
“The Illuminati use what I call reverse symbolism. They place their symbols all around us but present them with the reverse of their true meaning. For example, the dove symbolizes peace to most people, but to the Illuminati bloodlines it represents their goddess, Queen Semiramis [Isis]. The lighted torch means freedom and liberty to the population, but to the Illuminati it is the very symbol of their agenda and control. The Nazis reversed the ancient symbol of the swastika to symbolize the negative and Satanists have reversed the pentagram to point downwards for the same reason. Everything is symbolism and ritual to the Illuminati, and always has been.” -David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center”

Descending dove

Satanism   O.T.O. crest

Luciferian church symbols The United Church of Canada

Rosicrucian Brotherhood

Tarot 19th Century Tarot card


Trinity Broadcasting Network