Smallpox vaccine failure quotes
[back] Smallpox vaccination statistics
[back] Smallpox quotes
[Not only was vaccination a complete failure (most cases had been vaccinated) but it was actually the main cause in the spread of smallpox, with the most obvious example being the huge epidemic at the very height of compulsory vaccination. Leicester provided the most glaring example of its failure.]
Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898,
Alfred R.
"The (smallpox) unvaccinated Gabriele did not become ill
as the vaccinated Waltraut. This did not agree with medical opinion.
In their Textbook on Infectious Diseases, the authors GSELL and MOHR reproduced
a photo of the two girls, but without their heads, and claimed that the girl
with considerably more pustules on her body was the unvaccinated Gabriele, the
girl with the less pustules the vaccinated Waltraut. It was however
exactly the other way round: The unvaccinated Gabriele was less ill than
the vaccinated Waltraut."--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---Dr. med. G.
Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3
page 81.
"During 10 outbreaks of smallpox between 1947 and 1974 nearly 100 people became ill with smallpox---even though they had been vaccinated."Dr Buchwald (The Decline of Tuberculosis despite "Protective" Vaccination by Dr. Gerhard Buchwald M.D. p134)
There is a third comment to be made on these classifications of the Metropolitan Asylums Board. It would appear from the Reports* that as a matter of fact the whole of the small-pox patients in their hospitals had been vaccinated. This is shown in the elaborate tables given, but in the Summary every patient is put in the unvaccinated list who was not known to have been efficiently vaccinated at least fourteen days before symptoms of small-pox were observed. [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.
Philippines (1918-1920): [Phillipines 1905-1920]
Archie Kalokerinos M.D
"We were fortunate enough to address their own medical (and) health officials where we reminded them of the incidence of smallpox in formerly "immunized" Filipinos. We invited them to consult their own medical records and asked them to correct us if our own facts and figures disagreed. No such correction has been forthcoming, and we can only conclude that between 1918-1919 there were 112,549 cases of smallpox notified, with 60,855 deaths. Systematic (mass) vaccination started in 1905, and since its introduction case mortality increased alarmingly. Their own records comment that "The mortality is hardly explainable."---Dr Kalokerinos (Second Thoughts on Disease by Archie Kalokerinos M.D. & Dr Dettman)
"In 1918, the US Army forced the vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with small-pox, and of these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were vaccinated. Of these 65,180 victims came down with small-pox, and 44,408 died. In the first experiment, one-third died, and in the second, two-thirds of the infected ones died. ----- from Dr. William Koch's book, The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases."
"When the Philippines were taken over by the U.S.A., in 1898, they
became a shop-window for the sale of vaccine. They had had plenty of vaccination, of
course, under Spanish rule, but the Americans began to clean the place up, and the
smallpox figures took a big dive, as might have been expectedand the vaccinators
took the big bows, as usual.
The sale of vaccine was enormous. The health reports prove thisan
account rendered for the taxpayers to pay. When, however, the inevitable epidemic came, in
1918-20, it is worth noting that, out of a population of 10,000,000, the huge total of
71,000 deaths was more than equalled by several other epidemics during the same three
years. Malaria took 93,000, influenza 91,000, tuberculosis 80,000, while dysentery,
cholera and typhus together took another 70,000. It will be seen, therefore, that, during
one of the very worst epidemics in all history, the deaths from smallpox were well below 1
per cent of the population. Yet we are always being told of the millions of lives saved by
the noble work of Jenner and his prosperous followers."--Lionel
England & Wales:
"In the Second Report of the Commission, pp. 21920, a witness declared that
out of six persons who died of small-pox and were reported by the medical officer of the
Union to have been unvaccinated, five were found to have been vaccinated, one being a
child who bad been vaccinated by the very person who made the report, and another a man
who had been twice revaccinated in the militia"-----ALFRED
In the epidemic of 1871-72, there died 14,808 persons of Smallpox in London, of whom 11,174 were Vaccinated. [1884] SIR LYON PLAYFAIR taken to Pieces and Disposed of: LIKEWISE SIR CHARLES W. DILKE, BART by William White
The figures of the Registrar-General, showing that in the twenty-seven years ending with 1911, 2,505 admittedly vaccinated persons died of smallpox, prove that vaccination does not protect. [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.
