Monsanto quote banners
Monsanto  Quote banners

See: Roundup banners  GM quote banners   Revolving door' banners

Agent Orange

Conflicts of Interest (government)  Conflicts of Interest 18 Venn Diagrams Depicting Conflicts of Interest That Exist Between Many Major Industries and the US Government.   These were made in 2012 I believe, so I'm sure some of the positions have changed, but it's easy to see that a great deal of overlap and collusion is taking place.

Livingston M.D.,Virginia   Cancer Microbe  Pleomorphism  Chicken

Jamie Oliver


[2013 April] What Really Lies At The Heart of Biotech and Medical Technology? by MARCO TORRES


Bee deaths

Skull and Bones (Death's Head)

Monsanto revolving door

Monsanto revolving door

Agent Orange


13 deadliest corporations