'Revolving door'
Political Mafia
Vaccine conflict of interest
for one aspect of the government-corporation conspiracy, the imaginary
line between Government and Industry is called the revolving door, bit like the
English-Welsh border, there in name only. In medicine they did away with
the door decades ago and the Allopaths run all the government 'health'
departments, e.g. Allopath
Salisbury runs the
vaccine side in the UK. All the Chief Medical Officers are Allopaths.
The best recent example is by
Junk Food
Inc, from two Ministers:
Spelman and
Lansley, both Food Inc lobbyists! Just
the tip of the iceberg surfacing for a moment. Not forgetting
the standard
Sainsbury and
See banners: Conflicts of Interest
Monsanto revolving door
'Revolving door'
Food Corporations in charge of
government nutritional policy
Thomas, Clarence
Taylor, Michael
Gerberding, Julie
Insel, Tom
"They have bought every type of person including Ministers of health in some countries. There is a huge amount of corruption. In my country for example, Denmark, we are regarded as having very little corruption but yet we have thousands of doctors on industry payroll, although we are just 20,000 doctors, so this is effective kind of corruption. The drug industry buys the Professors first, then chiefs of departments, then chief physicians, and so on. They don't buy junior doctors, so when several thousand are on industry payroll, it's really really bad." [vid] Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime [Gotzsche]
"Evolution of the National Institutes of Mental Health Revolving Door" »
[2013] Government bee scientist behind controversial study joins pesticide firm
[2012] Speech – House of Commons So today we ask you consider what you have heard by joining us to open up the tarnished history of abuse, medical and legal fraud, with negligence from Schering Chemical and our own government. This same government who have never commented on why their own Senior Medical Officer, Dr. William Inman, at The Committee and Safety of Medicines, crossed ranks to Schering Chemical, by yes, writing a Supplementary report for the drug company, whilst in his capacity as a civil servant employed by the UK government. His name is on Peter Weitzman’s- Barrister’s legal report prior to the trial in 1982 which I have here a copy today.
[2012 Aug] Conservative MP who chairs climate committee earns £140k from green energy firms Tory MP Tim Yeo rakes in almost £140,000 a year from the controversial industry while juggling his role as chairman of the select committee.
[2012 Jan] Leaked documents reveal US diplomats actually work for Monsanto
[2010 Nov] McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy The Department of Health is putting the fast food companies McDonald's and KFC and processed food and drink manufacturers such as PepsiCo, Kellogg's, Unilever, Mars and Diageo at the heart of writing government policy on obesity, alcohol and diet-related disease, the Guardian has learned.
[2012 May] The Secret Weapon U.S. Lobbyists Use to Ruin Your Health If you're a corporation or a lobbyist and you want to "buy" a member of Congress, one common and effective way to do so is by secretly promising them a high-paying job once they leave office. Since such deals are not made public, legislators can pass laws or create special tax cuts that benefit their future employer with little or no accountability. Politicians do not have to disclose job negotiations while in office, and also do not have to disclose how much they're paid after leaving office. But it is probably not a coincidence that former Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) spent his last year in office fighting reforms to the derivatives marketplace, and then upon leaving office joined that board a derivatives trading company and became an "advisor" to Goldman Sachs.
[vid 2012 Feb] Monsanto practically a government agency With the revolving door that is the relationship between Monsanto and various federal regulatory agencies, we might as well call Monsanto a part of the administration. President Obama has appointed the worst man possible to the top position at the Food and Drug Administration. Michael R. Taylor (former Monsanto Vice President), has just been appointed to be the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and 'legally' feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person.
[2012 Jan] The Washington-Wall Street Revolving Door Keeps Spinning
[2011 Oct] ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm The Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that we have no right to own a cow or drink its milk resigned to join one of Monsanto’s law firms.
[2011 May] Princess Anne's husband accused of 'cashing in' on defence cuts after quitting MoD to join contractor Princess Anne’s husband has walked out of the Ministry of Defence and on to the board of a private company bidding to manage Armed Forces housing.
[2011 May] Spy chief behind 'dodgy dossier' gets top Iraq oil job The spy chief who helped Tony Blair write the ‘dodgy dossier’ which persuaded MPs to back war in Iraq has taken up a top job with an oil firm in the Middle Eastern country.
[2010 Nov] Who is the government's health deal with big business really good for? In the chair of the commission, by invitation of Lansley, was Dave Lewis, UK and Ireland chairman of Unilever.....Lucy Neville-Rolfe, corporate affairs director of Tesco, the supermarket that has been a leading opponent of the traffic light food labelling scheme favoured by the Food Standards Agency, and Lady Buscombe.....former head of the Advertising Association, where she established herself as a formidable political champion of the ad industry's right to operate free of restrictions. ....He not only subscribed to the libertarian view that public health should be more a matter of personal responsibility than government action; he bought in to the whole pro-business PR view of the world. (At that time, Lansley was a paid director of the marketing agency Profero, whose clients have included Pepsi, Mars, Pizza Hut and Diageo's Guinness. He gave up the directorship at the end of 2009.)
'As I see it, the wise thing for the medical profession to do, is to
get right into and man every great health movement; man health departments,
tuberculosis societies, child and infant welfare societies, housing societies,
etc. The future of the profession depends on keeping matters so that when the
public mind thinks of these things it automatically thinks of physicians, and
not of sociologists or sanitary engineers. the profession cannot afford to
have these places occupied by other than medical men.'--Dr. W. A. Evans, one
time Health Commissioner for the City of Chicago at the Annual Convention of the
1911. [1935 USA]
Annie Riley. The Medical Voodoo. New York: Gotham House, 1936.
"If RotaTeq sounds familiar to parents, that is because Dr. Julie Gerberding, former head of the CDC in Atlanta, placed it on the pediatric vaccine schedule during her tenure," Stagliano said. "Your baby now receives three doses of this oral vaccine. Dr. Gerberding is now the current President of the Merck Vaccine Division, which manufactures RotaTeq."