IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is reproduced for reference purposes only, it contains false and unsubstantiated claims designed to mislead the public. It MUST be viewed in conjunction with its rebuttal (which can be viewed by selecting this link). |
Yes, they are used mainly to find cures and ways to prevent human and animal diseases. They are also used...
The three "Rs": replace, reduce, refine are the guiding principles of modern animal research. Where alternatives to the use of animals are available, they are strongly promoted.
In all cases, animals are used because at present there is no other appropriate choice.
Yes. Many diseases cause great suffering and some kill animals by the million.
In the 1700s, for instance, 200 million cattle in Europe died in extreme pain from the cattle plague (rinderpest) - a diseases now controlled by a vaccine developed through animal research.
Human medical research has also given great benefits to pets and farm animals. Many drugs