- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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"For the first time in the history of the world every human being is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals.  From the moment of conception until death.  Regardless of age, circumstance or geographical position on the planet chemical pollutants are present in the bodies of all Earth's inhabitants.  Residues of chemicals are in the air, ground water, major river systems, oceans, soil, earthworms, birds' eggs, and in man and his food.  In mothers' milk and in the tissues and marrow of the unborn."

"In the glass of water served at your dinnertable are mingled chemicals that no responsible chemist would think of combining in his laboratory."
(Rachel Carson, Silent Spring.)

All fish, birds, reptiles and domestic and wild animals are polluted so universally that those who make their living through vivisection have instituted a secondary major industry, that of producing "germ-free animals".  An industry both immoral and macabre.  However, since the aim of this paper is to emphasise the connection between chemical destruction of our immune system and the label of AIDS, elaboration of this abomination is impossible in the limited space available.  Refer Chapter 1, Vivisection Industry.

The run-off from pesticides, herbicides and insecticides are often unseen and invisible making their presence known only when hundreds of thousands of fish, birds and wild animals die.  More often they are never detected at all.





(Short for dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethane) discovered by Paul Muller of Switzerland who won the Nobel Prize for his pains, was first used in wartime to dust thousands of soldiers, refugees and prisoners to combat lice.  DDT is lethal and sinister as it passes through all links of the food chain, beginning as a dusting over crops and ending in milk and butter.

Residues of DDT are little affected by washing.  A scientific team from the U.S. Public Health Service investigated a variety of restaurant and institutional meals finding every meal contained DDT.  They wrote:

"Few if any food can be relied upon to be entirely free of DDT."

A separate Public Health Service study analysis of prison meals disclosed that most foods were "heavily contaminated".

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in 1950:

"It is extremely likely that the potential hazard of DDT has been under-estimated, no-one knows what the ultimate consequences may be!"



A major killer among pesticides developed by Nazi scientists as a weapon in WWII is widely distributed in the Third World.  It is sixty times more toxic to humans than DDT.  Parathion can kill simply by touching spray equipment.  The amount used to spray a good-size farm, could, says one authority:

"... Provide a lethal dose for five to ten times the whole world's population."



A pesticide outlawed in the U.S., when marketed in Latin America turned its victims into zombies.  All suffered what would be called AIDS symptoms.  A Texas plant in 1976 (which manufactured Phosvel) had to close down because workers contracted loss of coordination, inability to work, talk or think clearly, malnutrition and wasting away.  According to Rappoport's findings this would now be classified as AIDS.

Chlordane, Heptachlor, Dieldin, Aldrin, Endrin, "BHC" and Lindane are other super-poisons and there is much information that they cause serious liver diseases including Hepatitis.  Like DDT they can lie dormant in human beings and flare up in periods of stress or malnutrition.

In "Dieldrin Poisoning - A Case Report" (N.Z. Medical Journal, Vol. 58, 1959, page 393) a New Zealander under treatment for obesity suddenly developed symptoms of poisoning and on examination his body-fat was found to contain residues of Dieldrin which metabolised as he lost weight.

The WHO say that when Dieldrin was substituted for DDT in malaria-control (when malaria mosquitoes had become resistant to DDT) sprayers went into convulsions and several died.  New strains of mosquitoes are resistant to pesticides causing two million cases of malaria a year, where previously there were 23 (though non-toxic methods are available e.g. sterile male mosquitoes).  Pesticide manufacturers won't part with this lucrative market.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation predicts that by the year 2000 sixtyseven percent of the seeds used in under-developed countries will be improved meaning they will be more vulnerable to pests and require even more pesticides.

Weir and Shapiro's table of "Recent North American Seed Company Acquisitions" reveal the following prominent pharmaceutical names on the list of those taking over seed companies... Upjohn, Sandoz, Pfizer, Ciba-Geigy and Monsanto.

ALDRIN is extremely toxic and causes sterility even of new generations who suffer for the poisoning of their parents.  It is sprayed from aeroplanes and showered over suburban areas and farmlands.

ENDRIN the most highly toxic of all, kills fish, fatally poisons cattle which stray into sprayed areas, poisons water and endangers all life.  In Kenya a chemical called "BHC" blinded workers who suffered chronic diarrhoea, fever and wasting away, which now can be classified as AIDS.

In 1988 the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the WHO reported:

"Mass contamination of coffee beans from twenty two countries with DDT, Dieldrin, Malathion and Lindane."

There were also recent reports of the Australian soya bean crops being similarly contaminated.

Pesticide Management in East and Southern Africa...
Published in 1985 by the U.S. Agency for International Development claims that the definition of AIDS in Africa is now becoming synonymous with starvation symptoms: chronic diarrhoea, fever, malnutrition and wasting away.

In Brazil (and other Third World countries) backyard pesticide formulators working with deadly nerve toxins manufacture all the diseases, which coupled with malaria, T.B., polio, leprosy, yellow fever and malnutrition now come under the heading of AIDS.

Both Parathion and Malathion have been used in some drugs as muscle relaxants and Dinitrophenol, an ingredient of herbicides was once dispensed to human-beings as a reducing drug until patients suffered permanent injury and it was withdrawn.


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