Dr Isaacs point of view is stated here: "I am a strong believer in vaccinations being voluntary but not getting this baby vaccinated is a form of child abuse," he said. "We are talking a potentially major and awful outcome for this child and it is our job to protect children when they can't make decisions for themselves."
Professor Isaacs said the baby had a 5 to 40 per cent chance of contracting hepatitis B from its mother and "about 30 per cent of people with hepatitis B will develop cancer or cirrhosis and die young … I don't understand why these people are willing to sacrifice their child for a warped idea when the benefits far outweigh the risks."
Professor Isaacs has said that 60 to 95% of babies will not catch Hepatitis B from a carrier mother. Okay? He says that the potential outcome for this child is major and awful?
Well, I have a story to tell you
intrepid readers, about a New Zealand
family in the town I live in. They just
happen to be close friends, so I know
this first hand. A somewhat zealous
doctor, discovered in his practice, a
man whose records showed that he had
been a known core antigen Hepatitis B
carrier for over 30 years. (How this
fact had seemingly escaped the practice
staff's attention is another issue, but
let's not go there right now) Core
antigen positive, is worse than just
surface antigen positive, as it "means"
that the person is infectious.
This doctor also discovered that the man
had repeatedly refused interferon
treatment. Aghast, he discovered that
the couple never used any contraception.
How irresponsible! The wife was surely
in mortal danger. Criminally, all seven
children, the oldest an adult....
were... gasp....(you guessed it...)
Enraged at such total irresponsibility
given that a vaccine had been available
for babies for 21 years, he thought it
would be a great idea to make an example
of this family. He "ordered" that the
wife, and all seven children be blood
tested which they complied with. Surely
(he must have thought) they would all be
carriers! Yum! Perhaps he could
"force" them all onto interferon
treatment. Who knows what propaganda
value these barbaric child abusers might
be to him!
To his utter disappointment, the blood tests showed that the wife and children were not hepatitis surface antigen or core antigen carriers, and they were also hepatitis B ANTIBODY NEGATIVE. They had... no immunity! (According to the test results.) So the parents had snogged, and had sex without condoms or any contraception, for near on three decades, and NOTHING had happened! The father, a demonstrative soul, constantly kissed and cuddled his children, and by this time, his grandchildren as well.
Of course, the said doctor then announced that the wife, children and grandchildren MUST all be vaccinated immediately, since they were in deadly danger of becoming mortally sick, carriers, getting cirrhosis or cancer, and dying.
The family told the doctor to go
fertilise his lemon tree, and butt out
of their lives.
You will NOT see this case written up in
any medical journal or part of any media
blitz, because it proves Dr Isaacs
figures to be a guestimate plucked from
some convenient crystal ball. This
family doesn't "suit" their purposes.
There is no emotional pity to be
extorted from it.
Thinking realistically with regard to
the Australian baby's chances of being
infected from the mother... which figure
is it to be?
per 100, or 40 per 100?
There is a huge difference between the
two. Perhaps... they don't know? Did
any journalist bother to ask that
question? If not, why not?
This figure which says that five to forty percent of children can catch hepatitis B from their carrier mothers is like saying that anywhere between 5,000 people to 40,000 people might get killed on Australian roads every year. Any statistician who came up with those sorts of statistical range would be called incompentent.
Hasn't hepatitis B has been around long enough for doctors to have a definitive answer? If not, why don't they come out and admit that they haven't actually got the foggiest idea, and are just guessing so that they can sound like they know something? I'm surprised not one journo has called them on this gaffe.
Here's how I see this little game.
No-one actually gives a monkey's trumpet about this family or this child. After all, given the scare mongering doctors keep on rolling out about how people die from chickenpox, the flu and every other microbial monster under the sun, that argument above should surely apply to all vaccines, not just this one?
They don't seem to care about the
"risk" to the father here, or the three
year old. All the attention is on the
baby. They haven't SAID that the mother
is core antigen, which makes me wonder
whether she's not actually
infectious. This baby has now become an
medico-political pawn in a game of
emotional blackmail. The stakes here
seem to me to be quite high, and far
Is this the "nose of the
Will the next move be to go around
impounding all the girls whose parents
don't vaccinate their kids with
Gardasil, on the basis that they are
condemning their children to cervical
cancer? Will they go around impounding
all the kiddies whose parents don't use
the flu vaccine, on the basis that their
fluey babies/children might kill their
grandma already vaccinated with a flu
shot that is as useful as tap-water?
Perhaps this is the medical profession
"flying a kite"; testing the waters;
seeing how the public reacts. Have they
conditioned other people well enough so
that they won't "mind" if all their
rights as parents are eventually
stripped off them?
If the public gets outraged at the
parents, and backs Dr Isaacs, he will be
mightily pleased.
You watch. If that happens, the neck of
the camel will come next, then the
body. Before you know it the tent won't
be yours any more, and anyone who
doesn't vaccinate against anything will
be accused of being some sort of
terrorist, and chucked into the clink,
along with the child murderers, ... and
you know what inmates do to them!
Unless of course, it all
backfires, like it did with Liam
Holloway in New Zealand.
Level headed outraged New Zealanders,
said "Sod you," to the medical
profession, who were trying to force
chemo onto a child who didn't want it
after suffering hugely from the first
While the doctors said the child would
be dead within six months and a
nationwide hunt was authorized, ordinary
kiwi parents got organised, kept quiet
about it, allocated safe houses, kept
watch, moved the family on as the police
moved in, and the child, the parents and
the rest of the family were safely
hidden for 20 months until finally the
doctors caved, and cancelled the court
Now, the question is, whether there are enough Australians who have the guts to stick their necks out, and do the same thing. Do you Aussies CARE enough to send a message to doctors telling them just WHO is the parent here and just WHO has the right to make the choices here? Are you Aussies going to stand up, and make the law stick?
Because if their aren't enough Australians to enforce existing law, and support a parent's right of choice, then one day, it just might be you.
It's over to you, our Aussie cousins, to stand up, and show us Kiwis that YOU too have honourable mettle, and are heartily sick of the nanny state dictating to us, what, where, when and how we should even breathe.