"That vaccination is capable of extirpating the disease or of controlling epidemic waves is," says Crookshank, " absolutely negatived by the epidemic in 1825, and the epidemics which followed in quick succession in 1838, in 1840, 1841, 1844-5, 1848, 1851-2. Vaccination was made compulsory in 1853, but epidemics followed in 1854, 1855, and 1856, culminating in the terrible epidemic in 1871-72 with more than 42,000 deaths. Epidemics followed in 1877 and 1881." (Inaugural Address to Medical Society of King's College, October 26th, 1894.) [1921] Vaccination and the State By Arnold Lupton MP.
"Dr. Munk stated before the Hospital Commission, that the percentage of vaccinated patients in the London small-pox hospital had increased from 40 per cent. in 1838 to 94.6 per cent. in 1879 (3rd Report of Royal Comm., Q. 9090). This evidence was given in 1882; but Mr, Wheeler stated that according to the Reports of the Highgate hospital, the vaccinated patients had long been over 90 per cent of the whole, and are now often even 94 or 95per cent."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION
"In Notes on the Small-pox Epidemic at Birkenhead, 1877 (p. 9), Dr. F. Vacher says: "Those entered as not vaccinated were admittedly unvaccinated, or without the faintest mark. The mere assertions of patients or their friends that they were vaccinated counted for nothing." Another medical official justifies this method of making statistics as follows: "I have always classed those as unvaccinated, when no scar, presumably arising from vaccination, could be discovered. Individuals are constantly seen who state that they have been vaccinated, but upon whom no cicatrices can be traced. In a prognostic and a statistic point of view, it is better, and, I think, necessary, to class them as unvaccinated" (Dr. Gaytons Report for the Homerton. Hospital for 187123)."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION
" When England was most vaccinated,
it not only had the greatest amount of smallpox, but most of its smallpox cases
in those days occurred amongst the vaccinated.
The statistics of the Highgate Smallpox Hospital show that in 1871,
91.5 per cent. of
their cases had been vaccinated, and in 1881, out of a total of 491 cases, 470, or nearly
96 per cent., had been vaccinated. The Lancet for 23 February 1884, gives the facts
about an outbreak in Sunderland, where there were just 100 cases, and 96 of them had been
vaccinated. On 27 August 1881, that journal published an account of an outbreak at
Bromley, where 43 cases occurred, every one of them vaccinated.
Mr. Alexander Wheeler submitted figures to the Royal Commission on Vaccination (p. 204
of the Commissions Third Report) which show that from 1870-86 the Metropolitan
Asylums Board treated 53,579 smallpox cases, of which 41,061 were admittedly vaccinated,
and 2,858 were put in the class they called doubtfully vaccinated.
Sheffield, an insanitary town, had a bad smallpox epidemic in 1887-88. Of 7,066 cases
classed as vaccinated or unvaccinated, 5,891 or 83.4 per cent were put in the vaccinated
class. Of 647 cases at Warrington, in 1892-93, 601, or 89.2 per cent, had been vaccinated;
of 2,945 cases at Birmingham in 1892-93, 2,616, or 88.8 per cent, had been vaccinated; and
of 828 cases at Willenhall in 1894, 739, or 89.3 per cent, had been vaccinated.
