Post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis
Nervous system disease & vaccination
See: Vaccine autism proven Encephalitis
Encephalomyelitis: Inflammatory disease of the brain and spinal
[2014 Nov] Fla. mom: Daughter paralyzed because of
flu shot
[2014 Nov] Medical Mystery: Girl Paralysed After Flu Shot
[2012 pdf] OFFICE OF SPECIAL MASTERS No. 08-819V flu vaccination caused Jessica- a healthy 21 year old- to suffer from acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (“ADEM”)
[1981] British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study
Vaccines (Pertussis) used to induce disease (neuropathy) in animals
[2016 Jan] WA
mum's fundraiser to avert homelessness highlights vaccine scheme concern
Ben Hammond, then a full-time mine site supervisor, received a
whooping cough vaccination in 2012, told he needed one to see his
baby son James, born eight weeks premature. He began to feel ill
two days later, his wife Tanya said, and twelve days after the
vaccination his mother-in-law found him paralysed on the kitchen floor
and called an ambulance....He was diagnosed with Acute Disseminated
Encephalomyelitis...He was eventually taught to walk again and can
travel a few metres at a time unassisted despite never regaining feeling
below the chest. His bladder and bowels are not functional and his
liver and kidney have minimal function. He can no longer sweat and so
cannot regulate his body temperature, and his immune system is virtually
nonexistent. These factors have rendered him housebound. Tanya,
previously a restaurant manager, is now a full-time carer for her
husband of 10 years, James and her four older children...."He is
declining rapidly," Mrs Hammond said.
[2010 Feb] The Lancet Retraction Changes Nothing by David Kirby there are now at least six published legal or scientific cases of children regressing into ASD following vaccination - and many more will be revealed in due time......Another fact that gets little attention in this never-ending debate is that more than 1,300 cases of vaccine injuries have been paid out in vaccine court, in which the court ruled that childhood immunizations caused encephalopathy (brain disease), encephalitis (brain swelling) and/or seizure disorders. Encephalopathy/encephalitis is found in most if not all ASD cases, and seizure disorders in about a third of them.
[2011 July] $61 Million Dollar Settlement for a Child Injured by a Vaccine hours after the baby received a routine diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccination, she started to have seizures, abnormal breathing, irregular heartbeats, and at 6:05am the next morning, her heart stopped completely. It took 6 minutes of CPR to revive her. She has spent that last 6 years of her life suffering from cognitive delays, cerebral palsy, encephalopathy, and seizure disorder. The family's attorneys say the $61 million dollar award will pay for the child's around the clock medical care for the rest of her life.
"Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (postinfectious encephalomyelitis--see also Acute Viral Encephalitis and Aseptic Meningitis in Ch. 176) is characterized by perivascular CNS demyelination, which can occur spontaneously but usually follows a viral infection or viral vaccination (or, very rarely, bacterial vaccination), suggesting an immunologic cause. Acute inflammatory peripheral neuropathies that follow a viral vaccination or the Guillain-Barré syndrome (see Ch. 183) are similar demyelinating disorders with the same presumed immunopathogenesis, but they affect only peripheral structures."--Merck Manual
"Measles Encephalomyelitis in a Patient With a History of Vaccination," Acta Paediatrica Japonica, vol. 37, number 3, June 1995, pp. 374-376: A twelve-year-old girl vaccinated with a live attenuated measles vaccine developed an encephalomyelitis ten years post-vaccine. "The patients definite history of measles vaccination, high titers of HI and IgG antibodies indicated that this patient has an encephalomyelitis due to Secondary Vaccine Failure of measles. It is suggested that measles virus can be a pathogen of encephalitis without symptoms indicative of ordinary measles in individuals who received live attenuated measles vaccines."
Lora Wright MMR/DTap/IPV Vaccine Case Won 2008
Bolukbasi O, et al. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis associated with tetanus vaccination. Eur Neurol. 1999;41(4):231-2. No abstract available.PMID: 10343155; UI: 99276501.
Czyzewska J, et al. [Apropos of some pathogenetic problems of post-vaccinal complications in children during an epidemic of smallpox]. G Mal Infett Parassit. 1966 Jun;18(6):430-4. French. No abstract available.PMID: 4384031; UI: 68126105.
Cherry, J.D (1988)., Brunell, P.A., Golden, G.S., Karzon, D.T., (1988), Report of the task force on pertussis and pertussis immunization, Pediatrics 81:6 Part 11 (June 1988) Supplement pp 936-984.
Extract: For more than 25 years, it has been known that pertussis vaccine is a reliable adjuvant for the production of experimental allergic encephalitis.7499"8 This experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is mediated by sensitized lymphocytes rather than serum antibody mechanisms.52 Pertussis vaccine has also been used as an adjuvant in the following experimental autoimmune diseases: thyroiditis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, uveoretinitis, and hemolytic anemia.49"9 Except for the adjuvant effect upon antibody responses to specific vaccines, there is no evidence that any of the experimental adjuvant activities of pertussis vaccine, and specifically LPF, occur in vaccinated children.
