[1883 Statistical deception by WHITAKER'S ALMANAC, leaving out 3 periods.]
ALMANAC." 61, Victoria-road, Finsbury Park,
Dec. 18, 1883.
Sir,輸llow me, in accordance with the suggestion in your advertisement, to point out two discrepancies in the article " History of Smallpox and Vaccination " in your Almanac, p. 425, for 1884.
Vaccination was first made compulsory in 1853, not 1867. Again, the table of
figures, if completed, would show that Compulsory Vaccination has not
reduced the death-rate of smallpox. I adjoin the complete table, and remain,
yours truly,
W. T. Stephens.
Vaccination Voluntary Mean death-rate from
Small-pox per
Million of population7 years 1847-53 303 Vaccination Compulsory 182 * 7 years 1854-60 193 * 7years 1861-67 327 * 7 years 1868-74 78 7years 1875-81 * These periods are not given in the Almanack
page. 209 [1883-1884 Book] Vaccination Inquirer Volume 5 April 1883 to March 1884