The last big outbreak of genuine smallpox was in London in 1901-2, when, out of almost
10,000 cases, some 7,000 had been vaccinated."----
Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth
About Vaccination and Immunization
Vaccinated 1902-4 London's case mortality 3 times unvaccinated Leicester, and 9
times higher in 1904
Even the case fatality-rate
of the vaccinated patients in the London epidemic, as given in the special
report, was 14.21 per cent. Compare this with the case fatality-rate of the
unvaccinated patients at Leicester, in 1902-04 (given by Dr. Millard at page 21
of his report for 1904), of only 4.87 per cent, for the whole epidemic ; also
with the unvaccinated case fatality-rate for the 1904 portion of the epidemic,
of only 1.6 per cent. London has not much to boast of, when its vaccinated case
fatality-rate was, therefore, nearly three times as great as (or about 300 per
cent, above) Leicester's unvaccinated case fatality-rate for the whole epidemic,
and about nine times higher than (or nearly 900 per cent, above) Leicester's
unvaccinated case fatality-rate for 1904. CH 52
epidemic--1,356 lives saved over vaccinated times
For the ten years ended 1872......primary vaccinations (were).......84.3 per
cent, to the total births. Yet during the epidemic of 1871-73 there died of
small-pox in Leicester .... no fewer than 193 children under ten, nearly
all of whom were vaccinated. This is a small-pox death-rate of 6,699 per million
living under ten, and a small-pox death-rate of 1,964 per million on the total
For the ten years ended 1893, ...primary vaccinations
... amounted
to...12.9 per cent, to the total births yet only fourteen
children under ten have died during the outbreak of 1893-94, or a small-pox
death-rate of only 301 per million living under ten,
and a death-rate of only 76 per million on the total population.........with about seven times more vaccination of children under ten, we had a
small-pox death-rate nearly twenty-four times more fatal than in the less "protected" period. Had the same small-pox death-rate prevailed amongst the
children under ten in 1892-94 as prevailed in 1871-73, there would have died not
the fourteen who actually succumbed, but no fewer than 362. ......Again, compare the low fatality of our present unvaccinating period
with the high fatality of our highest vaccination period, and we are effecting
an annual saving of 1,356 lives, nearly all those of children, which vaccination
used to boast it saved. We can well afford to concede all the saving that
vaccination claims (even the lives of the fourteen children already referred
to), while we show. CH 78
600 infant lives, 2,200 under 5, saved every year in Leicester due sanitation &
discarding of vaccination
That Leicester (which was formerly classed by the Registrar-General amongst
the most unhealthy towns of the country) had an average annual death-rate in
1868-72 of 26.82 per 1,000 total population, when the percentage of vaccinations
was 91.7 to the total births; and that subsequently, when vaccinations had
fallen to 2.1 per cent, to the total births, the average annual death-rate from
all causes for 1893-97 had fallen to only 17.31 per 1,000 living, and has since
gone down to 12.30.
The lesson of this table (49) is that when we pinned our
faith to the prophylactic and saving virtues of vaccination—from 1868 to 1872—no
fewer than an annual average of 239 out of every 1,000 infants born died within
twelve months of their birth. Now, having seen the error of our ways, and
discarded the nostrum, instead of 239 deaths, there is only an annual average of
128 deaths per 1,000 births, or a decrease of 111 per thousand, being a saving
of 46 per cent. These figures represent an annual saving of over 600 infant
lives each year in Leicester.
..The saving of children's lives under five years of age is
on the same lines of progress. Whereas in the high vaccination period of 1866-72
there were 107 deaths per thousand living at that age, now there are only 34 per
thousand, being a decrease of 73 per thousand, or a saving of 68 per cent. This
represents a saving of over 2,200 lives each year of children living under five.
smallpox mortality was in years with most vaccination:
Small-pox inoculation, in its day, was as rife in
Leicester as anywhere. The practice of vaccination followed, but there are no
reliable official records obtainable as to the precise amount of vaccination
earlier than 1849. At that date, the registers show that over 74 per cent, of
the children born were vaccinated, consequently there must have been a
considerable volume of vaccination before that time. This increased to nearly 93
per cent, in 1854, and, although varying in amount, kept at a fairly high level,
reaching an unusual figure in 1863, and its maximum in 1872, both being times of
exceptionally severe smallpox epidemics, especially that of 1872.
It is futile, therefore, for
anyone to allege that, in the great pandemic years of 1871-73, Leicester was an
unvaccinated—or, to use the modern medical term, an "unprotected"—community.
