Dr Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
Natural Healers
"Your body has the ability to heal itself completely of any and all disease." ~ Dr. Richard Schulze
must one of the greatest healers of all time, the combination of Herbalism and
Naturopathy (Naturopathic
is highly effective, to put it mildly, and would kick 98% of Allopathy into
touch given a level playing field. His work in getting the knowledge out
there (giving away all the secrets of Herbalism and Naturopathy), and putting
his whole body over the parapet puts him in the 'great man' category, and they
are pretty thin on the ground, but it just shows what one man can do. No
longer can Allopaths get into the pulpit and say Herbal and Naturopathic
medicine is quackery without being exposed as the true quacks themselves, see
here, and that is purely down to him, the
Truth is well out of the bottle now. To see how the Allopaths suppress the
competition: the Richard
Shulze page on Wikipedia was deleted by an Allopath,
Midgley, [ref].]
'Dr. Schulze is one of the foremost authorities in the world on natural healing and herbal medicine. He holds a Doctorate in Herbology from the School of Natural Healing and a Doctorate in Natural Medicine. Dr. Schulze also holds a degree in Herbal Pharmacy and degrees in Iridology. He is certified in eight different styles of " body therapy" and has three black belts in the martial arts. Dr. Schulze has written numerous research papers on the topics of Botanical Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology and the making of herbal preparations.'
Website: https://www.herbdoc.com
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Open Letter From Dr. Richard Schulze on Healing and Responsibility
Male Sexual Problems by Sam Biser & Dr Richard SchulzeFemale Sexual Problems by Sam Biser & Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
PMS/MENOPAUSE PROBLEMS: The decline of womanhood? How to stay female, healthy and young by Sam Biser & Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.Prostate surgery ruins sex for men by Sam Biser & Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
Hot Sex Herbal Oil by Sam Biser & Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
Male and Female Orgasms by Sam Biser & Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H.
Cleansing the Kidneys by Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H. and Sam Biser
Bob Mantz and Richard
Shulze talking about curing AIDS
[1996 offline] Shulze Biser Heal Your Life videos transcripts
[1995] Lupus: Interview with Dick Shulze by Sam Biser
Books with Shulze interviews:
Curing With
Cayenne by Sam Biser---Dr. Richard SCHULZE, Medical Herbalist
(taken off, see Sam Biser, or
Cures from the Last Chance Clinic by Sam Biser.
[1994] Shulze Biser Heal Your
Life videos (transcripts)
[2013 Feb]
Kidney Stones GONE!
[2012 June] Kidney Stones, Horrible Pain and My Natural Solution
[2012 June] Bladder Tumor, Gone!
May] Diapers to Dating 'I have had almost constant kidney
infections over the last 20 years. All my medical doctors told me that this is
just something I had to live with, because of a slight deformity on my urethra.
I also have scarring from all the infections and I have also had many bladder
infections too. I have been on and off of sulfur drugs and synthetic sulfur
drugs, antibiotics and dozens of other prescription drugs during this 20-year
period. Eventually, I began to also have leakage, then occasional total loss of
bladder control, so my medical doctor put me on adult diapers. I was so
desperate I even asked him for a kidney transplant, but he refused because he
said that my kidneys were fine, it was just an anatomy problem and any type of
surgery would not correct it. To say the least, my quality of life degenerated,
and I got divorced, so dating was out of the question, when I was wearing
In spite of all the medical doctors’ negativity and telling
me this would be a lifelong problem, two years ago a dear friend introduced me
to you and your products. I started with your 5-Day Kidney and Bladder Detox. I
did it three times in a row for three weeks. Then, I used your KB Tincture and
KB Tea on and off for the last two years, along with improving my food program,
adding garlic and trying to stay away from harsh liquids, like you suggest.
Well, you have done what NO medical doctor, no hospital and no drug have ever
[2012 May] Healed My (Prostate) Cancer, Now What?
[2012 April] Colon Cancer “ALL CLEAR” Breast Cancer GONE by Richard Shulze
[2012 March] A.I.D.S. GONE! by DR. RICHARD SCHULZE
[2012 March] Still Alive! Colitis & Pregnancy by Richard Shulze, N.D., M.H. The doctors recommend removing my sigmoid colon and said if I didn't get the surgery I would be dead in 3 weeks to a year.....After a year of seeking out and trying many different types of alternative medicines, I was introduced to your products. I did your Vitality Program and felt the best I had felt in years. From there I continued on with your Bowel Detoxes and I'm still alive!
[2012 March] 11 and Constipated by Dr. Schulze
[2011 Oct] I Had A Friend COMMENTARY by DR.
Healing Physical Trauma: Miracle in
a Bottle, Indeed! by DR. RICHARD SCHULZ
Dr Shulze's Natural Healing Crusade
The Difference Between Natural Healing and Medical Intervention by Dr Shulze, N.D.
AIDS - You Can Cure
It-----Dr. Richard Schulze
Dr Shultz, School of Natural Healing, PO Box 3628, Santa Monica, California 90408-3628, USA. Tel: 001 310 576 6565. Fax: ---6575.
University of Natural Healing, 355 west Rio Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22901. 804 973 0262 (They put out the Dick Shulze material and a newsletter)
Common Sense Health & Healing, ISBN 0967156750
Healing Colon Disease Naturally
Healing Kidney & Gallbladder Disease Naturally
Healing Liver & Gallbladder Disease Naturally, ISBN 0967156777
Healing Colds & Flu Naturally, ISBN 0967156793
There are No Incurable Diseases, ISBN 0967156734
25 Ways to Have the Cleanest Liver, ISBN 096715670X
Breaking the Code: A layperson's Guide to Unlocking the Secret World of Medical Terminology', ISBN 0967156742
See: Dr John Christopher
External links
Patient HandBook
Video [See: Cancer videos]
Herbal Therapies - Richard Schulze - Tape 4 of 7
Herbal Therapies - Richard Schulze - Tape 6 of 7