Masks, Social distancing
Fear Racket
[Masks are only about fearmongering from the false Authority to constantly remind them of the fake viral plandemic. Gives an idea of how many are completely brainwashed and follow the Church of Allopathy or Big Pharma.]
Masks Symbolize That You Are Enslaved
Face Masks Worn by Children During School Become Teeming with Bacteria and Dangerous Pathogens
Dr. Russell Blaylock Says That Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy
Children Wearing Masks Will Suffer Irreversible Brain Damage
Suppressed Scientific Studies Prove Masks are Ineffective and Unsafe
Research Shows Wearing a Mask Increases Spread of Germs and Is Dangerous to Your
Landmark Study Finds Face Masks are Ineffective in Preventing COVID-19
States With Mask Mandates Have Greater Number of COVID-19 Cases
Wearing a Mask Reduces Oxygen Intake and Makes One Susceptible to COVID-19 and
Masks Cause the Same Symptoms Listed for COVID-19 “Probable Cases”