[back] Experts CDC
[Revolving door former head of the CDC, became head of Merck Vaccine Division upon leaving her government job. She now owns $4 million worth of Merck Shares.]
"Last summer, Dr. William Thompson, senior scientist at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and someone working on the national immunization
program came forward after 13 years and said, 'We have known for 13 years, MMR
vaccine causes autism and we have concealed that fact.' "He not only said
it, he gave us all of the documents--all of the original emails, transcripts,
data outputs, databases, draft papers, original analysis plans, exchanges with
his colleagues where he had tried repeatedly to bring this to their attention.
Right to the very top of the CDC. Right to Julie Gerberding, who was
director of the CDC before she left to join Merck as their director of
immunizations. "They all knew: Walter Orenstein, head of the National
Immunization Program--they all knew. He had told them all. They concealed it
systematically, and eventually, he could no longer live with himself. He came
forward and has become a whistleblower........ "And that is what they concealed,
and in doing so they put millions and millions of American children in harm's
way, knowingly and willfully."
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Here is Julie Gerberding at the time of the Poling decision when she was still director of the CDC (before she took the revolving door to Merck's vaccine division) on CNN: “Now, we all know that vaccines can occasionally cause fevers in kids. So if a child was immunized, got a fever, had other complications from the vaccines. And if you’re predisposed with the mitochondrial disorder, it can certainly set off some damage. Some of the symptoms can be symptoms that have characteristics of autism." http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0803/29/hcsg.01.html
[2015 May] Merck & Co. EVP Julie L. Gerberding Sells 38,368 Shares (MRK)
In a newly released FOIA document obtained by a scientist, you can read correspondence between Dr. Julie Gerberding, Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) and Damian Braga, President of Aventis Pasteur. An orderly "phase down" of thimerosal (mercury preservative) still in pediatric flu shots was supposed to begin in 2004, but based on the correspondence, Dr. Julie Gerbeding indicates no interest in providing U.S. children with pediatric thimerosal-free flu shots. Almost ten years later, the U.S. is still allowing thimerosal-containing flu shots to be used in infants, pregnant women, children and the elderly. http://www.ashotoftruth.org/featured-vaccines/flu-shot
Julie Gerberding Admits on CNN that Vaccines Trigger Autism
Julie Gerberding Now Officially a Paid Pharma Shill Withholding her Conflicts of Interest
[2008] Julie Gerberding Admits on CNN that Vaccines can Trigger Autism