Diesel gassing
[back] Holocaust revisionism

[One touted method of killing was by using diesel engines, and get this--from a captured Russian tank!  And that was when there were better engines for the job--producer gas generators.  Absurd.]

SeeZyklon B Gassing  Steam death

[2011 Oct] The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation by Santiago Alvarez & Pierre Marais

Eye witnesses
Eliahu Rosenberg

Website of Friedrich Paul Berg

Skin discoloration caused by carbon monoxide poisoning – Reality vs. Holocaust eye-witness testimony

Diesel Gas Chambers: Myth Within a Myth, Journal of Historical Review, (5)1 Spring 1984.

 Due to critical fuel shortages more than 500,000 vehicles in German-occupied Europe were fitted with producer gas generators (on back of bus above) that ran on wood chips and produced a fuel gas containing as much as 35% deadly carbon monoxide. Yet despite their availability and occasional use for fumigations, we're told that German technical genius instead used the exhaust of a 500 HP diesel engine from a Russian tank to kill hundreds of thousands (or millions, depending on your source) at Treblinka. This in ignorance of the fact that a diesel will not, in all but the most extreme conditions, produce toxic exhaust.





ONE THIRD OF THE HOLOCAUST by Dean Irebodd Episode 4: Engine Exhaust
Engine exhaust seems like the best way to make carbon monoxide gas, if you're not a chemist, that is.



"The Holocaust story relies on generally accepted --but totally false-- misperceptions about the toxicity of diesel exhaust. Although diesel exhaust does indeed smell terrible at times and may even look terrible, the appearance and smell have nothing whatever to do with the presence or absence of any toxic ingredient. The all important toxic ingredient is carbon monoxide; at full load, diesel exhaust contains less than 0.4% carbon monoxide. These numbers are the worst cases and apply to every Diesel engine ever built regardless of the condition of the engines. From diesels, even the highest CO levels alone cannot possibly kill more than a small minority of an average group of people. Only in combination with the reduced oxygen levels, which occur only when the engines are under "heavy load," can a combination of effects kill large percentages of people in half-an-hour. Any reasonable gassing arrangement would, however, have had to kill everyone. Gasoline engine exhaust, by contrast, easily contains 7% to 12% carbon monoxide and no oxygen at all. Even far more deadly, producer gas contains up to 35% carbon monoxide and no oxygen at all. More than 500,000 producer gas-driven vehicles were used throughout German-occupied Europe during WW2, any one of which would have been thousands of times more effective than any diesel arrangement. But, neither gasoline engines nor producer gas generators have ever been implicated in any of the Holocaust claims -- only diesels. How absurd and how inefficient those Nazis must have been!" ---Friedrich  Paul Berg

In 1947, the testimony of Elias Rosenberg was published. He was another "Holocaust survivor" who saw the "extermination system" at Treblinka with "his own two eyes." He said the Jews were killed with the exhaust from a Diesel engine. In his own words: "As it was very dark in the chambers, one could not see that alongside the walls ran several pipes, about five centimeters in diameter through which the gas—exhaust gas from a single diesel motor—was piped into the cabin." Let it suffice to say that he was one of John Demjanjuk’s chief accusers at the latter’s trial in Israel. Indeed, at Demjanjuk’s show trial it was again "proven" that a Diesel engine was used at Treblinka to generate the deadly gas. [2007] Provanian Exterminationism, the "Death Camp" Treblinka, and the Demjanjuk Case By Paul Grubach