IMPORTANT NOTE: This document is reproduced for reference purposes only, it contains false and unsubstantiated claims designed to mislead the public. It MUST be viewed in conjunction with its rebuttal (which can be viewed by selecting this link).


The Draize test: This is not performed in New Zealand.  It is used overseas for testing new chemicals, medicines and other compounds for possible irritant effects on the eyes.

It is not widely used for testing cosmetics, as three of the four major international cosmetic houses no longer do animal testing.

Research is being funded in the United States to find a reliable alternative, but until one is found, Draize testing will continue for human safety reasons in that country.

Burn research: A video showing the use of a blow torch on a pig was filmed at an American defence research institute during the Second World War more than 45 years ago.

At that time many pilots and aircrew were dying from burns to as little as 5 per cent of their body surface.  As a direct result of this research, people with burns to as much as two-thirds of their body can now be successfully treated and return to a normal life.

Any judgement on what was done to the pig should take into account the pressures of a World War and the human lives which were saved then and continue to be saved now because of such work.


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