Paul Kagame
Rwanda Mass
Murder Inc
US proxy double-genocidist (Rwanda
& Congo: 3-4 million
Kagame was born to a Tutsi family.
Leader of the RPF/A that invaded Rwanda with the
Ugandan army in 1990, slaughtering Hutu civilians. He assassinated
Juvenal Habyarimana
& Cyprien Ntaryamira
(Plane crash).]
Backers and friends of Paul Kagame
Kagame's comrades at the US Army's Fort Levenworth, Kansas, 1990.
See: Kayumba Nyamwasa Laurent Nkunda
Backers and friends of Paul Kagame
SPLA leader
John Garang received military training at the School of the Americas, Fort
Benning, Georgia. Paul Kagame received training at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
At the time he was sent for training, Kagame was Museveni’s director of
military intelligence; upon his return he assumed command of the army
created, financed and trained by Uganda: the Rwanda Patriotic Army.
Both Garang
and Kagame likely received "counter-insurgency" training through the
Pentagon’s International Military Education and Training Program (IMET).
Since 1998, the IMET program has provided training to 318 RDF and 291 UPDF
soldiers. Many other IMET soldiers who attended the notorious School of the
Americas are today known human rights violators in Latin America.
Merchants of Death: Exposing Corporate-financed Holocaust in Africa.
White Collar War Crimes, Black African Fall Guys
by Keith Harmon Snow
The criminality of the Kagame regime is whitewashed by the massive public relations campaigns involving Kagame’s special advisor/sponsors: former Ambassador Andrew Young and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Young’s Goodworks International also backs the Museveni regime. Buffing the shiny image of the government of Congo’s President Joseph Kabila is Stevens and Schriefer Group the Washington D.C. PR-firm that twice helped get George W. Bush elected []. [2008 Dec] Merchants of Death: Exposing Corporate-financed Holocaust in Africa. White Collar War Crimes, Black African Fall Guys by Keith Harmon Snow
Paul Kagame’s RPF, in what James Traub describes in Foreign Policy as a “typical episode,” “kidnapped refugees, many of them women and children, and brought them to a camp, allegedly under the pretext of returning them to Rwanda. The refugees were then brought out in small groups. From the report: ‘They were bound and their throats were cut or they were killed by hammer blows to the head. Their bodies were then thrown into pits or doused with petrol and burned. The operation was carried out in a methodical manner and lasted at least one month.’”......Kagame, who labels all critics ‘genocidaires’ or apologists for genocide, is exposed as ‘the greatest mass killer on the face of the earth, today,’ as described by Edward S. Herman, co-author of ‘The Politics of Genocide.’ Kagame’s mentors and funders in the U.S. government, who aided and abetted his genocide in Congo, must be held equally accountable – if not more so, since United States corporations derive the greatest benefit from Congo’s blood minerals, and the U.S. military gains the most advantage from Rwandan and Ugandan services as mercenaries at America’s beck and call in Africa.”..... “Kagame’s army and allied militias knowingly committed wholesale killings of Hutus, often ‘mostly children, women, old and ill people.’ Indeed, the (leaked U.N.) report goes on to say that some of the attacks could have amounted to a genocide,” according to The Economist. [2010] U.S./U.N. cover-up of Kagame’s genocide in Rwanda and Congo by Juan Carrero
[2011] Hobnobbing with Arnold Schwarzenegger, $16,000-a-night presidential suites, Louboutin shopping sprees:UN diplomats spend big in New York The $16,000-a-night presidential suite at the Mandarin Oriental hotel, left, where Rwanda president Paul Kagame, right, is staying. His citizens earn on average $1,150 a year
[2012 Feb] Kagames Caught Red-Handed Again
[2012 Feb] Kagame's Agent Expelled from Sweden After Gasasira Disappears
[2011 March] Forget Gaddafi. Blair's NEW best friend is a despot guilty of even bloodier slaughter
[2011] Rwanda: Current President Kagame confessed ordering predecessor’s plane shot down
[2011 July] Monster behind genocide and rape squads Rwandan army commander Papy Kamanzi.... ‘We took them instead into the forest and killed them with a small hatchet.’ Kamanzi despatched scores with a blow to the back of the skull. As the bloodbath went on, his soldiers’ methods became cruder. ‘We could kill more than 100 a day,’ he said. ‘We used ropes – it was the fastest way and we didn’t spill blood. Two of us would place a guy on the ground, wrap a rope around his neck once, then pull hard.....This is a man who launched a war with neighbouring Congo in 1996 which led to more than five million deaths and tore Congo apart – and has used British taxpayers’ money to silence his critics. Papy Kamanzi’s death squad was operating in the Congolese jungle, where it was guilty of acts of genocide. A United Nations investigation found Kagame’s army and its allies killed tens of thousands of innocent refugees.
