- Humans and Animals BOTH Suffer

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April 22 1915:  Germans use chlorine gas as military weapon.  One million deaths resulting from the use of chemicals as weapons.

In the Second World War the Japanese injected prisoners with anthrax, bubonic plague T.B., smallpox, typhoid and cholera.  The General-in-Charge was granted immunity from prosecution and the Japanese bio-warfare specialists were imported to work in the U.S.A.

In Vietnam 1965 to 1969 the U.S. Army polluted the country with orthochlorobenzamalonitrile, a chemical more dangerous than dioxin, the highly toxic Agent Orange.  Ex-prisoners of war suffered chronic diarrhoea, fever and wasting away.  But it was not at that time, says Rappoport, called AIDS.

Robert Lederer in his 1987 article in Covert Action, "Information Bulletin No. 28, Precedents for AIDS" exposes the bio-warfare conducted in State prisons by Dow Chemical Company and that the symptoms produced are: chronic diarrhoea, serious weight-loss and wasting away and that some advocates now tie these chemicals' immunosuppressive effects to AIDS.

Rappoport reveals that in recent years there have been many allegations of bio-warfare.  The U.S. states that the Soviet Union is using yellow fever agents in Afghanistan.  Iran accuses Iraq of using mustard gas and nerve gas on Iranian troops.  (Now confirmed.)  In 1987 West German police found 12 companies shipping equipment for the production of poison gas to Iraq.

In several countries where AIDS cases are reported it has been found that biowarfare is (or has been) used in wars and revolutions."
(J. Rappoport, AIDS Inc..)

"It is theoretically possible to develop so-called ethnic chemical weapons, which would be designed to exploit naturally-occurring differences in vulnerability among specific population groups.  Thus such a weapon would be capable of incapacitating or killing a selected enemy population to a significantly greater extent than the population of friendly forces."
(Paxman and Harris, Decontamination of Water Containing Chemical Warfare Agent, Hill and Wang Publishers, 1982; and A Higher Form of Killing.  Also refer Piller & Yamamoto, Gene Wars, William Morrow & Co., 1988.  Other similar information freely available in several newspapers and magazines.)

The following extract of a chronology researched for AIDS Inc. by Jon Rappoport reveals not only that some so-called AIDS symptoms can be produced by bio-warfare agents but that some very nasty things are going on which should be opened to public view and investigation.  "It is enlightening" says Rappoport "to realise how many diseases, infections and symptoms are being attributed to AIDS."

  • FROM MID 1940 TO MID 1970 - The Manhattan Project Atomic Energy Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration carries out radiation tests on citizens throughout U.S.A.
  • 1945 - In four hospitals people diagnosed as terminally ill were injected with plutonium.
  • 1946/47 - Patients with good kidney function injected with uranium salts at University of Rochester.
  • 1950 - Two U.S. Navy ships spray serratia bacteria on city of San Francisco.  The test showed that supposed harmless bacteria could be spread to every inhabitant of the city.  Such experiments helped the military to determine the feasibility of inoculating whole populations against bio-warfare agents - without their knowledge.  Serratia infections are common today and under the AIDS definitions "and other bacterial infections" would qualify for a diagnosis of AIDS.
  • 1950 - Fort Detrick scientists contaminate pigeons with deadly chemicals and release them to infect fields of crops.
  • 1950 - Ciba-Geigy spray Egyptian children with chemicals in field trials.
    (Hans Ruesch, Slaughter of the Innocent.  Also newspaper reports.)
  • 1951 - Contaminations by U.S. Navy (of wooden boxes) with serratia bacteria, bacillus globigli and asperigillus fumigatus.  Shipped to various points to see how easily germs can be spread to people handling cargoes.
  • 1951/52 - People exposed to tritium by breathing, immersion or ingestion at Richland, Washington.
  • 1953 - U.S. Chemical corps spray chemicals and bacteria over Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
  • 1952 - British float mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits in cages on rafts off Scotland.  Contaminated with clouds of germs.  All died.  Their bodies brought back to shore for analysis.
  • 1953/54 - British strap animals to rafts and float them off the Bahamas.  (Operation Ozone and Negation.)  The animals died.  Were burned at sea.
  • 1953 - British soldiers tested for reaction to nerve gases at Porton Downs.
  • 1953 - 1,500 U.S. Armed Forces and civilians given LSD and other hallucinogens in tests.
  • 1953/57 - U.S. Army pays $100,000 to New York Psychiatric Institute for testing patients' reactions to selected drugs.  Many ill.  One died.
  • 1961 - Operation Ranch-Hand starts three-year spraying of defoliants from the Mekong in Vietnam to the Demarkation Zone.  Agents Green, White, Pink, Purple, Blue and Orange.
  • 1960 - People fed radioactive uranium and manganese spheres at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
  • 1961/63 - People fed real fallout from Nevada test sites plus simulated particles containing strontium, barium and caesium at University of Chicago and the Argonne National Laboratory.
  • 1963/65 - Radioactive iodine released seven times at the Atomic Energy Commission Reactor Testing Station, U.S.  (Cows graze on contaminated land.)
  • 1965 - U.S. Army performs 239 secret biological tests in which "biological agents" are spread over vast populated area.  Repeated in New York several times in 1968.
  • 1969/74 - Angola and Mozambique attacked with bio-agents and unidentified chemical by Portugal.
  • 1978/82 - South African UNITA rebels attacked Angola with paralysing gas.
  • 1984 - Angola alleges that UNITA bombarded them with unidentified chemical agents.
  • 1984 - U.S.S.R. states that U.S.A. in a Brazilian deforestation programme, killed 7,000 Indians and caused thousands of birth defects through use of chemical herbicides.
  • 1985/86 - Angola.  UNITA rebels claim they were attacked by napalm and unidentified chemical agents.

In the Vietnam war Seventh Day Adventists (serving as non-combatants) were exposed to airborne tularemia by military personnel.  In many cases bio-warfare casualties suffer chronic diarrhoea, fever, dramatic weight loss and wasting away.  Now classified as AIDS symptoms.

All over the world young men and women of the Animal Liberation Front (who have never injured or killed a single human being or animal) are languishing in jails under the label of fanatics, terrorists and violators whilst pious, respected and affluent the real fanatics, terrorists and violators receive financial grants, accolades and even Nobel Prizes for their contributions of death, damage and destruction, the extent of which now threatens the very existence of our planet and all its inhabitants.

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