Monkey business
[back] Medical study ploys

[You can see how vivisection is useful to the medical industry.  More examples to follow.]

Several commissions, appointed during the first quarter of this century to investigate the cause of pellagra, concluded from their studies that pellagra was an infectious, contagious disease. Harris (1913) was able to inject Berkefeld filtered tissue material from pellagra victims into monkeys to cause a corresponding disease in these animals. He concluded from these experiments that a virus was present in the injected material and that it was the cause of pellagra. If the work of Harris had been followed exclusively, various strains of this "virus" might have been discovered and a vaccine, effective in experimental animals, might have been developed, as in the case of poliomyelitis. Today, as a result of unlimited research, however, we know conclusively that pellagra is not caused by a virus but rather that it is a vitamin deficiency disease. It is obvious that if the investigations of pellagra had been restricted to the virus theory, it would still be a mystery.
The general attitude of that period is expressed by Sachs (1911) in his statement: "In general, the epidemic occurrence of any disease is sufficient to prove its infectious or contagious character." The vitamin deficiency diseases, beriberi and pellagra, are outstanding examples of epidemic diseases that were formerly considered to be infectious and communicable according to the logic employed by Sachs. In fact, we find pellagra incorporated into the Public Health Law as a communicable disease in the State of Pennsylvania in the following rule and regulation adopted January 5, 1910: "That all physicians practicing within the limits of the state shall make immediate report of each and every case of uncinariasis duodenalis (hookworm disease) and pellagra and anterior poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis) occurring in their practice in the same manner that other communicable diseases are now by law and by rule and regulation of the State Department of Health reported to the health authorities.[1952] The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis And Obstructions To Its Investigation by Ralph R. Scobey, M.D.

 IT may be of interest to know what is meant by a modified or attenuated virus. Dr. Sabin found that by passing virulent strains of polio virus through monkey tissue in a rapid succession of cultures a vaccine could be produced which did not produce poliomyelitis when injected directly into the brains of cynomolgus monkeys. It was evident that some change had taken place in the virus which rendered it far less virulent; it is claimed that this modification is permanent and that there is no tendency for the virus to return to its former virulence. In point of fact, the vaccine now being used by Dr. Sabin is prepared by mixing together the modified viruses of all three types: type I having been attenuated by rapid culture in monkey-kidney tissue 33 times; type II. 5I times, and type III, 34 times. ..........
"FOR the manufacture and safety testing of polio vaccines thousands of monkeys are absolutely essential ". This is a statement made by Dr. C. H. Andrewes and Dr. W. L. M. Perry in Picture Post (May 7, 1955). They went on to explain: "It is necessary, every time a fresh batch of vaccine is made, to take elaborate precautions to ensure that all the virus is dead. This means, among other things, injecting a large number of monkeys with the vaccine, and examining them closely, both while they are alive and after they have been killed, for signs of polio infection. It is this which makes the vaccine expensive, and which has made the transport of thousands of monkeys from India to the U.S.A. necessary."  [1956 book] THE STORY OF THE SALK ANTI-POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE BY M. BEDDOW BAYLY, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

In 1924 (September) of 40 children immunised with toxin-antitoxin in a home for infants at Baden, near Vienna, six died and a number suffered from skin necroses of various sizes at the site of the injection. The mixture had been tested on guinea-pigs and declared non-toxic. As the result of an investigation Prof. von Pirquet advised the Austrian Ministry of Health to stop the inoculations, and for a time the practice was forbidden in Austria. [1939] The Schick Inoculation Against Diphtheria--- Beddow Bayly

Mouse DPT tests
"Kendrick test for effectiveness:
Staff will use several groups of mice and inject into their brains different amounts of whooping cough bacteria several times, until they establish the exact amount that will kill exactly half of the injected mice.
    When the right dose is established they use two new groups of mice. Group A is injected with the vaccine. Group B get none. After a few weeks the exact amount of bacteria that killed half the mice is then injected into every mouse's brain.
    Then they watch the mice. In the unvaccinated group, presumably half the mice die. In the vaccinated group, if fewer mice die than in the unvaccinated group, then they assume that vaccine is going to work in your baby.
    The Kendrick test is supposed to "correlate with protection" or prove that the vaccine works. Which is patently a nonsense. The biggest proof of that stares you right in the face. Vaccinated babies and children catch whooping cough. Another proof is the fact that the number of injections you are told your child needs increases every few years.  The article says that the Kendrick test is inadequate. So even they must see that it isn't relevant to humans.
"--Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p. 116

Mouse toxicity test
fter more than 40 years of submitting pertussis vaccine to the mouse toxicity test, children are still dying and being brain-damaged after the vaccine has passed this test." – Dr K Geraghty paediatric immunologist.