[2011 July] Why is our aid minister cosying up to a Rwandan dictator?
[2010] U.S./U.N. cover-up of Kagame’s genocide in Rwanda and Congo by Juan Carrero
[2010] Rwanda Crisis Could Expose U.S. Role in Congo Genocide by Glen Ford Millions died while Washington’s allies occupied and looted the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo....Kagame’s men made no distinction between Rwandan Hutu refugees and Congolese Hutus; they killed them all...Carnage on such a scale could not have occurred were it not for the connivance of the United States, which has nurtured Kagame at every juncture.
[2010 Oct] Paul Kagame: “Our Kind of Guy” by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson Kagame is a double-genocidist, and one who ended any social democratic threat in Rwanda, firmly aligned Rwanda with the West as a U.S. client, and opened the door to foreign investment. Later, and far more lucratively, Kagame helped carve out resource-extraction and investment opportunities for his own associates and the U.S. and other Western investors in neighboring Zaire, the massive, resource-rich Central African country renamed the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 1997 during the First Congo War (ca. July 1996 - July 1998). .......The UN Panel estimated that by September 2002, some 3.5 million excess deaths had occurred in the five eastern provinces as “a direct result of the occupation of the DRC by Rwanda and Uganda” (para. 96). This report also rejected the Kagame regime's rationale that its armed forces' continued presence in the eastern DRC was needed to defend Rwanda against hostile Hutu forces terrorizing the border region and threatening to invade it; instead, the "real long-term purpose is…to 'secure property'," the UN countered (para. 66).[9] But though this 2002 report was not ordered suppressed the way the 1994 Gersony report was, it was nevertheless ignored in the Western media, despite the fact that 3.5 million deaths greatly exceeds the highest toll attributed to the "Rwanda genocide” of 1994. This suppression was surely a result of the fact that Kagame is a U.S. client, whose deadly efforts in the DRC were actually in line with the U.S. policy of opening up the country to U.S. and other Western mining and business interests.
[2010] The Rwandan Patriotic Front's
Bloody Record and the History of UN Cover-Ups by Christopher Black the
Kagame dictatorship is a client of
the United States and "acts as a mercenary for U.S. interests in Africa,"
as Glen Ford observes;
the current conflict between this dictatorship and
the UN "threatens to reveal
the United States' role as enabler in
the deaths of as many as six million people while
Washington's allies occupied and looted
the eastern regions of
the Democratic Republic of Congo."
importance of this letter if you have grasped it fully cannot be
overstated. It means
the attack on Rwanda from 1990 was not
the prime objective of Kagame and his collaborators. Zaire was always
the prime objective. That
their excuse for
the attack on Rwanda about establishing democracy and return of refugees,
was completely false. That
the invasion from Uganda had only one purpose: to clear
the path through Rwanda to Zaire. That
the return of refugees, as many witnesses have stated, was not for
humanitarian reasons, but to clear
the path for
the invasion of Zaire. It means that
the Americans, British, particularly with Kagame and Museveni, planned
the invasion of Zaire [sic] in 1994, probably before that. It means that
the excuse given for
the invasions of Congo since this letter was written to clear
the 'Interahamwe' or 'genocidaires' is completely false. No
mention is made of 'Interahamwe'. No mention is made of 'genocide'.