Gurvich EB. Comparative analysis of the degree of specific humoral immunity, content of serum immunoglobulins and isolation of vaccinia virus in children with post-vaccinal encephalitis after smallpox vaccination. J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol. 1981;25(3):311-20. PMID: 6117594; UI: 82054085.
Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1997 Sep;55(3B):632-5 [Acute
disseminated encephalomyelitis and meningococcal A and C vaccine: case report]. [Article
in Portugese] Py MO, Andre C Servico de Neurologia, Hospital Universitario Clementino
Fraga Filho, Rio de Janeiro RJ, Brasil.
A 25-year-old women developed acute disseminated post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis
(ADEM) following vaccination with A plus C meningococcal vaccine (Pasteur-Merieux). Fast
disappearance of symptoms and gradual resolution of MRI demyelinating lesions occurred
after steroid treatment with high doses of intravenous methylprednisolone. To our
knowledge, ADEM has not been previously described in association with meningococcal
vaccine. Although most cases of ADEM occur following viral infections and vaccination, the
syndrome has previously been related to leptospirosis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae
infections. This suggests that it may also be related to exposure to
polysaccharide-protein vaccines such as the Group A plus Group C meningococcal vaccine.
PMID: 9629418, UI: 98293063
C . Neurological complications of swine influenza vaccination.Mcta Neurol Scand
1982 Oct;66(4):413-31
The emphasis upon the remarkably large number of cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome which
resulted from the 1976 National Swine Influenza immunization program in the U.S.A. has
obscured the fact that other neurological complications, involving the central nervous
system also occurred. The anatomical distribution of lesions is almost identical with that
seen following other types of vaccination: involvement of the brain, cerebellum, optic
nerve, cranial nerves and spinal cord occurred with approximately the same frequency. 5
instances of the very rare subacute or chronic, progressive, post-vaccinal encephalopathy
are described, a situation which is identical to the subacute and chronic forms of
polyradiculoneuropathy. In a number of cases, in particular the myelopathies, a
subclinical involvement of peripheral nerves was demonstrated by means of
electrodiagnostic studies, illustrating the often overlooked fact that central nervous
system involvement will mask peripheral nerve lesions. The etiological significance of the
swine influenza vaccination was overlooked and completely erroneous diagnoses were
established in a surprisingly large number of the 26 new cases reported here. PMID:
6128862, UI: 83070654
RS, et al. Clinical suppression of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by muramyl
dipeptide "adjuvant". Brain Res Bull. 1986 Oct;17(4):473-6. PMID: 3779448;
UI: 87050859.
Our results, therefore, suggest that a revaluation of the role of adjuvants in inducing
autoimmune diseases may be necessary.
Ravkina LI, et al. [Morphological changes in the central nervous system in post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis developing after chickenpox vaccination in children]. Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 1970;70(10):1465-71. Russian. PMID: 4395233; UI: 71064831.
Schchelkunov, SN et al, "The Role of Viruses in the Induction of Allergic Encephalomyelitis," Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 1990,315(1):252-255. [Vaccines contain viruses, too]
Turnbull, H M, "Encephalomyelitis Following Vaccination", Brit Jour Exper Path, 7:181, 1926.
Varga SM,
et al. [See
Related Articles] [Hyperacute encephalomyelitis following lyssa
vaccination]. Morphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz. 1979 Jan;19(1):27-31. Hungarian. PMID: 34789;
UI: 79156490.
A case of hyperacute disseminated encephalomyelitis following lyssa-vaccination is
reported. Clinical symptoms occurred on the tenth day after the vaccination and the
patient died three days afterward. Demyelinization and glia proliferation was observed
histologically in the spinal cord. No alterations could be seen in the peripheric nerves.
Conclusions: 1. The spinal and cerebral forms of the postvaccinial encephalomyelitis can
not be sharply distinguished. 2. In the postvaccinial encephalomyelitis there are also
severe infiltration, demyelinization and gliosis in the opticus. 3. Post-vaccinial lyssa
encephalomyelitis is a rare, but unavoidable complication of the lassa-vaccination. 4. The
State Insurance Company have to pay damages.
Vega LA; Smallpox vaccine encephalomyelitis. (Case report). ( W V Med J, 1969 Sep)
Vilain S, Waterschoot MP, Mavroudakis N.Encephalomyelitis and bilateral optic perineuritis after influenza vaccination.Bull Soc Belge Ophtalmol. 2000;(277):71-3.PMID: 11126677 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Witt G. [Prevalence and analysis of disorders of the post-vaccinal course following smallpox vaccination]. Offentl Gesundheitswes. 1967 Mar;29(3):134-9. German. No abstract available. PMID: 4385878; UI: 68359391.
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