therapy genocide
[back] Radiation
Human Abuse
[Just treating symptoms like chemotherapy and surgery. Nothing quite epitomises the dark ages of Allopathic medicine than radiation therapy and the highly priced torture machines. They all need selling for scrap with one being kept as a record of modern torture, London Dungeon maybe? See The Cancer Conspiracy to expose this cancer causing 'therapy', also Mammography & Radiation genocide to see the mindset of the medical mafia behind Allopathic therapies.]
Mammography Racket
Radiation Therapy: The Shocking Truth the Cancer Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
[2012] Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant
Cancers from Chemo and radiation
Read: World Without Cancer by Edward G. Griffin (Excerpts)
[vid] Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business
[2013 Feb] Cancer cure that can leave you a prisoner in your home In those who’ve had pelvic radiation, 90 per cent of patients report a permanent change in bowel habits afterwards, and 30 per cent have problems with the bladder, often causing urine to leak. ....Symptoms can appear many years after treatment, because in some people the radiotherapy continues to damage tissue long after it has finished.... ‘After a few months, I told the hospital I was having problems with diarrhoea, and was told it would improve. It did, slightly, but I was still going to the loo about 12 times a day. ...He says one in ten patients will develop chronic pain, with one in five suffering faecal incontinence. ‘Some will have to go to the loo up to 30 times a day, and it carries on getting worse, affecting their quality of life, their sex life, everything.’ Up to one-third of patients will have long-term problems with urination.....‘The chemotherapy people said it was the radiotherapy to blame, and the radiotherapy people told me it was the chemotherapy.
[2011 April] Radiation
exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients
Just in case you're not following all this, what we're seeing here is that
10,000 mSv is a fatal dose. The 20,000 mSv line was removed from the chart
between versions 1.0 and 1.35. Meanwhile, the cancer industry is routinely using
60,000 mSv focused on the head and neck as a way to "prevent" cancer!
Are you starting to see how huge this cancer radiotherapy
scam really is? Think about it: If exposure to just 100 mSv can actually
cause cancer, then how can exposure to 60,000 mSv somehow "cure" it?
Not surprisingly, the cancer industry's lies fall apart when
you look at the science. No wonder the industry has to work so hard to keep
people misinformed. If cancer patients knew they were receiving literally
60,000% higher radiation doses (that's 60,000 mSv versus 100 mSv) than the level
necessary to significantly increase the risk of cancer, they probably wouldn't
sign up for more "treatments."
The Efficacy of Radiotherapy By Don Benjamin There has never been a properly run randomised trial that showed that radiotherapy saved any lives or even produced a significant increase in survival for any type of cancer.
Injuries and symptoms of Breast radiation
[2007] Big Blow to Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer by Ralph W. Moss, PhD
[1995 BMJ] Brachial plexus neuropathy after radiotherapy for breast cancer
Radiation therapy can also cause spontaneous pneumothorax, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.
"An Assessment of Orthodox Treatments of Cancer" by Don Benjamin
Preventing Breast Cancer, The story of a Major, Proven, Preventable Cause of This Disease by Dr Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. http://www.ratical.com/radiation/CNR/PBC/
Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group, "Effects of Radiotherapy and Surgery in Early Breast Cancer - An Overview of the Randomized Trials", The New England Journal of Medicine, November 30, 1995, Vol. 333, No. 22, pp. 1444-1456
[March 2006] Radiation and orgonite--Don Croft
[2008 Nov] Why won't our doctors face up to the dangers of radiotherapy?
[Media Oct 20, 2006] Teenager in radiation dose blunder loses fight for life
[1995] "Cancer Deception" Don't go making trouble, doctor told breast victim who complained