[2010 June] Report of the Mapping Exercise documenting the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed within the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between March 1993 and June 2003 Not only does this report catalogue the massive atrocities committed in the DRC over a ten-year period, it attributes the responsibility for the most serious of these atrocities to the RPF. "There is no denying that ethnic massacres were committed and that the victims were mostly Hutus from Burundi, Rwanda, and Zaire," the draft report quotes the findings of a 1997 UN inquiry
[2009] Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in
the Propaganda System by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson The established
narrative’s 800,000 or more largely Tutsi deaths resulting from a “preprogrammed
genocide” committed by “Hutu Power” appears to have no basis in any facts,
beyond the early claims by Kagame’s RPF and its politically motivated Western
sponsors and propagandists....Washington gains a strong military presence in
Central Africa, a diminution of its European rivals’ influence, proxy armies to
serve its interests, and access to the raw material-rich Democratic Republic of
Congo (DRC, known as Zaire into 1997); while the RPF renews Tutsi-minority
control of Rwanda, and gains a free hand to kill any perceived internal rivals,
along with a client state’s usual immunities, money, weapons, foreign
investment, and a great deal of international prestige......Very big lies about
Rwanda are now institutionalized and are part of the common (mis)understanding
in the West. In reality, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is one of the great mass murderers
of our time, far surpassing Uganda’s former dictator Idi Amin. Yet, thanks to
the remarkable myth structure that surrounds him, he enjoys immense popularity
with his chief patron in Washington, his image of big-time killer transmuted
into that of an honored savior, deserving strong Western support......what
Kagame overthrew was a multiethnic, power-sharing, coalition government; what
Kagame imposed was a Tutsi-dominated dictatorship; and what Kagame turned Rwanda
and the whole of Central Africa into was a rolling genocide that is ongoing. But
it is true that he is a shining “star” in the Western firmament and its
propaganda system.
.......What the United States and its Western allies (Britain, Canada, and
Belgium) really did was to sponsor the U.S.-trained Kagame; support his invasion
of Rwanda from Uganda and the massive ethnic cleansing prior to April 1994;
weaken the Rwandan state by forcing an economic recession and the RPF’s
penetration of the government and throughout the country; and then press for the
complete removal of UN troops. They did this because they didn’t want UN troops
to stand in the way of Kagame’s conquest of the country, even though Rwanda’s
Hutu authorities were urging the dispatch of more UN troops.
...... it also cleared the ground for Kagame and Uganda’s Yoweri Museveni—Kagame’s
ally and the two staunchest U.S. clients in the region—to invade and occupy the
DRC and beyond periodically, without opposition from the “international
The Pentagon has very actively supported these invasions of
the DRC, even more heavily than it supported the RPF’s drive to take Kigali.
This support led to the killing of many thousands of Hutu refugees in a series
of mass slaughters (ca. 1994-1997), and also provided cover for a
greater series of Kagame-Museveni assaults on the DRC that have destabilized
life in this large country of perhaps sixty million people, with millions
perishing in the process.
[2010 Oct] Paul
Kagame: “Our Kind of Guy” by Edward S. Herman and David Peterson Among
the many other UN reports on the DRC, the second in the series by the UN Panel
of Experts on the “Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of
Wealth of the Democratic Republic of Congo” (S/2002/1146,
October, 2002) also stands out. The UN Panel estimated that by September 2002,
some 3.5 million excess deaths had occurred in the five eastern provinces as
“a direct result of the occupation of the DRC by Rwanda and Uganda” (para.
96). This report also rejected the Kagame regime's rationale that its armed
forces' continued presence in the eastern DRC was needed to defend Rwanda
against hostile Hutu forces terrorizing the border region and threatening to
invade it; instead, the "real long-term purpose is…to 'secure property'," the UN
countered (para. 66).[9] But though this 2002 report was not ordered suppressed
the way the 1994 Gersony report was, it was nevertheless ignored in the Western
media, despite the fact that 3.5 million deaths greatly exceeds the highest toll
attributed to the "Rwanda genocide” of 1994.
...In 1999, former RPF military officer Christophe Hakizimana submitted a letter
to the UN Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of the United Nations during
the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda (S/1999/1257).
In his letter, which detailed the RPF’s military strategy from 1990 on,
Hakizimana claimed that the RPF was responsible for killing as many as two
million Hutu in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and he informed the
Commission that by indicting Hutu, the ICTR was focusing on the wrong side in
the conflict. We base this on personal communications with the international
criminal lawyer Christopher Black of Toronto, who, since 2000, has served as
defense counsel before the ICTR on behalf of the Hutu General Augustin
Nindiliyimana, a former Chief of Staff of the Rwanda Gendarmerie (or National
....Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N. Saga (New York:
Random House, 1999), 129-41; here 138, 135. According to Robin Philpot,
Boutros-Ghali told him on the record that “The genocide in Rwanda was 100
percent the responsibility of the Americans!” See the Introduction to Philpot,
Rwanda 1994.