Whatever " protection " vaccination could afford as a preventive of small-pox,
Leicester undoubtedly enjoyed at that time. But in those dreadful and fateful
years, several thousands of our "protected" (?) people were mercilessly
attacked by small-pox, until the fruitless attempt to count the numbers was
abandoned in despair, and the required information entirely lost. The fearful
death roll of 360 victims formed the only basis upon which any sort of
calculation could be made as to the approximate number of small-pox cases which
then occurred in the town. Need anyone wonder that the
belief in the prophylactic virtues of vaccination rapidly dwindled?
Particularly so, because with the decline of vaccination came a diminution not
only of small-pox, but also of all kindred zymotic diseases
(1) There was an enormous
rise in small-pox mortality after more than a quarter of a century of continuous
vaccination prior to 1872, at which date occurred the greatest and most fatal
smallpox epidemic ever known or recorded in Leicester for over half a century.
(2) That from 1872 a rapid
decline of vaccintion took place, and that such decline is coincident with the
lowest small-pox mortality known until that time.
(3) That with the
practical abandonment of vaccination, and the introduction and perfecting of
the " Leicester Method " of Notification, Sanitation, Isolation, Quarantine,
Disinfection, Observation, etc., small-pox mortality has become, to all intents
and purposes, extinct.
It must be borne in mind that
the epidemic of 1871-73 found a fully
vaccinated population in Leicester, both infantile and adult, whilst those of
1892-94 and 1902-04 occurred in populations essentially unvaccinated. A yet more
striking feature is that in 1892-94 there were, approximately, 50,000
unvaccinated children in the town ; and in 1902-04 there would not be fewer than
70,000 unvaccinated children in Leicester, nearly all of whom passed through
these epidemics entirely unscathed. Only very few children, indeed, were
Who, then, can blame
Leicester people for giving up the nostrum of vaccination? With such an
object-lesson before their very eyes, it would indeed have been strange had they
done otherwise! Yet the medical journals have continued to denounce Leicester
for taking up an attitude against vaccination, which not only entirely accords
with reason and common sense, but is justified to the full by its own
unimpeachable experience.
Now, comparing the small-pox epidemic of 1868-72 in Leicester, when the "protection" was 18 per cent, on the professional five years basis, with the epidemics of 1892-94 and 1902-04, when the "protection" was less than one per cent., what do we find? That, reckoning the difference in population, in the first of those epidemics, with eighteen times the amount of vaccinal "protection," Leicester had nearly thirty times as much fatal small-pox as in the second and third epidemics. So much for the highly vaunted "protection" theory, worked out on a scientific period basis! LEICESTER: SANITATION versus VACCINATION BY J.T. BIGGS J.P.
"From the 29th January, 1872, to the 24th October, 1874, there have
been 715 cases passed through the Hospital, the particulars of which appear in
the ledger; out of the 715 cases there were 600 "vaccinated," and 115 "not
vaccinated." Now, from the immense pains taken to swell out the "not
vaccinated," by adding well authenticated cases of vaccination, the
unsuccessfully vaccinated, and the certified unfit, it is not to be presumed the
medical officers would add to the "vaccinated" any "not vaccinated," therefore
the 600 are all fair and bona-fide cases. On the other hand, how are the
115 "not vaccinated" reduced by deducting the "vaccinated," the "unsuccessfully
vaccinated," and the "certified unfit," &c. I do not
believe that of the whole 115 cases entered "not vaccinated," after deducting
the three classes above mentioned, there would be left 40 fair cases of "not
PICKERING, F.S.S., F.R.G.S. [1876.
Vaccinated Sheffield
He also declared that the town was so well vaccinated that there was no fear
of smallpox. However, when the epidemic came, in 1887, in the dire distress and
pitiless extremity to which the Authorities were driven, it was confessed they
were beaten, and that the epidemic "must burn itself out"!!! So overtaxed, and,
indeed, overwhelmed, was the department, that the statistics for 1887 were not
even published until June, 1892!CH
After referring to the population and of cases and deaths dealt with in Dr. Barry's report, Dr. Buchanan proceeds :.—"The epidemic of small-pox
at Sheffield has turned out to be one of importance, judged on the scale of
English epidemics during the last sixteen years, and it has stood
conspicuously above any other small-pox prevalence of the years 1887-88.
