sensation by smearing his body with the exudate of smallpox sores in order to demonstrate to his medical colleagues that a healthy body could not be infected with the disease. He was arrested and quaratined in jail, but not before he had come into contact with many people. Not a single case of smallpox developed through this "exposure"....I have ...handled intimately thousands of cases of contagious diseases, and I do not remember a single instance where any of us was the least affected by such contact."---Henry Lindlahr MD (Philosophy of Natural Therapeutics p 39).
"Dr. Russell T. Trall, the eminent Natural Hygienist, considered smallpox "as essentially . . . not a dangerous disease." He cared for large numbers of patients afflicted with smallpox and never lost a case."--Dr Shelton DC