[2009] THE RWANDA GENOCIDE FABRICATIONS Human Right Watch, Alison Des
Forges & Disinformation on Central Africa by
Harmon Snow
From 1990 to 1994, the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA),
comprised most heavily of Ugandan soldiers led by Ugandan citizens like Paul
Kagame, committed atrocity after atrocity as they forced their way to power in
Kigali, always falsely accusing their enemies—the power-sharing government of
then President Juvenal Habyarimana—of genocide.
......According to the International Forum for Truth and Justice in the Great
Lakes Region of Africa, whose discoveries
resulted in the high courts of Spain issuing international indictments against
40 top RPF/A officials: “Between 1990 and 1994, the RPA waged a systematic,
pre-planned, secretive but highly organized terrorist war aimed at eliminating
the largest number of Rwandan people possible—bodies were hacked to pieces and
incinerated en masse. From 1994, once the RPA violently seized power, a terror
regime was created, and developed, and a criminal structure parallel to the
state was set up to pursue pre-determined kidnappings; torturing and raping of
women and young girls; terrorist attacks (both directly and by simulating that
the same had been perpetrated by the enemy); illegal detention of thousands of
civilians; selective murdering; systematic elimination of corpses either by mass
incineration or by throwing them into lakes and rivers; indiscriminate attacks
against civilians based on pre-determined ethnic categories for the elimination
of the predominant ethnic group; and also to carry out acts of war in Rwanda and
....In contradistinction to the establishment narrative accusing the
‘Hutu leadership’ of an ‘organized’ and ‘planned’ genocide were the countless
acts of genocide committed through a
spontaneous uprising of the Hutu masses—people who had been brutalized,
disenfranchised, uprooted and forced from homes; people who had witnessed
massacres and rapes of family members; people who were themselves the victims of
brutal atrocities. These were more than a million internally displaced Rwandan
Hutus, people who had been terrorized by the Rwandan Patriotic Army from October
1990 to April 1994, as it butchered its way into Rwanda; and possibly a million
Burundian refugees, Hutus who suffered massive reprisals in Burundi after the
first civilian President, Melchior Ndadaye, a democratically elected Hutu, was
assassinated by the Tutsi military in October 1993. There is evidence that the
RPA/F pursued “pseudo-operations”—death squads committing atrocities disguised
as government soldiers—and evidence that at least some of the infamous
Interahamwe militias pursued their campaigns of terror in the pay of the Rwandan
Patriotic Front/Army.
[2008] The Great Rwanda "Genocide Coverup" by
Prof. Peter Erlinder According to sworn affidavits placed in the
ICTR record in early 2006, more than 10 years ago, ICTR Lead Investigative
Prosecutor, well-respected Australian QC Michael Hourigan, recommended that
Kagame, himself, be prosecuted for the assassination of Habyarimana. But, in
1997, then-Chief UN Prosecutor Louise Arbour of Canada ordered him to drop the
Kagame investigation; to forget it ever happened; and, to burn his notes !
Hourigan resigned rather than comply and copies of his original notes are now
part of the ICTR public record for all to see.
The Hourigan affidavit makes clear that the "Rwanda
Genocide"-- Cover-up has been going on for at least a decade....but the
reasons for the cover-up did not become clear until late 2007, when a senior
Clinton Administration diplomat, Brian Atwood, was confronted with UN documents
describing a 1994 "cover-up" meeting with the Rwandan Foreign Minister in Kigali
and the UN's Kofi Annan. According to the UN documents, U.S.-sponsored human
rights reports by investigator, Robert Gersony, had documented massive
military-style executions of civilians by Kagame's troops, during and after the
final 90-days of the four-year Rwanda War.
The former Rwandan Foreign Minister at the meeting, Jean
Marie Ndagiyimana, testified at the ICTR that, rather than participate in the
proposed "cover-up," he resigned and went into exile where he remains today. His
ICTR testimony confirmed that Clinton's USAID Chief for Africa,
Brian Atwood, and the chief of the UN
Department of Peace Keeping Operations Kofi Annan, were both in his office in
late October 1994 urging him to assist in the "cover-up" the war-crimes
committed by Kagame's forces.
The damning "Gersony Report" included first-hand evidence of
tens of thousands of civilians being massacred by Kagame's troops in
eastern Rwanda, later confirmed by similar reports by Human Rights Watch and
Amnesty International. The U.N. Document (also in the ICTR record) says that
Annan told the Foreign Minister that public knowledge of the Report would be
"embarrassing to the UN" and the U.S. Former Clinton-diplomat, Brian Atwood, not
only confirmed he was at the meeting, but explained that he had engaged
Gersony, and that Gersony's findings of war-crimes being committed by Kagame
were "an inconvenient truth" for both the United States and the UN.