...For any preference shown by
small-pox for Sheffield, as the place to be invaded, I can offer no
sufficient explanation. While small-pox exists in England, or can be imported
into England from abroad, its introduction into any English community is an
affair of circumstance ; of the movements of persons and things that are able
to carry its infection. . . .So small-pox in the early
part of 1887 made its appearance at Sheffield; in two sub-districts of the
borough almost simultaneously."
These last are two delicious
paragraphs. Dr. Buchanan says he "can offer no sufficient explanation" why small-pox invaded Sheffield. Had such an outbreak occurred
at Leicester, he would, of course, have found no such difficulty. If so
disastrous "an affair of circumstance "could happen to a city efficiently "protected " from the inroads of small-pox, as Sheffield was at that time, of
what possible use is vaccination ? CH 54
The result of this prejudiced and unscientific method of registering small-pox mortality is the belief of the majority of the medical writers on the subject that there is an enormous difference between the mortality of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and that the difference is due to the fact of vaccination or the absence of it."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION
That such suppressio veri is no new thing, but has been going on during the whole period of vaccination, is rendered probable by a statement in the Medical Observer of 1810, by Dr. Maclean. He says: "Very few deaths from cowpox appear in the Bills of Mortality, owing to the means which have been used to suppress a knowledge of them. Neither were deaths, diseases, and failures transmitted in great abundance from the country, not because they did not happen., but because some practitioners were interested in not seeing them, and others who did see them were afraid of announcing what they knew.""-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION
Mr. Charles Fox, a medical man residing at Cardiff has published fifty-six cases of illness following vaccination, of which seventeen resulted in death. In only two of these, where he himself gave the certificate, was vaccination mentioned."-----ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE [Book 1898] VACCINATION A DELUSION
"Now, in the epidemic of 1871, 91.5 per cent. of the cases admitted to the Highgate Hospital were vaccinated, and at the same place in 1881, of 491 cases only twenty-one were not vaccinated, and this at a time when certainly not more than 90 per cent. of Londoners were "protected;" and, indeed, in an outbreak at Bromley, comprising forty-three cases, every one of the victims had been vaccinated and three re-vaccinated, (Lancet, April 27,1881.) so that it would seem, as regards the relative incidence of small-pox, vaccination has very little effect. If I wished to improve the occasion, after Sir Lyon Playfair's example, I might quote Dr. Browning, who gives particulars of 469 cases of post-vaccinal small-pox, of whom ninety-nine died, or 21.108 per cent. of whom he says, "many of these sufferers showed good vaccine marks of the kind that would be deemed worthy of an extra grant from the Government Inspector, and yet they took small-pox."William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883
"I believed that vaccination prevented smallpox. I believed that if it did not absolutely prevent it in every case, it modified the disease in some cases, and I believed that re-vaccination, if only frequent enough, gave absolute immunity. Experience has driven all that out of my head; I have seen vaccinated persons get smallpox, and persons who had been vaccinated get smallpox, and I have seen those who had had smallpox get it a second time and die of it."------Dr. J. C. Ward M.R.C.S. at Harrogate, (England)
"Smallpox was on the way out, indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the WHO decided to conduct the final "eradication" campaign. It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the same epidemics. "--Viera Scheibner
"During the epidemic of 1871, visiting the hospitals and seeing in private practice that nine-tenths of the small-pox cases were vaccinated."---Dr Allinson
"The increased deaths from these five causes, from 1855 to 1880, exceed the total deaths from Small-pox during the same period! So that even if the latter disease had been totally abolished by vaccination, the general mortality would have been increased, and there is much reason to believe that the increase may have been caused by vaccination itself."--Wallace
