Laetrile Case Histories
a book by John A.
Richardson, M.D. & Patricia Irving Griffin, R.N., B.S.
Here are 62 case histories proving beyond any doubt that Laetrile (Vitamin B17) works in the control of cancer. These are not anecdotal stories or cases of people who never had cancer in the first place. Each history is authenticated by a firm diagnosis and meticulous medical documentation.
This new, updated and revised edition includes a follow up 30 years after the patients were diagnosed with incurable cancer. Proof is in the actual life-span of these people who, previously, had been told by their doctors that they had just a few months or weeks to live.
This book also recounts the personal battle of Dr. John Richardson who incurred the wrath of orthodox medicine when he and his patients elected to use vitamin therapy instead of surgery, drugs, and radiation as the treatment of choice.
280 pages, Paperbound.
The Truth About Surgeries and Biopsies
Case Histories include Cancer of the
Between 57 and 90 out of every 100 patients with cancer of the
bladder who do not choose Laetrile but choose orthodox treatment
instead will be dead within five years(1). Orthodox treatment has
many serious and painful side effects. It is important to consider
these facts while reading the following Laetrile case histories.
E148M: Cancer of the Bladder, Previous Cancer of the Cervix
Mrs. E. was forty-eight years old in September, 1972, when she was
diagnosed as having "poorly differentiated invasive endocervical
carcinoma." Uterine curettings revealed adenocanthoma. Bilateral
inguinal node biopsies, September 15, 1972, were negative.
An examination of the cervix revealed it to be hard and irregular
and largely replaced by necrotic tumor. The radiologist stated, "1
think there is medial parametrial involvement." ('This means he
thought the cancer had also gone into the tissue and smooth muscle
around the uterus.)
In a letter dated September 22, 1972, the patient's physician—the
radiologist from St. Joseph's Hospital in Stockton, California,
(1)Clinical Oncology for Medical Students and Physicians, op. cit., p.
I plan 3500 rads whole pelvis radiation. I may possibly give an
additional 500 rads to the left parametrial area. This will then
probably be followed by 5000 to 5500 mg hours in two separate
radium application.
She understands that complications may occur in spite of
precautions. I also told her that chances were reasonably good, but
that a cure could in no way be guaranteed. She understands these
issues quite well I think.
The patient was treated with cobalt60 and radium implant therapy
from September through December, 1972, for her Stage II cervical
Two years later, July, 1974, the patient was referred by her
gynecologist to a urologist in Stockton, California, because of blood
in her urine.
The bladder had a lesion which, in the opinion of the urologist was
cancer. No treatment was recommended according to the
patient—perhaps because of the extensive radiation the area had
already received. The patient states she was given a few months, at
most, to live.
Mrs. E., a widow and a grandmother, was "putting her affairs in
order" when a salesman came to her door with a multi-volume
children's Bible set. The patient was impressed with the series and
wanted to purchase it for her grandchildren. She explained to the
salesman she could not purchase the Bibles despite her wish to do
so because there was very little chance she would be alive long
enough to complete the time payments.
Mrs. E. told the salesman that she was dying of cancer. He asked her
if she had heard of Laetrile, and when the patient said no, the
salesman left and returned several hours later with books on
Laetrile for Mrs. E. to read.
The material she read, combined with the hopelessness of her
situation under orthodox therapy, led Mrs. E. to make an
appointment at the Richardson Clinic and begin a course of
metabolic therapy including Laetrile on August 7, 1974.
The patient responded beautifully, as is evidenced by the comments
of her urologist in a letter to the Richardson Clinic dated November
19, 1975, (sixteen months after she had been pronounced terminal).
The letter reads in part as follows:
I saw Mrs. B. initially in referral from her gynecologist on July 15,
1974. concerning bladder irritative symptoms and gross hematuria of
several days duration.
Office cystourethroscopy [visualizing the inside of the bladder by
instrument] on July 22, 1974, disclosed a fungating bleeding
posterior urinary bladder floor lesion that had all the appearances of
tumor extension, while she had a low capacity urinary bladder
undoubtedly associated with some delayed radiation cystitis.
The lesion had the appearance of neoplasm in my sixteen years of
experience. Mrs. B. returned on November 12, 1974, requesting
repeat cystoscopy and at that time, the patient was having gross
hematuria (blood in the urine) with a few clots each morning and
had been receiving medication from you [Richardson Clinic] for
approximately three months...