United States invaded Rwanda, it began in October 1990, culminated in 1994, in a
coup d’ etat, we assassinated two Presidents. This was CIA work and Paul Kagame.
And this led to the invasion of the Congo and the current state of affairs there
now....While Rwanda is billed as a major
“success story” of recovery and development after a devastating genocide—see for
example the PR “documentary” film Rwanda Rising produced by Andrew Young’s
Goodworks International—the country is ruled with an iron-fist and a finely
tuned intelligence and torture apparatus involved in political assassinations,
suppression of information and disappearances. Huge areas of Rwanda were
entirely depopulated by the Rwandan Patriotic Front and UPDF as they hammered
away at Rwanda beginning in October 1990. The invasion culminated in a coup
d’etat that succeeded, with broad U.S. military support, in capturing Kigali in
July of 1994.
From 1994 to the present President
Paul Kagame has used the genocide card and the establishment narrative to
institutionalize repression, criminalize or assassinate anyone who challenges
the regime, and further depopulate rural areas for “development” benefiting
corporate interests.
---[2009 Interview] US
Role In Rwandan Genocide
GENOCIDE IN RWANDA keith harmon snow talks with Paul Rusesabagina, the ordinary
man who inspired the film Hotel Rwanda. In October of 1990, the Rwandan
Patriotic Army—the military wing of the Rwanda Patriotic Front—invaded northern
Rwanda from western Uganda. The RPA was created in Uganda, assisted by Ugandan
troops, and led by Paul Kagame. These were Tutsis in exile, refugees, the Tutsi
Diaspora, men like Paul Kagame who was
carried to safety as a three year-old—in 1959—on the back of his mother. But the
government of Rwanda called on its allies—French, Belgian and Israeli-trained
forces from Zaire—and stalled the invasion.
Kagame from the beginning as a war criminal. Why a war
criminal? Because, since Kagame came over from Uganda—on his way from Byumba and
Ruhengeri in the northeast—what he did was to kill innocent civilians, innocent
Hutu civilians. This has never been
qualified as a genocide, but it is one; until it is qualified as a genocide, me
I won’t call it a genocide, but it is supposed to be one...
...I will give you an example of Hutus and Tutsis who both have been
killed since 1994. You know about Kagame completely destroying the refugee camps
in Kibeho?
.....the RPF army destroyed refugee camps with helicopters while soldiers were
on the ground with machine guns killing everyone, each and every moving human
being trying to flee the camp. So, what can we call that? Is that a genocide?
Is that a crime against humanity? To me, that is a crime against humanity, which
includes genocide and war crimes.
He was the head of military intelligence in Uganda. Between 1986 and
1990: Kagame was the one condemning people to life or death in Uganda, the one
who was deciding people’s lives.
....Born in Rwanda, Paul Kagame was carried to exile as a three year old,
in 1959.and Yoweri Museveni were former classmates at the University of Dar Es
Salaam, along with Sudan People’s Liberation Army leader John Garang. In 1979,
Paul Kagame and other Rwandan Tutsi exiles formed the Rwandan Patriotic Front,
in Uganda, whose military wing was the Rwandan Patriotic Army. When the National
Resistance Army (NRA) of Uganda, led by now President Yoweri Museveni, drove
their war into Kampala, Uganda, in January 1986, the 14,000 NRA troops included
some 3000 Rwandan Tutsis. After January 1986, the RPF operated freely in Uganda.
From November 1989 to June 1990, Kagame controlled the NRA’s G-2 (military
intelligence) apparatus. The constant RPA assault on Rwanda was back by Ugandan
military, with NRA battalions involved in the field in Rwanda, and commanded by
Ugandan military commanders such as Museveni’s half-brother General Salim Saleh.
As Director of Military Intelligence for Museveni, Kagame received training in
military tactics and intelligence methods from the U.S. Army’s Fort Leavenworth
Command and General Staff College, in Kansas.
[2009 Jan] Ben Affleck, Rwanda,
and Corporate Sustained Catastrophe by Keith Harmon Snow
The Kagame military machine—backed by the US, U.K., Canada, Germany and
Israel—is one of Congo’s greatest enemies. Kagame was one of the original 27
soldiers to launch the guerrilla war in Uganda, 1980, alongside now
president-for-life Yoweri Museveni. Kagame soon became the head of Museveni’s
dreaded Internal Security Organization, and he was directly involved in
tortures, massacres and other human rights atrocities during the Museveni
regime’s consolidation of power.