"Since the passing of the Act in 1853 we have had no less than three distinct epidemics. In 1857-9 we had more than 14,000 deaths from smallpox; in the 1863-5 epidemic the deaths had increased to 20,000; and in 1871-2 they totalled up to the tune of 44,800."------Dr Hadwen MD (The Case Against Vaccination ---an address at Gloucester on Saturday, January 25th, 1896, during the Gloucester Smallpox Epidemic)
"In the Metropolitan Hospital 1870-1-2, it is acknowledged that out of 14,808 smallpox patients 11,174 had been vaccinated."---Mr P.A. Taylor (Vacc Inq 5, p48)
"The 23,469 deaths from small-pox in the French army, though cited in St-Petersburg and Berlin, twice published in the British Medical Journal, approved by Dr. Carpenter, proclaimed by Sir Lyon Playfair, and declared by Sir Charles Dilke to be simply "crushing," have been proved, nevertheless, to be a pure fabrication, there being no statistical data of the Franco-German War worthy of the name. The one certain fact about the matter seems to be that 263 well re-vaccinated German soldiers died of small-pox."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883
"Thus far as regards the utility of vaccination to the state; we have now to consider its utility to the individual. Do the vaccinated escape in an epidemic? or, if they do not escape an attack of smallpox, do they escape death from it? In answer to the first question, apart from the familiar negative experience of everyone, we have the statistics of smallpox hospitals, which relate to the poorer class and probably do full justice to the fact of non-vaccination, inasmuch as the unvaccinated residue is mostly to be found in those slums and tenements of the poor where smallpox (now as always) is apt to linger. At the Eastern Metropolitan Hospital (Homerton) from its opening early in 1871 to the end of 1878 there were 6533 admissions for smallpox, of which 4283 had vaccination marks, 793 had no marks although vaccinated, and 1477 were unvaccinated, giving a proportion of 0.29 unvaccinated. In the epidemic hospitals of Liverpool, Glasgow, and Dublin the proportion was 0.25 during the same period."---Dr. Charles Creighton M.A., M.D. Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888
"I have had in my own experience one very small epidemic comprising 33
(smallpox) cases of which 29 had vaccination histories and a good scar, and some of them
vaccinated within the last year. There was no protection there. "---Dr Hay
"I have had in my own experience one very small epidemic comprising 33 (smallpox) cases of which 29 had vaccination histories and a good scar, and some of them vaccinated within the last year. There was no protection there. "---Dr. William Howard Hay
In the great epidemic of 1752 in Boston, Massachusetts, when one-third of the
inhabitants were attacked and 539 died, the mortality did not exceed 10 per
cent. Including infants, always the most likely to succumb, it was a common
reckoning that of 6 or 7 who had Smallpox, 1 died. Coming to the present
century, after the introduction of Vaccination, we have the evidence of the
Epidemiological Society in 1852, collected from 156 medical practitioners in
various parts of England, that the Unvaccinated died at the rate of 19.7 per
cent., or as nearly as possible 1 in 5—the Unvaccinated being then chiefly
limited to the poor, who suffer most severely from whatever disease.
With these facts before us, showing that when all were Unvaccinated the
death-rate was under 20 per cent, we are now told everywhere that the
Unvaccinated die at rates varying from 40 to 60 per cent., whilst the death-rate
of the Vaccinated undergoes correspondent declension. That people should
entertain, and repeat, and asseverate such statements proves their ignorance of
the very elements of the case whereon they presume to dogmatise.
[1884] SIR LYON
PLAYFAIR taken to Pieces and Disposed of: LIKEWISE SIR CHARLES
W. DILKE, BART by William White
"Italy is one of the best vaccinated countries in the world,
if not the best of all, for twenty years before 1885, our nation was vaccinated in the
proportion of 98.5%. Notwithstanding, the epidemics of smallpox that we have had have been
something so frightful that nothing before the invention of vaccination could equal them.
During 1887, we had 16,249 deaths from smallpox; in 1888- 18,110 and 1889,
13,413"------Chas Rauta, Professor of Hygiene and Material Medical in the University
of Perguia, Italy.
Austria, Germany,
"Notwithstanding the fact that Prussia was the best re-vaccinated
country in Europe, its mortality from smallpox in the epidemic of 1871 was
higher (59,839) than in any other northern state. "---Dr.
Charles Creighton M.A., M.D.