Mrs. B. returned on November 17, 1975, with a "tugging" type of
discomfort in her mid-pelvic region. She had had no gross
hematuria for approximately one year. Repeat cystourethroscopy
showed no urinary bladder floor lesions at this time, although there
was a whitish area where the original lesion had been and one
could see the definite outline of same. It appeared to represent
some type of smooth and glistening scar tissue. Repeat pelvic
examination again demonstrated definite tenderness and even more
vaginal stenosis [due to previous radiation]. A bimanual rectal
examination failed to disclose exidence of masses beyond the area
of the cervix and urinary bladder floor.... Needless to say, I was most
happy with Mrs. E.'s current situation and wished her the best of
B104G: Recurrent Cancer of the Bladder
This man was sixty-three years old at the time he first sought
medical treatment for blood in his urine. In October, 1974, he was
X-rayed, cystoscoped (viewing of the bladder), and the tumors in his
bladder were removed. The pathology report identified the tissue as
"papillary type transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, grade I to
II." The surgery report states approximately 8-10 gm. of tissue was
Three weeks later, surgery was performed, and additional
cancerous tumor was removed. The patient, an investment
counselor who lives near St. Louis, Missouri, was strongly urged to
have his bladder removed. He was unwilling to submit to this
surgery, so radiation was scheduled.
He received 6500 rads of cobalt during a fifty-seven-day period
between November 26, 1974, and January 15, 1975. During this time
the patient described himself as weak, listless, subjected to intense
abdominal cramping, and as passing cloned and fresh blood in his
urine. Also, during this same period he had to be hospitalized
because of acute urinary retention.
May, 1975, four months after the completion of radiation treatments,
surgery was again required to remove more cancerous tumor.
In November, 1975, for the second time since the radiation therapy,
it was necessary to remove additional cancerous tumors. At this
point, the patient stated, "The doctor concluded at this time that I
should be examined every ninety days. To me, this Was an ominous
sign, and I decided on vitamin therapy without further delay."
Mr. B. began metabolic therapy including Laetrile on January 15,
1976. He stated he has been conscientious about taking all the
vitamins and has adhered strictly to the vegetarian diet. This is not
an easy regimen for an individual who must eat frequently away
from home.
Mr. B. was examined again by his local doctor on March 15, 1976,
and the patient stated that three small clusters of grade II carcinoma
were found. Eight months later he was examined again and advised
that the cancer was no longer progressing.
It is important to restate the fact that, during the eleven months of
"orthodox" therapy, five hospitalizations were required plus
fifty-seven days of the out-patient treatment for cobalt therapy. Two
of the surgeries were subsequent to the cobalt treatment.
During the twelve months of maintenance therapy on Laetrile, his
only other medical expenses were for two cystoscopic exams from
his local doctor(1)
In a letter to the Richardson Clinic dated January 5, 1977 (one year
following the beginning of metabolic therapy), Mr. B. concluded:
I have been under your treatment and have followed your
recommended diet for a year and, quite frankly, I have never felt
better nor bad more energy. I submitted to cystoscopic examination
in late November, 1976, and there was no apparent cancer progress.
I was discharged from the hospital in record time.
I expect to continue your recommended treatment and diet for the
remainder of my life, and we pray that nothing may happen to
impede you in your work..
(1) The medical bills were vastly different under the two modalities
(consensus medicine vs. metabolic therapy). Are there any insurance
companies out there which would care to join our crusade for
metabolic therapy?
H143E: Cancer of the Bladder
This man was fifty-eight years old when he first began to develop
cancerous bladder tumors in 1971.
(He had a previous history of squamous cell carcinoma of the lip. It
was resected in 1965.)
In August, 1971, Mr. H. began to pass blood in his urine. Subsequent
examination revealed cancer of the bladder "Grade IV, Stage A
transitional cell carcinoma." The tumors were removed, along with
part of the bladder.
His symptoms returned a year later. Admission history from St.
Mary's Hospital in Reno, Nevada, dated June 22, 1973, states in part:
The patient was seen initially by me in August, 1972, with gross
hematuria [blood m the urine].... The patient was scoped by me and
was noted to have recurrence of tumor. This was resected. The
pathology showed transition cell CA [cancer] Grade III to IV in
multiple sites. He was brought back for one more resection, again
Grade III CA... in addition... a prostate resection.... September, 1972,
patient was noted to have microscopic foci of well differentiated
adenocarcinoma. . . The patient completed his radiotherapy [5,400
rads] around February of this year [1973].
The fourth bladder surgery was performed on lime 26, 1973 (four
months following radiation). Multiple bladder biopsies were taken
and then the two areas of cancer were fulgurated (burning of tissue
by means of high frequency electric sparks). Pathology report stated
the tissue received was "transitional carcinoma (cancer), Grade II."
November 19, 1973, the patient's bladder was again examined. Two
areas of tumor were found. The patient's records from the Nevada
hospital do not state what specifically was done about the tumors
identified in November, 1973.
