[They even used the Nazi shrunken head at Nuremberg!]
See trials:
[1963] Frankfurt Auschwitz [1945]
[1945-48] Dachau Trials
[1972] Vienna Auschwitz
[1988] Zundel
See: Human skin lampshades Soap Story
Thomas J. Dodd
James B. Donovan
[vid] How the CIA was hijacked by the Nazis and their supporters in Corporate America From the book "America's Nazi Secret"
America's Nazi Secret: An Insider's
History by John Loftus
Not Guilty at Nuremberg: The German Defense Case by Carlos W. Porter.
For those who believe that the Nuremberg Trials revealed the
truth about German war crimes, it is a terrible shock to discover that the then
Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Harlan Fiske Stone, described the
Nuremberg court as "a high-grade lynching party" for Germans (Alpheus T. Mason,
Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law, New York: Viking, 1956, p. 716).
Introduction by Germar Rudolf
At the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal which
prosecuted the German war criminals in Novemer 1945, three members of the
American prosecution team provided sworn affidavits, testifying to the existence
of lethal gas chambers at the Dachau concentration camp, but these affidavits
were not introduced into the proceedings of the
American Military Tribunal at Dachau, which also began in November 1945.
The affidavits were signed by James
B. Donovan, Lt. Col. Calvin A. Behle of the Judge Advocate General's Department
and Lt. Hugh C. Daly of the 42nd Rainbow Division of the US Seventh Army which
liberated Dachau. The affidavits were included in Nuremberg Document 2430-PS
which was read in court, but Donovan, Behle and Daly were not present and the
defense had no opportunity to cross-examine them.
US vs. Martin Gottfried Weiss, et al
The Nuremberg Trials are arguably the gravest miscarriage of justice since
the witch trials of pre-Enlightenment Europe and colonial America. At the close
of the Second World War, the Allies arrested the entire hierarchy of the Third
Reich and put its members on trial for "war crimes" and "crimes against
humanity," the latter an entirely new concept in international law. Actions
taken by various governmental officials were declared, ex post facto, to be
"crimes." Perfectly legitimate organizations were declared to be "criminal" and
all members of these organizations were subject to arrest and incarceration
without writ of habeas corpus.
Normal rules of evidence were suspended and affidavits of "witnesses" were not
allowed to be cross examined. The prosecution presented as evidence numerous
documents which were such absurdly bad forgeries that they were disallowed by
their own judges out of sheer embarrassment. Both the American judge, Biddle,
and the Russian judge, Nikitchenko, made statements prior to the trial to the
effect that the defendants had already been convicted. The press was invited to
watch the proceedings and the trial was broadcast over the radio. It lasted
nearly a year and for entertainment value it outdid the Circus Maximus and the
games of the Roman Colosseum combined. It was the political show trial of the
century, making the 1930's purge trials of Stalin seem like the epitome of just
law. Porter, Carlos W.
Not Guilty at Nuremberg.
Reviewed by: Karl Brecht.
Porter reminds readers that at Nuremberg the Soviets introduced reams of
so-called evidence purporting to demonstrate that it was the Germans, not
Stalins's henchmen in the secret police, who murdered over 4,000 Polish
prisoners at Katyn, near Smolensk. As the author points out, an official Soviet
stamp sufficed to make false affidavits, phoney confessions, faked forensic
reports and the like "evidence" admissible at Nuremberg under Articles 19 and 21
of the London Agreement of August 8, 1945, in which the Allied lawyers devised
the rules which would bind judges and defense attorneys at the forthcoming
"trial." Americans, Britons, and Frenchmen currently gloating over Soviet
discomfiture at the recent insistence of the Polish regime on finally laying the
blame for Katyn where it belongs should recall that the Western Allies said not
a public word at Nuremberg to challenge the Soviet "evidence" on Katyn (the
judges quietly glossed over the Red charges by omitting them from their
It is the special service of
Made in Russia: The Holocaust to remind readers that the same Soviet stamp
which converted the fake Katyn reports into admissible evidence at Nuremberg
also provided proof of the extermination of millions of Jews at Auschwitz,
Majdanek, Treblinka, and elsewhere. As Porter emphasizes, physical and forensic
evidence for the Holocaust was never introduced, nor is there any reason
whatsoever to imagine it ever existed. All we have is a handful of
"testimonies," and "confessions," and the reports of a number of Soviet or
Soviet-controlled "investigative" commissions. If there was a Soviet Fred
Leuchter, we have yet to hear from him (and probably never will). The same Red
prosecutors who framed the victims of Stalin's purges at the Moscow show trials,
and sent millions of innocents to their deaths in our gallant Soviet ally's
Gulag archipelago, are the chief source for the vaunted Nuremberg evidence of
the "Holocaust."
Porter provides numerous examples
of prosecution tactics, usually allowed by the judges, which would make hanging
judge Roy Bean, or even Neal Sher, blanche. He points out that the prosecution
made it difficult, if not impossible, for the defense lawyers to have timely
access to the documents introduced into evidence by the prosecution; that
"photocopies" and "transcripts" were almost invariably submitted in evidence by
the prosecution instead of the original German documents, which in very many
cases seem today to have disappeared; that the defendants rarely were able to
confront their accusers, since "affidavits" from witnesses who had been deposed
months or even weeks before sufficed; etc., etc., etc.
Porter, Carlos W.
Made in Russia: The Holocaust. Reviewed by Ted O'Keefe
Our survey of official documents from recent German history shows that there is no documentary evidence that proves the existence of "gas chambers" in Birkenau or a plan to "exterminate the Jews," or that would even cause one to suspect there might be something to such charges. It also shows that the statement recently made by one of the vilest members of the Nuremberg lynching party, the Jewish-American prosecutor Robert M.W. Kempner, that the "historical assessments" on the "extermination of the Jews" are based "almost exclusively on official Ger man documents of the Hitler regime that have been preserved by an ex perienced bureaucracy" is totally unfounded.'02 Kempner's statement contradicts facts that must be well known to the man himself. The famous "Wannsee Protocol," which he may have had in mind when he made his remarks, has proved to be -- at least in part -- a crude forgery. We may pass over the recent conjectures that Kempner was responsi ble for that forgery -- it was he who "discovered" the "document." The validity of this charge cannot be established, though Kempner's general conduct as chief of the American prosecution team at Nuremberg might seem enough to warrant it. The Auschwitz Myth by Wilhelm Stäglich