Encyclopedia Britannica,
published in 1888
"Examination shows vaccination a complete failure. In this single year, 3,994 vaccinated people died of smallpox; the total number attacked exceeded 29,000." (All were vaccinated.)"---Dr. Kalb, Royal Examiner of Statistics for Bavaria.
"Prussia had
vaccination laws ever since 1834 for the Army and 1835 for the whole population.
Yet in the two great epidemic years, 1871-72, she lost no less than 124,948 of
her citizens. It may be objected that these may all of them have been persons
who had escaped vaccination. But that objection is met by looking into the
returns for Berlin and other cities where the vaccinal condition of the patients
is given. Thence we learn that in that epidemic in the City of Berlin alone no
less than 17,038 persons of all ages took smallpox after vaccination, and 2,884
of them died. Of these Berlin cases 2,240 were under ten years of age, and no
less than 736 of these children died. In the period 1865 to 1874 there were
23,642 vaccinated cases of smallpox in the city, 3,368 of them being fatal. In
the district of Krefeld, in the same 1871 epidemic, the record gives 118 cases,
of which 117 had been vaccinated; and the unvaccinated one was a baby under a
year old, and therefore younger than the German law could reach, seeing that the
law left it until the children were twelve months old.
There are similar records for Wesel, Cologne, Mulheim on the Rhine, and perhaps the
most striking was that for Neuss, a town with a population of a little under 10,000. Their
smallpox cases from 1865 to 1873 totalled 248, without one unvaccinated man, woman or
child to be found amongst the lot.
When the great epidemic struck Bavaria in 1871, out of 30,742 cases the vaccinal
condition of which is stated, 29,429 had been vaccinated."----
Lilly Loat [Book 1951] The Truth
About Vaccination and Immunization
"For some of the German states the proportion of unvaccinated cases comes out a good deal less than one-fourth ; thus, in Bavaria in 1871 of 30,742 cases 29,429 were in vaccinated persons, or 95.7 per cent., and 1313 in the unvaccinated, or 4.3 .per cent (Majer, Vierteljahrschrift fur gericht. Med., xxii. 355.). In some of the small local outbreaks of recent years the victims have been nearly all vaccinated (e.g., at Bromley in 1881, a total of 43 cases, including sixteen confluent, all vaccinated-- Nicolson, Lancet, 27th August 1881). In the army and navy, where vaccination and re-vaccination are absolutely without exception, the proportion is accordingly 0. It would thus appear that the rather excessive proportion of cases among the small residue of unvaccinated in the civil population must have other associated circumstances besides non-vaccination; and these are not far to seek.."---Dr. Charles Creighton M.A., M.D. Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888
"Back then I was working in one of the oldest lung illness treatment centres in Germany, and just by chance, I looked at the files of those people who had fallen ill during the first German epidemic of smallpox, in 1947...We had always been told that the smallpox vaccination would protect against smallpox. And now I could verify, thanks to the files and papers, that all of those who had fallen ill had been vaccinated. This was very upsetting for me."---Dr Buchwald, M.D.