The patient again developed blood in the urine late in 1974. He
states that the doctor advised him he could not receive any more
radiation because he had already received the maximum allowable.
Apparently, the only thing that was done for the patient was to put
him on Percodan for the pain. There was some question of inguinal
gland involvement in cancer, and the patient also developed pain in
his right hip. Lymphangiograms done at the time were inconclusive
because of previous radiation to the area.
This man concluded that he had exhausted all possibilities with
conventional therapy, so he turned to metabolic therapy including
Laetrile. This was begun January 16, 1975.
Within two weeks he was no longer requiring the pain-killer
Percodan, and instead of regularly passing large red clots of blood
in his urine he was passing only occasional tiny clots, which he
states were the size of a "match head".
The patient has continued on his maintenance dose of vitamins and,
at the time of this report, was essentially symptom-free. This
represents a two-year absence of bladder problems while on
Laetrile. (A previous two-year period between August, 1971, and
August, 1973, required four surgeries and 5,400 rads of radiation—at
the conclusion of which the patient still had tumors of the bladder,
blood in his urine, and the need for the pain-killer Percodan.)
A141JA: Cancer of the Bladder
This man was sixty-four years old at the time he went to his local
doctor in October of 1974 because of discomfort in the area of the
bladder. Physical examination revealed an enlarged prostate.
On October 21, 1974, the surgeon performed a transurethral removal
of the prostate gland and a bladder tumor. Post-operative diagnosis
was papillary carcinoma (cancer) of the urinary bladder and benign
prostate hypertrophy (non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate
Cystoscopic examination of the bladder was performed on February
18, 1975, and June 17, 1975. The physician's summary stated:
The first tumor was posterior to the original resected area, and
another small area was noted anteriorly at the bladder neck. These
tumors had increased in size from February 18 to June 17 of this
Because this man had experienced a return of tumors following
removal of the first cancer, he decided to seek metabolic treatment
as an alternative to further surgery. He began metabolic therapy on
July 22, 1975. Our last contact with this patient was in January, 1977,
one and one-half years later. At that time he was maintaining his
therapeutic program, was symptom-free, and it appeared his cancer
was controlled.
C134CR: Cancer of the Bladder
This seventy-two-year-old woman has an extensive history of
surgeries, most of which have been for cancer.
1). 1948—Removal of the uterus and ovaries, reason not dear to
patient. Records not available.
2). 1959—Removal of left breast for cancer.
3). 1967—Bladder surgery: Polyp removal.
4). 1968—Colon surgery: Thirteen inches of malignant colon
removed. Was told she might have five more years to live.
5). 1971—Bladder surgery.
6). 1973—Bladder surgery: Patient was told next surgery would
require its removal.
7). June, 1975—Bladder surgery to repair damage from previous
examination. Malignancy found. Patient was told it was inoperable.
Radiation and chemotherapy were urged by the doctor. Both were
refused by the patient.
Mrs. C., who is a practicing lawyer, reflected on her medical
problems in this way.
I felt whipped down by these continual operations, and wondered
why, with all the expenditure of money for investigation, no cause
of, or remedy for, cancer had ever been found. It seemed to me that
the doctors were only removing symptoms; no one had any
suggestions as to why the cancer continued to recur.
The patient states she heard about vitamin therapy through friends
in Oakland, who suggested she contact Dr. Richardson. Vitamin
therapy was begun in March of 1975. It will be noted that this was
two months before the last discovery of cancer. That does not
invalidate the case, however, for it took more than two months for
that bladder cancer to develop, and the usual pattern for regression
of any cancer (that is to say the lump itself) in the experience of this
clinic, is that the regression is steady but slow. It should be
emphasized, however, that the concern of the clinic is not the lump
but the total physiological milieu of the patient. This is in stark
contrast to the lump-oriented thinking of orthodoxy, which says it
does not matter much how the patient looks or feels as long as
something is done about the lump.
Mrs. C. had been on metabolic therapy for a year at the time of our
last contact with her. She stated her life has "entirely changed." She
has discussed the use of metabolic therapy with her local doctor,
who continues to remain noncommittal. She stays on the diet
faithfully, with the exception of variations necessary because she
also has hypoglycemia. She continues to take the suggested
In a letter postmarked March 28, 1976, the patient commented on the
impact of vitamin therapy and on the quality of her life in these
There has been no need for further operations; I feel better than I
did at the age of forty and I'm now seventy-two. I am a retired
lawyer who now serves on numerous public and church
commissions and committees; I do gardening on an acre and a
quarter of lovely garden and orchard; I am an organist in a Rescue
Mission Chapel; I travel extensively, and still give legal aid when
called upon by clients or the local bar association.
And that is quite a schedule for a seventy-two-year-old lady with a
long history of cancer!