World Wildlife Fund
1001 Club
Charity Hoaxes
Green Agenda/Mafia
Wild Life Direct
1001 Club Incomplete
membership list
Maurice Strong
KANSTEINER & FRIENDS By Georgianne Nienaber, with Keith Harmon Snow
Logging operations of other Western companies—the American Blattner family,
George Somja of Belgium, George Forrest, the German Danzer Corporation
(2,421,871 hectares), and others—comprise an additional 26 million hectares, and
the World Wildlife Fund rubber stamps their operations. The profits and the
expropriation of Congolese land for the international logging sector swamp the
$30 million a year charcoal industry run by and for Congolese people. While
there has been much fanfare in the international media about “canceling” logging
and “reexamining” mining contracts—rewriting the mining and logging codes—little
substantive change has been made. The question of land belonging to the
Congolese and their access to it must be seen in the light of the logging
industry in DRC.
At one Blattner operation (SAFBOIS,
Isangi, DRC), the WWF field station is located within the deep forest compound
of the company. The BBC publishes WWF press releases verbatim, and WWF
has actively undermined indigenous people’s resistance in the face of the
logging onslaught in Congo. Like the massive rainforest rip-off underway, the
Washington Post, New York Times, Newsweek and BBC have
reported none of this.
The 1001 Club
WWF officials Anton Rupert, Prince Philip, and
Prince Bernhard came together and decided to form a club that would cover the
administrative and fundraising aspects of the WWF, making the organization's
existence independent from donations of the general public.
..... the WWF
International, in the cause of conservation, is increasingly shaking hands with
economic and environmental ministers from Third World countries who control the
important resources and markets which industrialists so desperately need. Under
the guise of the WWF, businessmen can casually meet politicians who share their
view that what is good for business is good for bank accounts.....Dutch
Attorney J. Wilgers the IUCN and the
WWF, according to his own research, have been created as fronts for British
...."It is known that in the past SAS
units of the British army have been flown into South-Africa and were stationed
on territory controlled by the WWF with the purpose of conducting military
operations... Military units have been trained in these kinds of parks and were
later brought in connection with murders in the South-African townships. In the
Zambezi-Valley, members of the military wing of the ANC have been shot at from
WWF helicopters. The Zambesi-Valley was the primary entrance into South-Africa.
Under the cover of fighting poachers ANC members have been executed without any
form of trial. I call that an undeclared war or genocide..."
"There are 2 types of parks: nature
parks and strategic parks. The official purpose of the nature parks is the
protection of nature. Often, these parks contain important minerals like diamond
or uranium. Locals are encouraged to leave or simply chased away. Type 2 are the
strategic parks. If you look carefully you'll find that these parks are either
located on certain ridges useful for military observation, or they are border
transcending parks like for example those in South-Africa and Mozambique... It
is remarkable that corridors have been projected in such a way that they
cleverly combine the preservation of nature with the gaining of a military
....Wilgers was persecuted by
the WWF for making public statements that the World Wide Fund for Nature is a
criminal enterprise. Unfortunately for the WWF, they lost their case, although
they never had to admit Wilgers was right. Wilgers wasn't "knowingly speaking
untruths", or something like that. Years later, I made a call to Mr. Wilgers,
who stated that the 1001 Club is directed by the Privy Council and MI6, which
now turns out to be similar to the leadership of Le Cercle. All British chairmen
of Le Cercle were deeply involved with British and foreign intelligence, and the
last three were members of the Privy Council. The World Wildlife Fund (also known as the Worldwide Fund for Nature, or simply WWF) has been actively pressuring government agencies in the U.S., Europe, and Canada to increase the amount of testing that they require for pesticides and other chemicals. The result of the WWF’s lobbying has been the establishment of what threatens to be the largest animal-testing programs of all time. And that’s not all. As one would expect of an organization founded by trophy hunters, the WWF does not oppose killing animals for sport. The WWF believes that culling (read “killing”) elephants and seals is OK, it supports the slaughter of whales by native tribes, and it refuses to speak out against steel-jaw leghold traps.
[2004] Cartels’ Soy
Revolution Kills Argentine Farming
by Cynthia R. Rush
The blame
lies with the criminal financial predators behind the international food
cartels—Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge, etc.—that have systematically
destroyed Argentina's food-producing capabilities over recent decades, replacing
them with large-scale production of genetically-modified soy for export to a
globalized market. The imposition of unbridled free trade, exemplified by Carlos
Menem's embrace of the International Monetary Fund's policies during his
1989-1999 Presidency, has returned Argentina to "the colonial model of commodity
export," Lapolla writes. "We have ceased to be a nation."
...Government ministries and scientific agencies once
assigned to deal with problems related to real production have been roped into
this offensive, prodded by such well-financed Non-Governmental Organizations
(NGOs) as the British Crown's Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and
Under the
guise of protecting the environment, the WWF has supported the food cartels'
"Sustainable Soy" model, advocating expanded soy production only, while
simultaneously demanding that large swaths of land be set aside as pristine
ecology parks, protected from "contamination"—and agricultural production.
[2001] Brazil: Prince Philip's WWF Tries to Muzzle EIR
London's terrorism support apparatus: environmentalism, indigenism ...
[PDF] Soy Monoculture in the Americas: Globalization Ruins Food Economy
[PDF] EIRInvestigation
'Anti-Globalist' Terrorists Support Global Empire
New `Diana Wars' in Britain Put Focus on LaRouche
The True Story Behind the Fall of the House of Windsor: EIR ...
WWF map from a 2001. New parks have been created in the
mean time.