Professor Simon Baron-Cohen
[Another (Jewish) 'expert' who
makes out MMR is perfectly safe and doesn't cause autism (Vaccine
autism), using
genetics and
diagnosis. Can any professional
be that ignorant? These lines will come back to haunt him.]
Relative: Baron-Cohen, Sacha
See: Autism and genetics change in diagnosis The Institute of Psychiatry
'Professor Baron-Cohen, director of the centre and the country's foremost authority on the condition, said he did not believe there was any link between the three-in-one vaccination and autism. Genetics, better recognition of the condition, environmental factors such as chemicals and children's exposure to hormones in the womb, especially testosterone, were more likely to be the cause, he commented. 'As for MMR, at this point one can conclude that evidence does not support the idea that the MMR causes autism.'---New Health Fears Over Big Surge in Autism,,2121521,00.html
[2009 March] Autism
March London 2009 The Cambridge University study’s
author Simon Baron-Cohen says the increase in autism is due to:
“Better recognition” ----this is baloney.
Baron-Cohen is also quoted as saying the rise in autism is due to “Changing
diagnostic criteria”---this is more baloney.
Many of today’s autistic children cannot talk. What we are being told by
Baron-Cohen is that prior to 1990, parents did not notice that their children
could not talk, doctors did not notice, teachers did not notice.
We need scientists with integrity, truly independent scientists. Not
Our children are being failed
The vaccination programme is definitely, unequivocally, absolutely,
deeply implicated in what has happened to thousands of British children and tens
of thousands of children worldwide.
Professor Sir Michael Rutter along with a troupe of psychiatrists now
or formerly associated with The Maudsley Hospital and
The Institute of Psychiatry at Kings have been working hard at telling the public autism is
solely genetic and denying there is a
world autism pandemic. .....Genetics
cannot account for the large rise we are seeing in autism since the mid 1980s.
So instead what we see are efforts by Rutter and the
King's Institute of Psychiatry other autism denialists to claim there is no
real rise in the prevalence of autism. This claim is unscientific and runs
counter to the facts documented in the formal literature.
The The
Institute of Psychiatry has or is home to more than its fair share
of doctors (psychiatrists mostly) who publish papers claiming autism is
genetic and denying there is an autism epidemic (the correct word is
pandemic - epidemics have far fewer victims). These doctors include Rutter,
(now expert witness in the US in the thiomersal/autism
litigation when he had previously published nothing about it), Simon Baron
Cohen. It is also home to controversial "Gulf War Syndrome" psychiatrist
Wessely, director of the Centre for Military Health Research at King's
College London and who had been claiming ME/CFS is not a physical condition
but a mental one contrary to the definition used around the world......
Rutter was also an expert witness in Malmo, Sweden in an MMR autism
case where the key question was whether
autism was solely genetic and not
environmental. Rutter's expert evidence was that it was genetic.
Professor Sir Michael Rutter & The Drug Industry