- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer
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As chemical aggressions damage human health the immune system is reduced, mangled and slowed to a halt. This is called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Pharmaceutical and chemical conglomerates are overwhelming the world with immunosuppression damage they then call AIDS. Tetracycline and antibiotics damage liver, teeth, and bones and firms like Dow, Pfizer, Dumex, Le Patit, Lederle, sell them over the counter in the Third World, as Squibb sells Vertivitone in Bangladesh where 60% of consumers developed liver damage. Ciba-Geigy sells the painkiller Cibalgin over the counter in Mozambique which contains Aminopyrine, banned in Europe. Parke Davis, McKesson, Boehringer and Beacon sell Chloramphenicol that kills by anaemia and Hoeschst of West Germany sells Diphrone pain-reliever which causes anaemia and immune suppression... banned in U.S.A..
The dangers of animal-based medications and remedies with which we are bombarded for the slightest discomfort and with little if any regard for the cause of our problems, or the consequences of the "cure" is dealt with elsewhere, as is the tragedy of Clioquinol. Between 1962 and 1978 thirty thousand Japanese people were crippled, blinded or killed by Ciba-Geigy's Clioquinol, an anti-diarrhoea drug, sold under many other trade-names. Symptoms were acute headache, abdominal pain, paralysis, blindness, degeneration of muscles and nerves, weakness, weight-loss and wasting away. Today this would be classified as AIDS.
Different combinations of chemical factors also cause these symptoms but those controlling AIDS research grants are not interested in eliminating toxic medicaments from our menu, or instituting detoxifying programmes. There is no money in health (a ruthless industry), or prevention, whereas research in AIDS "cures" are more profitable even than cancer research. It also facilitates further poisons to be unleashed onto an already terrified community.
According to reports in the Liberator (BUAV) March 1988 over 80 different AIDS drugs and 25 vaccines are currently under development by rival drug companies. Wellcome's Retrovir claims to hold the "virus" at bay although with risk of serious side-effects. The Independent U.K. wrote:
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