In October 1990 Kagame returned from training at the US Army
base at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to lead the Ugandan People’s Defense Forces (UPDF)
illegal invasion of Rwanda. The US military and its partners backed the
invasion, just as they backed the invasion of Congo in 1996, and the recent
invasion of Congo launched this week.
From 1990 to 1994, the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA),
comprised most heavily of Ugandan soldiers led by Ugandan citizens like Paul
Kagame, committed atrocity after atrocity as they forced their way to power in
Kigali, always falsely accusing their enemies—the power-sharing government of
then President Juvenal Habyarimana—of genocide.
On December 18, 2008, after the protracted Military I’
trial, the judges at the International Criminal Tribunal on Rwanda (ICTR) ruled
that there was no conspiracy to commit genocide by former Rwandan military
leaders affiliated with the Habyarimana government. It was a war, and the
actions—far from a calculated genocide—were found by the ICTR judges to be
‘war-time conditions’.
The Pentagon invaded Rwanda using Uganda. There were almost no Rwandans involved in the invasion of Rwanda from 1990 to 1994. The idea that there were all these Tutsis in exile who deserted. That’s the whole Jews thing. The Jews are a people without a State. They made this article up about the Tutsis. A people without a State. So the Tutsis have been given this moral currency as being supposedly the victims of genocide. To get away with absolute murder. And we’re talking from 1990 to 1994. Millions and millions of people being killed in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo, because of this relationship. And so Kagame, and Paul Kabarbai, and Lawrence Nkunda and some other top officials are responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes in the history of the world. And this is completely unknown. Because as soon as someone like me and you or anyone, especially a Rwandan comes along and says this they are accused of genocide and they’re accused of being a genocide denier. Because the average listener out there has heard over and over and over again, through the media, through Hollywood, through Philip Gourevitch, through The New Yorker, etc. etc., that there was one hundred days of genocide. 800,000 Tutsis were killed. And the Kagame regime stopped the genocide. Which is completely upside down. And so today you’ve got Kagame, he sent out three hundred agents in the world, they’re tracking down anyone who speaks against the Kagame regime. As they just did with this professor from [Inaudible] College, in West Virginia, in the United States who was just arrested and targeted by the Kagame regime and never involved in genocide. There is no remote connection with this poor fellow, with genocide in Rwanda. And this is how the Kagame machine, with its very tight relationships with Clinton officials and Bush officials.” ---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide
Hillary Clinton should be indicted for war crimes. She should be brought up in a criminal tribunal and put on the stand. And we should be told who was involved in the war crimes in Central Africa from 1994 to 2001. And the assassination of all these people and the massive killings. So we can name these officials. Susan Rice is another one. She’s the architect. Susan Rice and a guy named Roger Winter are the architects of genocide in Rwanda. They should not be in the foreign policy establishment in any sense of the word. And, by the way, this is exactly what we’ve seen going down in Sudan. It’s a guerilla war, it’s backed by the Pentagon. It’s using Uganda as a proxy army, and also Chad and also Egypt. And creating this propaganda that the government of Sudan is creating genocide. When, in fact, we are all over it. It doesn’t look like that at all. It’s war. It’s open war.”---[2009 Interview] US Role In Rwandan Genocide
Museveni’s bush war began in 1980. Paul Kagame, current President of Rwanda, was Museveni’s Director of Military Intelligence in the mid-1980’s. Museveni and Kagame led the invasion of Rwanda in 1990. The two military commanders utilized terrorist tactics that assigned blame for atrocities they committed—against both their enemies and their own people—on their enemies. They used psychological operations, embedded international reporters, and fabrication of massacres. These tactics have continued to the present. [2007] Darfurism, Uganda and the U.S. War in Africa - The Spectre of Continental Genocide by Keith Harmon Snow
[2004] Mass Rape & Genocide in Rwanda, 1994 by Keith Harmon Snow The Untold Story of How the Western Press both Ignored and Manipulated the Issue of Rape of Women and Girls During the 1994 Cataclysm in Rwanda, and Why. Rwanda's Paul Kagame was trained at Ft. Leavenworth (Kansas) under the International Military Education Training Program (IMET)
Murdered Hutu woman tied up with
The infamous Kagame's trade mark