Re: Black Helicopter Comes To Check The CB
Thank grid for these little confirmations!
I remember, back in the day (in the couple of years after the feds
slaughgtered those families in Texas) when black helicopter visits
were a little more daunting. I got my first one after coming under
surveillance in those days before the internet was thrown across the
globe--a big double-rotor, noisy one in the middle of the night just
above the roof and it had no running lights. I think they did that
because I'd attended a militia meeting in Anacortes, Washington.
That was the most racially and culturally diverse meeting I'd been
to until EW got rolling, many years later. If you believe the media
whores, only bornagain chumps formed the constitutinal militias in
those days, though it's true enough that the countless thousands of
feds who infiltrated these first militias posed as bornagain
chumps, bent on mayhem and well funded. The present militias are
more cagey and operate as cells, which I think is what the more
conscientious framers of the Constitution intended.
A Canadian friend of mine at the time also got a midnight chopper
visit while he was talking on the phone with his brother across
town. A chopper showed up over his bro's house at the same time, so
conversation was inaudible. After that their lines were bugged. He
put a trace on it with an independent contractor who found the
'glitch' at the phone junction box on the property of the Mormon
church--go figure

. He and his bro were coordinating some Canadian militias with the
American ones nearby. I used to visit him on my way to see Wilhelm
Muller (invented a magnet engine--murdered six years ago).
For orgonite tossers a visit by a black chopper is like a flower in
the lapel, rather. I think that our readers who have started
gifting but have not yet had a visit by these $#!+birds wonder if
they're on course or not
Whatever ugly psionic weaponry these flying rats might have on board
is moot, since any orgonite worn near the heart makes it all
ineffective on us. I haven't had a close visit by choppers since I
posted, six years ago, that I keep a loaded crossbow with a roll of
surveyor tape attached. This is the humane way to bring down an
unlawful chopper.