"1. Vaccinated and unvaccinated, re-vaccinated, and those who had previously suffered from small-pox were alike attacked; the overwhelming majority of the cases were vaccinated, doubtless because, there are, except in the first two years of life, many more vaccinated than unvaccinated persons. 2. In the first two years of life many more unvaccinated than vaccinated children were attacked by small-pox, because at that age there are many more unvaccinated than vaccinated children. 3. The death-rate in the first two years of life is in all cases the highest, the death-rate in very advanced age alone excepted ; still it was lower among the unvaccinated than among the vaccinated children of this period of life. 4. If we set aside these two first years of life the death-rate is nearly equal for vaccinated and unvaccinated, but still somewhat less favourable to the vaccinated. 5. If the mortality of the total unvaccinated cases is higher in proportion than that of the vaccinated, this is not to be ascribed to non-vaccination, but only to the great proportion of this large mortality occurring in the first years of childhood. 6. The mortality in the different periods of life follows, both with vaccinated and unvaccinated, the ordinary law of mortality of the human race in these respective periods, and vaccination has no power to alter or affect this law of nature. 7. Having due regard to all these facts it appears that vaccination is utterly worthless."-----Dr Leander Joseph Keller, Head Physician of the Imperial Austrian State-Railway Company (1876, THE GREAT PER-CENTAGE SCARECROW OR THE HIGHER DEATH RATE OF THE UNVACCINATED ANALYSED AND DISPOSED OF IN THE REPORT OF DR LEANDER JOSEPH KELLER)
"The evidence as to re-vaccination on a large scale comes from the army. According to a competent statistician (A. Vogt), the death-rate from smallpox in the German army, in which all recruits are re-vaccinated, was 60 per cent, more than among the civil population of the same age; it was ten times greater among the infantry than among the cavalry, and sixty times more among the Hessians than among the Wurtembergers. The Bavarian contingent, which was re-vaccinated without exception, had five times the death rate from smallpox in the epidemic of 1870-71 that the Bavarian civil population of the same ages had, although re-vaccination is not obligatory among the latter.."---Dr. Charles Creighton M.A., M.D. Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888
It is often alleged that the unvaccinated are so much inflammable material in the midst of the community, and that smallpox begins among them and gathers force so that it sweeps even the vaccinated before it. Inquiry into the facts has shown that at Cologne in 1870 the first unvaccinated person attacked by smallpox was the 174th in order of time, at Bonn the same, year the 42d, and at Liegnitz in 1871 the 225th.."---Dr. Charles Creighton M.A., M.D. Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1888
"Thus, in the Cologne epidemic of 1870, 173 vaccinated persons were attacked before the first unvaccinated one (Dr. de Pietra Santa—Lettre a Messieurs de la Chambre des Deputes, Feb. 16, 1881). In Liegnitz, in 1871, the first unvaccinated to suffer was 225th on the list; (Quoted from petition to the Reichstag in A. C. V. Eeporter, June 1st, 1881).and in Bonn, in 1870, the first unvaccinated victim was the forty-second attacked."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883
"The 23,469 deaths from small-pox in the French army, though cited in St-Petersburg and Berlin, twice published in the British Medical Journal, approved by Dr. Carpenter, proclaimed by Sir Lyon Playfair, and declared by Sir Charles Dilke to be simply "crushing," have been proved, nevertheless, to be a pure fabrication, there being no statistical data of the Franco-German War worthy of the name. The one certain fact about the matter seems to be that 263 well re-vaccinated German soldiers died of small-pox."---William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc. 1883
The Case Against Vaccination by Dr Hadwen (an address at Gloucester on Saturday, January 25th, 1896, during the Gloucester Smallpox Epidemic)Let any who are interested in statistics consider these tables, and point out the advantage derived from Vaccination. In the first place, the rate of mortality from Smallpox in Vaccinated Berlin in 1871 was threefold that of Unvaccinated Berlin in 1746; and whilst in 1746 not a single adult died of Smallpox, 2,443 perished in 1871, constituting nearly half of the total mortality! Such is the fruit of Vaccination and Revaccination! There is nothing peculiar about these tables, or about Berlin. The facts they exhibit are common facts that are found repeated everywhere. [1884] SIR LYON PLAYFAIR taken to Pieces and Disposed of: LIKEWISE SIR CHARLES W. DILKE, BART by William White
"From December, 1849, to April, 1850,
inclusive, 76 cases of small-pox were admitted into the General Hospital at
Calcutta. Of these cases 29 died. Of the 76 admitted 66 had been vaccinated.
Of the 66 vaccinated 41 had good cicatrices, 25 were not so well marked. Of the
total 76 cases 30 were severe and confluent, 46 mild or modified. Of the 10
unprotected cases 5 were severe and confluent, and the remaining 5 were mild
attacks. Of those who had been vaccinated in early life 16 died. The mortality
here stated as occurring from variola after vaccination was 16 out of 66, or 24
per cent."—Medical Gazette.---Dr.
Charles T. Pearce, M.D. [1868 Book:
Essay on Vaccination]