William Job Collins, M.D., B.S.,
B.Sc. (Lond)
[Allopathic suppression: see Wikipedia article which an Allopath, Midgley, tried to delete (ref), then he deletes links to whale.to documents (see below) by Job Collins (ref) (ref), (ref) using spurious excuse "give it to a university and then it would be 'reliable source' ", and waters down his anti-vaccine stance (ref).]
William Job Collins, M.S. Lond. 1885, B.S. (Honours) 1881, Certif. Pub. Health (Gold Medallist) 1887, B.Sc. (2nd in Honours in Physiol.) 1880, M.D. 1883, M.B. (Univ. Schol. and Gold Medallist in Obst. Med., 1st Class Honours in For. Med.) 1881 ; F.R.C.S. Eng. (exam.) 1884, M. 1880; (St Bart.) He was one of three significant medical men opposed to smallpox vaccination at the end of the 19th century, the others being Charles Creighton, and Edgar Crookshank.
His father, also called William J. Collins (Sir, K.C.V.O.), was a public vaccinator for 20 years before renouncing vaccination, for reasons outlined in two tracts: Twenty Year's Experience as a Public Vaccinator H. K. Lewis: London, 1866 (read before the Sanitary Committee of St Pancreas, 9th June, 1863) and Have you been Vaccinated? and What Protection is Vaccination against Smallpox? J. Burns: London, 1869.
[1883 Book] Sir
Lyon Playfair's Logic by William J. Collins, M.D., B.S., B.Sc.
Letters to Vaccination Inquirer 1883
Dr William Collins: paper read before Sanitary Committee of St Pancreas 1863
The minority report of the Royal Commission on Vaccination.Author: Collins,
William Job, Picton, James Allanson, Publication: [s.l. : s.n., 1930
Speeches in the House of Commons on the vaccination question;Author: Collins,
William Job, Publication: Southport, "Visitrn" [sic] printing works 1907
Final report of the Royal commission appointed to inquire into the subject of
vaccination.Author: Collins, William Job, Picton, J. Allanson Publication: London, Printed
for Her Majesty's Stationery Office, by Darling & son, 1896
External links
COLLINS, Sir William Job (1859-1946) Biography, ref: GB 0096 MS 812, Senate
House Library, University of London.