‘Drug manufacturers and the FDA have known since at least the early 1960s that the mouse toxicity test bears little relation to adverse reactions in children. Knowing that the vaccine was not being properly evaluated for toxicity, they continued to inject it into more than sixty million children during the following 20 years.’ – Coulter/Fisher, A Shot in the Dark, 1991

"The only safety testing that has ever been done on the pertussis vaccine in the past 50 years is an unproven method called the Mouse Weight Gain Test. The "scientists" inject the vaccine to be tested into the stomachs of baby mice. If the mice continue to gain weight and don't die right away, it is assumed the vaccine is safe and effective for humans. That's it! I'm not making this up!.......The only toxicity test required for the initial licensing of the DPT vaccine in the United States was this mouse weight-gain test 60 years ago."-----The Sanctity of Human Blood By Tim O'Shea p. 69

"Testing laboratory staff inject vaccine into the abdomens of mice, then weigh them regularly. If the mouse loses lots of weight, apparently the vaccine is more likely to cause brain damage in your child. (Corbel, M.J. et al. 2004. "Toxicity and potency evaluation of pertussis vaccines". Expert Rev. Vaccines 3(1): 89-101. PMID: 14761246. It is stated that this test "correlates with adverse reactions" yet in the next breath they go on to say its "mechanism is unclear". (I can't work out how weight loss equals brain damage either, actually.) They also say it's not a useful procedure for acellular vaccines.)"--Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p. 115

"Hist test for how much residual toxin is in the vaccine:
Vaccine is injected into the stomach of the mice. Four to five days afterwards they are injected with histamine, and the number dying within 24 hours is recorded. If too many mice die, there is too much residual toxin in the vaccine for your baby.
This one, they say is so inadequate it "must be regarded as a priority for replacement".
    Of course concerns about these tests have been voiced. Especially  the fact that mice do not exactly correlate to human beings anyway.
Yet despite stated misgivings, 58 years after these mouse tests were first developed, they are still the benchmark for proving that whooping cough vaccines are safe and potent. 
    The other interesting point is that test results depend on the age and breed of mice. Some tests have to be in "infant or suckling mice". But most are in adult mice. Old mice aren't susceptible to respiratory infections. Some breeds are hardier, or die in larger numbers. The best breed is "ddy" (Ref 1, p. 95) but in 1991 the preference was for a "HSFSN" mouse (Ref 4, C2).
    Interestingly, only one strain of whooping cough-type bacteria (strain 18-323) works well in mice. This strain is more closely related to Bordetalla brochoseptica than b-type. pertussis raising further questions regarding its applicability to natural disease in humans (Ref 4, C2).
You have to ask the question: "Are the human breed 'mice' supposed to keel over like the 'mice' mice?"
    There are a million mechanisms by which a foreign substance like a vaccine can cause harm. These safety tests are only designed to look at a very narrow spectrum of the blatantly obvious, and even that isn't done very well. But doctors see an official report saying that the potency is effective, the vaccine is safe, and assume that these tests prove that the whooping cough vaccine is safe in all possible aspects, for every possible reaction.
    So if your child dies, or maybe gets serious brain damage, autism or behavioural disorders which the tests aren't designed to look at, doctors think that that damage can't come from the vaccine, because the Ministry of Health has a piece of paper saying that the vaccine is "safe".
    The reality is that mouse tests are irrelevant to human biology in many ways. Some people attempt to argue that they are only regulatory stepping stones to more relevant human trials. In human trials, though, what equates to what happened to the mice? In many ways, human trials can be worse in design concept than the mouse tests."--- Just A Little Prick by Peter and Hilary Butler p. 116-117