Great Holocaust Trial of
Ernst Zundel
[The trial of Ernst Zundel.]
See trials: [1945] Nuremberg [1945] Belsen [1945-48] Dachau Trials [1963] Frankfurt Auschwitz [1972] Vienna Auschwitz
Great Holocaust Trial of
1988 Great
Holocaust Trials.
Please note: Commercial use and/or exploitation is expressly prohibited by copyright, held jointly by Samisdat Publishers and Barbara Kulaszka .
The Zündel Trials (1985 and 1988) by ROBERT FAURISSON
[1989] My Role in the [Ernst] Zündel Trial
Table of Contents
Publisher's Note
Editor's Introduction
Foreword by Dr. Robert Faurisson
Criminal Prosecution of "Holocaust Denial."
The Charge
District Court Judge Ron Thomas
Sgt. John Luby and Sgt. Ronald F. WilliamsThe Witnesses for the Prosecution:
The Witnesses for the Defense:
- Ditlieb Felderer
- Thies Christophersen
- Dr. Russell Barton
- Dr. Kuang Fann
- Jürgen Neumann
- Bradley Smith
- Bernard Kneuper
- Mark Weber
- Maria van Herwaarden
- Tijudar Rudolph
- Ernst Nielsen
- Joseph G. Burg
- Dr. Gary Botting
- Ivan Lagace
- Hans Schroeder
- Udo Walendy
- Emil Lachout
- Dr. Robert Faurisson
- Bill M. Armontrout
- Kenneth Roy Wilson
- Fred A. Leuchter
- Dr. James Roth
- David Irving
- Appendix A: Documentary Photographs
- Appendix B: The Leuchter Report
- Appendix C: Did Six Million Really Die?